Finally -- Open, publicized debate on Climate.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Hell NO -- it's not "well known". Whats the ACCEPTED projected temp anomaly for 2100? To any accuracy that would guide public policy? Where are the projected ACCELERATIONS in both Temp and Sea Level that we were told 30 years ago would be happening NOW?

You're not a scientist. They LIVE for debate. Biggest primadonnas on the planet. The only time they HIDE from debate is when they KNOW the there's skeletons in their closet of theories.
I thought all skeptics should be rounded up and herded out of science. Here's the chance to "skeptic bash". There's been MANY chances. And all those debates didn't go so well for the Pro side.
Actually I was wrong to say many opportunity for debate have occurred. There really is only ONE of substance and I can provide the recording of it if anyone wants to watch.. But here's the gist..

Why Warmists Hate Debate: Flashback 2007: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate ā€“ RealClimate.orgā€™s Gavin Schmidt appeared so demoralized that he mused that debates equally split between believers of a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ and scientific skeptics are probably not ā€œworthwhileā€ to ever agree to again.

The debate was sponsored by the Oxford-style debating group Intelligence Squared and featured such prominent man-made global warming skeptics as MIT scientist Richard Lindzen, the University of London emeritus professor of biogeography Philip Stott and Physician turned Novelist/filmmaker Michael Crichton on one side.
The scientists arguing for a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ were NASA scientist Gavin Schmidt, meteorologist Richard C.J. Somerville of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Brenda Ekwurzel of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The event, which was moderated by New York Public Radioā€™s Brian Lehrer, debated the proposition: ā€œGlobal warming is not a crisis.ā€
Skeptics Dramatically Convinced Audience
The skeptics achieved the vote victory despite facing an audience that had voted 57% in favor of the belief that mankind has created a climate ā€œcrisisā€ moments before the debate began.
But by the end of the debate, the audience dramatically reversed themselves and became convinced by the arguments presented by the skeptical scientists. At the conclusion, the audience voted for the views of the skeptics by a margin of 46.2% to 42.2%. Skeptical audience members grew from a pre-debate low of 29.9% to a post debate high of 46.2% ā€” a jump of nearly 17 percentage points. [Link to official audience voting results]
[Link to full debate pdf transcript]
Scientist Concedes Debate To Skeptics
NASAā€™s Gavin Schmidt, one of the scientists debating for the notion of a man-made global warming ā€œcrisisā€ conceded after the debate that his side was ā€˜pretty dullā€™ and was at ā€œa sharp disadvantage.ā€ Schmidt made the comments in a March 15 blog posting at
ā€œā€¦Iā€™m afraid the actual audience (who by temperament Iā€™d say were split roughly half/half on the question) were apparently more convinced by the entertaining narratives from [Novelist Michael] Crichton and [UKā€™s Philip] Stott (not so sure about Lindzen) than they were by our drier fare. Entertainment-wise itā€™s hard to blame them. Crichton is extremely polished and Stott has a touch of the revivalist preacher about him. Comparatively, we were pretty dull,ā€ Schmidt wrote.

FYI Gavin Schmidt was the GWarning jedi knight James Hansen's replacement at NASA GISS..
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Hell NO -- it's not "well known". Whats the ACCEPTED projected temp anomaly for 2100? To any accuracy that would guide public policy? Where are the projected ACCELERATIONS in both Temp and Sea Level that we were told 30 years ago would be happening NOW?

You're not a scientist. They LIVE for debate. Biggest primadonnas on the planet. The only time they HIDE from debate is when they KNOW the there's skeletons in their closet of theories.

Don't be silly. If the oil companies hadn't paid scientists to fight the idea of climate change the same way tobacco companies paid doctors to promote cigarettes, there wouldn't be a crazy denier problem anyway.,
Actually I was wrong to say many opportunity for debate have occurred. There really is only ONE of substance and I can provide the recording of it if anyone wants to watch.. But here's the gist..

Why Warmists Hate Debate: Flashback 2007: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate ā€“ RealClimate.orgā€™s Gavin Schmidt appeared so demoralized that he mused that debates equally split between believers of a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ and scientific skeptics are probably not ā€œworthwhileā€ to ever agree to again.

The debate was sponsored by the Oxford-style debating group Intelligence Squared and featured such prominent man-made global warming skeptics as MIT scientist Richard Lindzen, the University of London emeritus professor of biogeography Philip Stott and Physician turned Novelist/filmmaker Michael Crichton on one side.
The scientists arguing for a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ were NASA scientist Gavin Schmidt, meteorologist Richard C.J. Somerville of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Brenda Ekwurzel of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The event, which was moderated by New York Public Radioā€™s Brian Lehrer, debated the proposition: ā€œGlobal warming is not a crisis.ā€
Skeptics Dramatically Convinced Audience
The skeptics achieved the vote victory despite facing an audience that had voted 57% in favor of the belief that mankind has created a climate ā€œcrisisā€ moments before the debate began.
But by the end of the debate, the audience dramatically reversed themselves and became convinced by the arguments presented by the skeptical scientists. At the conclusion, the audience voted for the views of the skeptics by a margin of 46.2% to 42.2%. Skeptical audience members grew from a pre-debate low of 29.9% to a post debate high of 46.2% ā€” a jump of nearly 17 percentage points. [Link to official audience voting results]
[Link to full debate pdf transcript]
Scientist Concedes Debate To Skeptics
NASAā€™s Gavin Schmidt, one of the scientists debating for the notion of a man-made global warming ā€œcrisisā€ conceded after the debate that his side was ā€˜pretty dullā€™ and was at ā€œa sharp disadvantage.ā€ Schmidt made the comments in a March 15 blog posting at
ā€œā€¦Iā€™m afraid the actual audience (who by temperament Iā€™d say were split roughly half/half on the question) were apparently more convinced by the entertaining narratives from [Novelist Michael] Crichton and [UKā€™s Philip] Stott (not so sure about Lindzen) than they were by our drier fare. Entertainment-wise itā€™s hard to blame them. Crichton is extremely polished and Stott has a touch of the revivalist preacher about him. Comparatively, we were pretty dull,ā€ Schmidt wrote.

FYI Gavin Schmidt was the GWarning jedi knight James Hansen's replacement at NASA GISS..

So instead of dry facts, the deniers claimed victory based on Michael Chrichton's story telling ability. Sounds about right..
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Hell NO -- it's not "well known". Whats the ACCEPTED projected temp anomaly for 2100? To any accuracy that would guide public policy? Where are the projected ACCELERATIONS in both Temp and Sea Level that we were told 30 years ago would be happening NOW?

You're not a scientist. They LIVE for debate. Biggest primadonnas on the planet. The only time they HIDE from debate is when they KNOW the there's skeletons in their closet of theories.

Don't be silly. If the oil companies hadn't paid scientists to fight the idea of climate change the same way tobacco companies paid doctors to promote cigarettes, there wouldn't be a crazy denier problem anyway.,

Trust me! My grant money comes from the taxpayers.

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Seems to me you fear the manipulated data, poor models, lack of empirical evidence.
This is actually an idea I wrote up into a Libertarian candidate white paper. And has already been adopted by the Johnson/Weld ticket last year and many other LParty candidates. And that is to stage and host a series of technical debates at a high visibility in Washington D.C. and encourage the public to view them. It's a very thing to have open debate on the subject EVER. And most of time, very questionable folks (like the Science Guy) ruin the decorum..

Trumpā€™s EPA Chief Promises ā€˜Red Teamā€™ Climate Debate Sometime Next Year

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt said Thursday that the agencyā€™s much-discussed red tam vs blue team climate debate could happen as soon as January.

The agencyā€™s plan to pit climate scientists against one another on a public forum could come to fruition early next year after the review process is concluded, Pruitt said before lawmakers on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment. Democrats have railed against the idea.

Environmentalists and scientists are not buying Pruittā€™s argument. They believe itā€™s ā€œdangerousā€ to elevate dissenting voices, and argue an existing peer-review process works better than a ā€œred team vs. blue teamā€ project.

Stay tuned. We'll all meet here for the viewing !!! I'll cater the affair. The whining is ALREADY epic. Every excuse in the book NOT to discuss and debate the science. Not happy that Heartland is a player. I hope that gets fixed. Because there are DOZENS of better choices. Especially folks like Bray, vonStorch (moderates on the issue), Christy and Spencer at UAHuntsville, several former disgruntlled IPCC chairs, and superstars like Judith Curry.

"Bout time. The "Romp in the Swamp" grudge match is ON !!!! :happy-1:

Not sure any credible scientist would want to be part of that circus.

It's not a circus. It's a debate. To resolve discrepancies between sides, suggest projections that can be used for Public Policy. Don't know if you noticed. But since the IPCC shut down, there haven't been weekly, monthly screaming headlines about what the temperature anomaly in 2100 is gonna be. Since every important projection from 1980 to 2006 or so was constantly REVISED DOWNWARDS..

If ANYTHING -- it will provide a baseline for what is BELIEVED NOW.. Versus the early original BS being fed to the public in 1980 1990 that induced panic and rampant fear.... Problem with the internet is --- all those bogus "panic the herd" predictions that have been withdrawn and modified are STILL OUT THERE. Need a fresh reboot on the CURRENT thinking..

What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Hell NO -- it's not "well known". Whats the ACCEPTED projected temp anomaly for 2100? To any accuracy that would guide public policy? Where are the projected ACCELERATIONS in both Temp and Sea Level that we were told 30 years ago would be happening NOW?

You're not a scientist. They LIVE for debate. Biggest primadonnas on the planet. The only time they HIDE from debate is when they KNOW the there's skeletons in their closet of theories.

Don't be silly. If the oil companies hadn't paid scientists to fight the idea of climate change the same way tobacco companies paid doctors to promote cigarettes, there wouldn't be a crazy denier problem anyway.,

You're crazy.. Oil companies LOVE GW. Helps them get subsidies for ALTERNATIVE fuels, for opening solar businesses and exploiting the never ending of pots of money there. And ESPECIALLY BECAUSE GW hysteria has throttled COAL and allowed the oil companies to become a PRIMARY SUPPLIER into the electricity marketplace with MASSIVE injections of Natural Gas.

Quit making these silly accusations. If you knew how this stuff REALLY WORKS -- you'd have no conspiracy theory..
In fact -- BP was the world's largest industrial scale integrator of solar fields in the 90s. Sucked $BILL in subsidies. And Shell is the largest private industrial funder of mainstream GW science.

Not to mention that the famous "secret internal GW research" from Exxon in the 1980s turned out to be the ABSOLUTE most ACCURATE future predictor of GW temperature anomalies. It was INTERPRETED to be "embarrassing" even criminal of them to hide their research. But the bottom line is --- THEY NAILED IT...
So instead of dry facts, the deniers claimed victory based on Michael Chrichton's story telling ability. Sounds about right..

You seem to believe that climate science is well founded in facts. What exactly would lead you to believe such a thing?

For example, can you provide a single piece of observed, measured data that establishes a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere? That is, after all, the basis of the AGW hypothesis. One would think there would be volumes of data and yet, I don't seem to be able to find any. You see to think such data exists...lets see some...just a little will do.

Or maybe you could provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...just one? Again, you seem to believe such data exists in great quantity but alas, it doesn't...not the first shred..but it would be interesting to see what sort of data has you convinced...or is your position based on politics rather than science?
Actually I was wrong to say many opportunity for debate have occurred. There really is only ONE of substance and I can provide the recording of it if anyone wants to watch.. But here's the gist..

Why Warmists Hate Debate: Flashback 2007: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate ā€“ RealClimate.orgā€™s Gavin Schmidt appeared so demoralized that he mused that debates equally split between believers of a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ and scientific skeptics are probably not ā€œworthwhileā€ to ever agree to again.

The debate was sponsored by the Oxford-style debating group Intelligence Squared and featured such prominent man-made global warming skeptics as MIT scientist Richard Lindzen, the University of London emeritus professor of biogeography Philip Stott and Physician turned Novelist/filmmaker Michael Crichton on one side.
The scientists arguing for a climate ā€˜crisisā€™ were NASA scientist Gavin Schmidt, meteorologist Richard C.J. Somerville of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Brenda Ekwurzel of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The event, which was moderated by New York Public Radioā€™s Brian Lehrer, debated the proposition: ā€œGlobal warming is not a crisis.ā€
Skeptics Dramatically Convinced Audience
The skeptics achieved the vote victory despite facing an audience that had voted 57% in favor of the belief that mankind has created a climate ā€œcrisisā€ moments before the debate began.
But by the end of the debate, the audience dramatically reversed themselves and became convinced by the arguments presented by the skeptical scientists. At the conclusion, the audience voted for the views of the skeptics by a margin of 46.2% to 42.2%. Skeptical audience members grew from a pre-debate low of 29.9% to a post debate high of 46.2% ā€” a jump of nearly 17 percentage points. [Link to official audience voting results]
[Link to full debate pdf transcript]
Scientist Concedes Debate To Skeptics
NASAā€™s Gavin Schmidt, one of the scientists debating for the notion of a man-made global warming ā€œcrisisā€ conceded after the debate that his side was ā€˜pretty dullā€™ and was at ā€œa sharp disadvantage.ā€ Schmidt made the comments in a March 15 blog posting at
ā€œā€¦Iā€™m afraid the actual audience (who by temperament Iā€™d say were split roughly half/half on the question) were apparently more convinced by the entertaining narratives from [Novelist Michael] Crichton and [UKā€™s Philip] Stott (not so sure about Lindzen) than they were by our drier fare. Entertainment-wise itā€™s hard to blame them. Crichton is extremely polished and Stott has a touch of the revivalist preacher about him. Comparatively, we were pretty dull,ā€ Schmidt wrote.

FYI Gavin Schmidt was the GWarning jedi knight James Hansen's replacement at NASA GISS..

So instead of dry facts, the deniers claimed victory based on Michael Chrichton's story telling ability. Sounds about right..

Creighton is (was?) a scientist. A research doctor. And did in depth research for his fiction on Environmental antics behind the scenes. Read "State of Fear". It's a classic. OTH -- you have Brenda Ekwurzel who had an early career in actual geochemistry and attained "climate scientist" credentials for it, but has spent the majority of HER career as an activist lobbyist and policy wonk at the Union of Concerned Scientists. So they BOTH were the "color commentators" on the panels..
Any credible scientist would be more than willing to debate their findings, research and doesn't mean they would be 'talked into or out of' their beliefs......but would be open to other credible scientists work.
Anytime anyone thinks they know all the facts, without willing to consider others, is the time for them to find a new job
Any credible scientist would be more than willing to debate their findings, research and doesn't mean they would be 'talked into or out of' their beliefs......but would be open to other credible scientists work.
Anytime anyone thinks they know all the facts, without willing to consider others, is the time for them to find a new job

Watch all of the excuses why the public debate shouldn't move from a propaganda campaign to actual DISCUSSION of the science behind the issue. Fact is -- one side PREFERS the PUBLIC remain completely stupid and parroting the wild ass exaggerations that have been made.

And secondly, they have NO RESPECT for citizens who WANT to understand science that AFFECTS public policy. Thinks you're all too stupid to read even Scientific American.. True.....

It's heresy at the church of GW for LAY people to pretend they understand ANY of holy scriptures.
What is BELIEVED NOW is well known. No need to give the climate change deniers the credibility of a debate. Only a qualified climate scientist would be suitable to moderate it, and any qualified climate scientist would see no reason for a debate.

Seems to me you fear the manipulated data, poor models, lack of empirical evidence.

Think what you want. No reason to believe you might be right this time any more than you have been so many other times.

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