Finally! Sidney Powell, Rudy & Fox Will Show A Court Evidence That Biden Stole The Election


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A skeptical-sounding judge on Tuesday questioned lawyers for Fox News, Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell about a series of election-fraud claims at the center of a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit filed against them by voting technology firm Smartmatic. Manhattan Supreme Court Judge David Cohen pressed counsel for the conservative news outlet about specific claims made on its air by current and former hosts. Clement argued in the hearing that the claims made on Fox, by its hosts or Trump’s legal team, do not rise to the legal standard of defamation and are protected by the First Amendment.

But attorneys for Smartmatic pushed back, saying the defendants made assertions of fact, not opinion, about the voting tech company, and that they do not have “blanket immunity” to spread defamatory content. They also took issue with Clement’s argument that Dobbs’ show, is primarily considered opinion programming and that the claims made on it are “more likely to be construed as opinions” for that reason. Smartmatic lawyer Erik Connolly said in response that Dobbs “did everything that he could to reinforce the notion that he and his guests were providing concrete facts to the audience.”

Howard Kleinhendler, an attorney for Powell, argued in the hearing that Smartmatic lacked standing, or grounds to sue her, because the Texas-based Powell didn’t make any of her disputed claims from New York. Cohen then asked Kleinhendler to explain the basis for a slew of Powell’s claims involving Smartmatic, including that it flipped “millions” of votes and that its company handbook explains how to wipe away votes. Kleinhendler was unable to respond to some of the claims presented to him by the judge."

Still waiting on all of that evidence that China and Biden conspired together to send bamboo ballots over on submarines from North Korea to give to Dominion and Smartmatic to help steal the election....I don't know why they didn't just show all of the evidence Mike Lindell had.....maybe they are just waiting until they get to the Supreme Court or something...most real lawyers know that you only show evidence when you get to the Supreme Court, not regular court..duh.
Biff. I wonder if you think that these scoundrels have tried to discredit the process of democracy in the US ?
Well, let's see, way back in 2016 US intelligence uncovered evidence the Russians were trying to discredit the process of democracy in the US and then when Trump won the left ran around screaming the election was rigged, Trump was not the legitimate president, and refused to accept the results of the election, wanting recounts and trying to intimidate electors into voting against Trump, formulating insurance policies in case Trump won, lying to courts to get FISA warrants for political purposes with false evidence, and years and years of every investigation you can think of, up to including two impeachments when there was no evidence to impeach, with one of those impeachments being when Trump wasn't even president anymore. Have YOU ever considered that?
Well, let's see, way back in 2016 US intelligence uncovered evidence the Russians were trying to discredit the process of democracy in the US and then when Trump won the left ran around screaming the election was rigged, Trump was not the legitimate president, and refused to accept the results of the election, wanting recounts and trying to intimidate electors into voting against Trump, formulating insurance policies in case Trump won, lying to courts to get FISA warrants for political purposes with false evidence, and years and years of every investigation you can think of, up to including two impeachments when there was no evidence to impeach, with one of those impeachments being when Trump wasn't even president anymore. Have YOU ever considered that?
Was that the process where half the trump campaign team were sent to jail ?
Was that the process where half the trump campaign team were sent to jail ?
Maybe you could provide proof that half the Trump campaign team were sent to jail. And, some of the very few who actually were sent to jail got out due to being set up illegally by democrats subverting democracy. and, you've got to prove that the ones who did go to jail were actually guilty of something while actually part of the campaign team at the time it happened, which is TWO things. You have to prove

1. half of the campaign team were sent to jail, not other people who weren't on the campaign team. Half.

2. they were part of the campaign team AND you've got to prove that whatever they went to jail for actually happened at the time they were on the campaign team.
Maybe you could provide proof that half the Trump campaign team were sent to jail. And, some of the very few who actually were sent to jail got out due to being set up illegally by democrats subverting democracy. and, you've got to prove that the ones who did go to jail were actually guilty of something while actually part of the campaign team at the time it happened, which is TWO things. You have to prove

1. half of the campaign team were sent to jail, not other people who weren't on the campaign team. Half.

2. they were part of the campaign team AND you've got to prove that whatever they went to jail for actually happened at the time they were on the campaign team.
Manafort was one and Flynn was another. I believe that most of them were released after the Don pardoned them. There were more than that though.
Well, let's see, way back in 2016 US intelligence uncovered evidence the Russians were trying to discredit the process of democracy in the US and then when Trump won the left ran around screaming the election was rigged, Trump was not the legitimate president, and refused to accept the results of the election, wanting recounts and trying to intimidate electors into voting against Trump, formulating insurance policies in case Trump won, lying to courts to get FISA warrants for political purposes with false evidence, and years and years of every investigation you can think of, up to including two impeachments when there was no evidence to impeach, with one of those impeachments being when Trump wasn't even president anymore. Have YOU ever considered that?
Republicans who voted against finding trump guilty admitted he was guilty after both impeachments. They refused to do the honest, honorable thing, and protected trump instead.
Well, let's see, way back in 2016 US intelligence uncovered evidence the Russians were trying to discredit the process of democracy in the US and then when Trump won the left ran around screaming the election was rigged, Trump was not the legitimate president, and refused to accept the results of the election, wanting recounts and trying to intimidate electors into voting against Trump, formulating insurance policies in case Trump won, lying to courts to get FISA warrants for political purposes with false evidence, and years and years of every investigation you can think of, up to including two impeachments when there was no evidence to impeach, with one of those impeachments being when Trump wasn't even president anymore. Have YOU ever considered that?
No. There was actual evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Also no one claimed it was "rigged". They influenced voters with proven propaganda techniques.

A foreign government, and a hostile one at that, influenced the American election. Doesn't that make it by definition illegitimate?
So they were exonerated. That is all.
How many folks been indicted for Obama-Gate, Biden-Gate, Hunter-Laptop-Gate, Pizza-Gate and various other assortments of gates??

And has the fact that number is zero proved to you that all of the people you associate with those gates that you hate -- have been exonerated??

Or is that type of logic too consistent for delusional hacks like yourself??
Republicans who voted against finding trump guilty admitted he was guilty after both impeachments. They refused to do the honest, honorable thing, and protected trump instead.
There is no law that says Republicans must see things the same way as liberal Democrats. Look back to the Clinton impeachment. Why didn't Democrats vote to remove Clinton from office?
No. There was actual evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Also no one claimed it was "rigged". They influenced voters with proven propaganda techniques.

A foreign government, and a hostile one at that, influenced the American election. Doesn't that make it by definition illegitimate?
There was absolutely zero evidence that anything Russia did changed or influenced even one vote.

"A skeptical-sounding judge on Tuesday questioned lawyers for Fox News, Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell about a series of election-fraud claims at the center of a $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit filed against them by voting technology firm Smartmatic. Manhattan Supreme Court Judge David Cohen pressed counsel for the conservative news outlet about specific claims made on its air by current and former hosts. Clement argued in the hearing that the claims made on Fox, by its hosts or Trump’s legal team, do not rise to the legal standard of defamation and are protected by the First Amendment.

But attorneys for Smartmatic pushed back, saying the defendants made assertions of fact, not opinion, about the voting tech company, and that they do not have “blanket immunity” to spread defamatory content. They also took issue with Clement’s argument that Dobbs’ show, is primarily considered opinion programming and that the claims made on it are “more likely to be construed as opinions” for that reason. Smartmatic lawyer Erik Connolly said in response that Dobbs “did everything that he could to reinforce the notion that he and his guests were providing concrete facts to the audience.”

Howard Kleinhendler, an attorney for Powell, argued in the hearing that Smartmatic lacked standing, or grounds to sue her, because the Texas-based Powell didn’t make any of her disputed claims from New York. Cohen then asked Kleinhendler to explain the basis for a slew of Powell’s claims involving Smartmatic, including that it flipped “millions” of votes and that its company handbook explains how to wipe away votes. Kleinhendler was unable to respond to some of the claims presented to him by the judge."

Still waiting on all of that evidence that China and Biden conspired together to send bamboo ballots over on submarines from North Korea to give to Dominion and Smartmatic to help steal the election....I don't know why they didn't just show all of the evidence Mike Lindell had.....maybe they are just waiting until they get to the Supreme Court or something...most real lawyers know that you only show evidence when you get to the Supreme Court, not regular court..duh.
Here is the box full of evidence..
There is no law that says Republicans must see things the same way as liberal Democrats. Look back to the Clinton impeachment. Why didn't Democrats vote to remove Clinton from office?
Remember when the whole Clinton investigation was about a land deal in Arkansas?? Then it became everything else under the sun..... And culminated with a guy lying about getting yo dick sucked as grounds to remove a president?

Today, that would be a Tuesday for the Trump please, stop trying to both sides the Trump admin...there is no comparison....

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