Finally, The "Memo" Has Been Released


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Republicans, GOPers and Trumpettes alike should all be glad that the "memo" they've long been awaiting for has finally been released.

Looks like your #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag worked...

LOL The GOP with a majority in the House and Senate, and the Executive, cannot get that memo released? Lordy, I guess that they are incapable of doing anything at all. LOL
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
the memo tells a lie in the first paragraph, and all baseless from there according to the one Democrat that spoke tonight on the news...and all other accusations are not backed up with any evidence, at all to verify the Trump Tramp Nunes.... and they refuse to let anyone from the FBI to see it and discuss it with them who can view the classified information...not even with Trump's new FBI head or even Jeff Sessions

the dem that saw it said it should be released and people will know in the first paragraph what this political STUNT is all about and will be discredited....

it's obstruction of justice by nunes and gaetz imo, trying to discredit the fbi investigation/mueller before whatever comes down on Trump's team and Trump himself....

EXACTLY what I expected....

also, the Russian BOTS that were involved in the election influence have sent out 70,000 # releasethememo hashtag support.... so the RNC and russians are working together AGAIN. :rolleyes:
LOL The GOP with a majority in the House and Senate, and the Executive, cannot get that memo released? Lordy, I guess that they are incapable of doing anything at all. LOL

Isn't that the memo that the secret Republican only committee wrote themselves?
I read an article the other day that said the "Memo" was written by republican congressmens' staffers. Holy shit! That fact alone means the damned memo is gonna be filled with made-up tinfoil hat garbage. No wonder they're afraid to let the memo see the light of day. I won't look for the link right now because it's half-past midnight and I'm burned out. I think it was on Huffpo.

All this crazy shit, the memo, accusations by the orange joke, accusations by GOP congressmen — all of it is getting worse and more extreme as Meuller keeps grinding away and talking to people ever closer to the turd in the Oval Office. trump must be shitting in his Depends for him to be generating this much republican effort to obstruct the Russian collusion investigation. I think things are just getting too hot for the Orange Draft Evader and he's squirming in his soiled Depends.
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
Kinda like the any moment now release that proves Trump's collusion, or obstruction, or throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks charge. 2018 and Clinton's still not the President.
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
Kinda like the any moment now release that proves Trump's collusion, or obstruction, or throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks charge. 2018 and Clinton's still not the President.

Only an idiot would think it's any moment now. Everybody knows Muller's investigation will last a while longer.
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
Kinda like the any moment now release that proves Trump's collusion, or obstruction, or throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks charge. 2018 and Clinton's still not the President.

Only an idiot would think it's any moment now. Everybody knows Muller's investigation will last a while longer.
Right so what will it be next after the obstruction angle falls through jaywalking maybe ?
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
Kinda like the any moment now release that proves Trump's collusion, or obstruction, or throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks charge. 2018 and Clinton's still not the President.

Only an idiot would think it's any moment now. Everybody knows Muller's investigation will last a while longer.
Right so what will it be next after the obstruction angle falls through jaywalking maybe ?

Lets wait and see what happens. Trump-0 said it was going to be over by Thanksgiving, then for sure by Christmas, for sure by New Years Day, and no doubt within the first couple of weeks of the year. Only an idiot would have made those predictions.
Ya gotta love these wackadoodles constantly crowing that they finally have the goods on President Obama and Secretary Clinton, and then never presenting anything at all. LOL What a bunch of tin hat losers. The longer they keep yapping about that memo, and never presenting it, the more ridiculous they appear. 2018!
Kinda like the any moment now release that proves Trump's collusion, or obstruction, or throw everything at the wall and pray it sticks charge. 2018 and Clinton's still not the President.

I don't know. When is Hillary going to jail? We've only been waiting three decades. :dunno:
Someone really should look into that Benghazi thing.
I read an article the other day that said the "Memo" was written by republican congressmens' staffers. Holy shit! That fact alone means the damned memo is gonna be filled with made-up tinfoil hat garbage. No wonder they're afraid to let the memo see the light of day. I won't look for the link right now because it's half-past midnight and I'm burned out. I think it was on Huffpo.

All this crazy shit, the memo, accusations by the orange joke, accusations by GOP congressmen — all of it is getting worse and more extreme as Meuller keeps grinding away and talking to people ever closer to the turd in the Oval Office. trump must be shitting in his Depends for him to be generating this much republican effort to obstruct the Russian collusion investigation. I think things are just getting too hot for the Orange Draft Evader and he's squirming in his soiled Depends.
"I read an article the other day that said......."
Then you are stupid enough to admit the article was from the Huffpo. HAAAAA HAAAAAA! The 'article' may as well have been written by Rachel Madcow.
Let's all see the report and then we can share our opinions.
I wonder why all those russian bots are asking for the report to be released?
I KNOW!!!!! Because Putin must be blackmailing President Trump right? HAAAA HAAAA!
Wipe the drool from your mouth!
"I read an article the other day that said......."
Then you are stupid enough to admit the article was from the Huffpo. HAAAAA HAAAAAA! The 'article' may as well have been written by Rachel Madcow.
Let's all see the report and then we can share our opinions.
I wonder why all those russian bots are asking for the report to be released?
I KNOW!!!!! Because Putin must be blackmailing President Trump right? HAAAA HAAAA!
Wipe the drool from your mouth!
You're stupid and gullible enough to eat all of the bullshit trump feeds you, and you have the nerve to call other people stupid....?!!! What a dumbass you are.

You're too dumb to even wipe the Vasey off your ass after trump bends you over...again and again...
LOL The GOP with a majority in the House and Senate, and the Executive, cannot get that memo released? Lordy, I guess that they are incapable of doing anything at all. LOL

Isn't that the memo that the secret Republican only committee wrote themselves?

actually, they had their aides write it.

that way they could dress it up with fancy two syllable words
LOL The GOP with a majority in the House and Senate, and the Executive, cannot get that memo released? Lordy, I guess that they are incapable of doing anything at all. LOL

Isn't that the memo that the secret Republican only committee wrote themselves?

actually, they had their aides write it.

that way they could dress it up with fancy two syllable words
And try to disguise all the blatant lies and right wing talking points (sorry for repeating myself...those are lies, too).
Sorry to interupt this Leftwing mutual masturbatory thread, but the memo has not been released.

Count your chickens when the eggs are hatched.
Sorry to interupt this Leftwing mutual masturbatory thread, but the memo has not been released.

Count your chickens when the eggs are hatched.

We know it was written by a secret republican only committee.

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