Finally, the ultimate 'red meat' mandate the GOP can sink teeth into this midterm brawl... Da Wall!

Trump needs Congress to add a small tax on transfers of money from the US to other countries to pay for the wall and border security. Its $70b a year to Mexico alone, plus all the other countries...

We don't need tax increases.

WTF do you care if we tax money transfers out of the US? Its money for Mexicans and Indians and Chinese, etc. Its the perfect funding mechanism for the wall.

I also want the top tax rate increased here in the US top pay for the Budget deficit. Someone needs to pay, and the top rate got the benefits of the tax cuts.

Because we don't need to be raising taxes for a stupid wall.

Once again, the proposed tax is NOT paid by Americans. Its paid when money is transferred out of the US. Like the $70b to Mexico. A 1% tax raises $70m a year just from Mexico. Lets assume that a 1% tax could raise $1b a year from other countries, with zero US tax dollars. Its like taking money from foreign aid.
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Well most Americans want illegals out of the country.

I for one don't care how much that wall costs, they need to build it to keep illegals out of America. That will save 2 billion a year.

No more illegals. No more anchor babies with mom and all her relatives we support.

Build the damned wall.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Well most Americans want illegals out of the country.

I for one don't care how much that wall costs, they need to build it to keep illegals out of America. That will save 2 billion a year.

No more illegals. No more anchor babies with mom and all her relatives we support.

Build the damned wall.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

Fair points, but there are costs for not having the wall too. Drugs, gangs, lost wages healthcare, education, law enforcement, incarceration, etc. There is a mini wall there now, its time for the real thing. Not across all 3,000 miles, but where needed to stop the flow of illegals.
As a simpleton, I like reducing issues down to simple terms and visualization, lol. U've got a pool of water with a steady stream of sludgy water flowing in through a PVC pipe; U've been spending more and more each wk. on chlorine, pool vacuums, filters etc. It's gotten to the point where you're no longer buying chemicals by the quart & gallon but by the barrel. At what point do you just bite the bullet, drain the pool, tear out the PVC infrastructure and start fresh? It's a lump outlay of cash but you recoup it in short order & then some...
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

Fair points, but there are costs for not having the wall too. Drugs, gangs, lost wages healthcare, education, law enforcement, incarceration, etc. There is a mini wall there now, its time for the real thing. Not across all 3,000 miles, but where needed to stop the flow of illegals.
I think illegals also add to the economy
Cheap labor
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Well most Americans want illegals out of the country.

I for one don't care how much that wall costs, they need to build it to keep illegals out of America. That will save 2 billion a year.

No more illegals. No more anchor babies with mom and all her relatives we support.

Build the damned wall.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
Last edited:
Why does he need funding for the Mexico paid wall!?

In fairness, they HAVE paid for it in the USMCA in an around about way.

Now between 40-45% of all auto jobs in the Mexico must make $16 an hour. That is going to ensure more auto jobs to the U.S, thus more tax revenue for the U.S Treasury.

Also, Mexico is going to buy far more goods from the U.S and has opened up it's market and increased duty free shopping from the U.S.

Now I admit, I don't know nearly the detailed information about how the new agreement impacts Mexico as I do know how it impacts Canada; however, needless to say the auto concessions are massive.

So tax money from US workers is paying for the wall....that means Mexico is not paying a single peso.
Think of it more like a rental situation be it a house, truck etc. It's bought up front with an outlay of cash on the lenders part and is recouped over the subsequent years. Though obviously in this case it is used to discourage the lendee from making or sending their children on rape trains and through the perilous deserts with Cartel 'yotes' (known to be usurers, thieves and rapists).

Perhaps someone can come up with a much better corollary example to help 'Timmy' understand the economic concept of spending tens of billions of dollars on a wall and saving hundreds of billions on all the expenditures of not having to process, sustain and regulate the millions that would have come in illegally. This doesn't even touch on the mechanisms of economic growth that 'shockedcanadian' briefed us on above.

Here is the corollary example:

You work at McDonalds (if you're lucky). You buy a car with your wages. In your mind McDonalds paid for your car.
If Trump gets a wall built in his first term he will be re-elected. If not he’s a one termer

I want a huge water canal. Cut off Mexico completely.

Do it so that the canal is on the US side and so the US has full control over it.

You then stop relying on Panama for access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and secure the border with no hope of tunnels.

Plus, no upkeep. Just one big hole to dig.
Think of it more like a rental situation be it a house, truck etc. It's bought up front with an outlay of cash on the lenders part and is recouped over the subsequent years. Though obviously in this case it is used to discourage the lendee from making or sending their children on rape trains and through the perilous deserts with Cartel 'yotes' (known to be usurers, thieves and rapists).

Perhaps someone can come up with a much better corollary example to help 'Timmy' understand the economic concept of spending tens of billions of dollars on a wall and saving hundreds of billions on all the expenditures of not having to process, sustain and regulate the millions that would have come in illegally. This doesn't even touch on the mechanisms of economic growth that 'shockedcanadian' briefed us on above.
Your replys are far too thought out and contain way too many words for a poster such as Timmy or the other drive by liberal trolls.

2 sentences tops.
Preferably 6th grade level or less.

Sentences shouldn't begin with a number. That goes for sentence fragments as well.
If Trump gets a wall built in his first term he will be re-elected. If not he’s a one termer

I want a huge water canal. Cut off Mexico completely.

Do it so that the canal is on the US side and so the US has full control over it.

You then stop relying on Panama for access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and secure the border with no hope of tunnels.

Plus, no upkeep or materials to pay for. Just one big hole to dig.

Good idea.

It was mine...

Obama to open $50 million dollar resort for Illegals complete with pools, saunas

PS: Plenty of upkeep on a canal.
Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

Fair points, but there are costs for not having the wall too. Drugs, gangs, lost wages healthcare, education, law enforcement, incarceration, etc. There is a mini wall there now, its time for the real thing. Not across all 3,000 miles, but where needed to stop the flow of illegals.
I think illegals also add to the economy
Cheap labor

Democrats say Americans should settle for less money they should compete for lower wages with Illegals.

Republicans say Americans should settle for less money they should compete for lower wages without Unions.

Talk about a bunch of cuckoos.
You're lying.

It was absolutely illegal....and deadly.

1. “…Clinton was instructed on her first day on the job that all such materials must be maintained n a government-approved and secure location. Her home was not.

Clinton didn’t just keep classified documents in an unauthorized place but she willingly gave them to people she knew did not have the security clearance to receive them, in violation of the law.” Jarrett, Op. Cit.

2. Bear in mind that none of the individuals Hillary used in setting up the illegal server was cleared to see classified or sensitive unclassified material. That would be Justin Cooper and Bryan Pagliano who were responsible for installation, operation, and maintenance.

3. “State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop”
State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop - CNNPolitics

Gee.....I wonder how the terrorists of Benghazi found out that the compound with the Americans was under defended.....????
Could they have seen the back and forth emails from Christopher Stevens to Hillary asking for more support.....

Ya' think?

4. “Last week we learned that a "foreign entity" may have been secretly receiving Hillary Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State, including many that contained classified information. And that the FBI apparently ignored this information during its "investigation."

The reaction by the press, and the clueless, to this bombshell? Crickets.

FBI investigators were told that Clinton's emailshad been surreptitiously forwarded to a "foreign entity." And the FBI investigators who were allegedly conducting a thorough, unbiased, professional probe into Clinton's mishandling of classified materials ignored it.” Clinton's Emails: Did The FBI Ignore Evidence That They Ended Up In the Hands Of A 'Foreign Entity'?

5. The Americans killed at Benghazi had repeatedly emailed Hillary Clinton explaining the need for increased security.

“…it has now come to light that Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy about 30 emails related to the 2012 Benghazi massacre. “ Multiple Outrages in Clinton-Obama Benghazi Obstruction | National Review

Now.....why do you suppose she wanted those email exchanges hidden????

I know you do to.

The trouble is that your sources are Trump cuckoos. The fact is that the FBI did not recommend a criminal prosecution. There is no evidence any of the e-mails were hacked by a foreign entity.

"The fact is that the FBI did not recommend a criminal prosecution."

The law was clearly broken.
If you weren't a suck-up, you'd be asking why no indictment.

“... the director testified that up to ten other people had access to her server without having the necessary security clearance. But one of the most talked about moments today came when Congressman Trey Gowdy confronted Director Comey with a laundry list of false statements that Mrs. Clinton has made in the course of this investigation.”

“Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

The law is perfectly clear… are Comey’s intentions.


I know. It's a conspiracy. Donald Trump uses a unsecure phone. Maybe he should be charged as well.

Donald Trump didn't cause the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi due to flaunting the statutes on emails.

Hillary did.

Why do you suppose she attempted to hide her emails on that server?

Think hard.

I am a rational person unlike you. I don't go for crazy conspiracy theories you subscribe to. Hillary Clinton did not cause the death of Americans in Benghazi. She is responsible because it occurred on her watch but she is not criminally responsible. There is no evidence that she was hiding anything.

You try thinking. Thinking about reality rather than crazy conspiracy theories.

I guess you just can't bring yourself to reveal why Hillary hid her communications via a basement server....

I'll do it.

1.Remember this line from the Clinton’s number one sycophant, 'Corporal Cue Ball' James Carville:’

“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Just goes to prove Rule #2: To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they claim about the other side .
The Clinton Crime Family is guilty of any iniquity that will make them a buck.

2. “Why would Clinton want to keep all her communications as secretary of state on a private server? The obvious answer is often the correct one. With no emails on a government account, Clinton would be able to avoid complying with various requests filed by the media and the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

This explanation is reinforced by the conscious decision she and her staff made not to utilize an electronic program called SMART, which would have preserved her records for the government.” Greg Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax”

3. Perfectly good reasons for a crooked politician to use a camouflaged email server:

“….obscure illicit behavior…."

…to keep from public view any evidence that she and her husband used her position of power in government to enrich themselves… the conduit for hundreds of million of dollars that flowed from foreign sources at the same time Hillary appeared to have exerted influence on their behalf. At the same time, Bill pocked tens of millions for speaking engagements overseas, many of them connected to his wife’s work.” Ibid.

Thus, she could ask for and negotiate she did.
Trump needs Congress to add a small tax on transfers of money from the US to other countries to pay for the wall and border security. Its $70b a year to Mexico alone, plus all the other countries...

We don't need tax increases.

Did you not understand what he said???? much do you send to other countries from our economy?
Trump needs Congress to add a small tax on transfers of money from the US to other countries to pay for the wall and border security. Its $70b a year to Mexico alone, plus all the other countries...

We don't need tax increases.

WTF do you care if we tax money transfers out of the US? Its money for Mexicans and Indians and Chinese, etc. Its the perfect funding mechanism for the wall.

I also want the top tax rate increased here in the US top pay for the Budget deficit. Someone needs to pay, and the top rate got the benefits of the tax cuts.

Because we don't need to be raising taxes for a stupid wall.

And, speaking of trying to think....why do you oppose sovereignty?

Why do you hate America????
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.

The claim is that the economy needs these illegals.

"...undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollar in taxes into state and local coffers, and that substantially more would be generated if President Obama prevails in imposing a new executive order protecting many of those workers from deportation."
Study Finds Illegal Immigrants Pay $11.8B in Taxes

But the facts aren't their friend...

“The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy

[So much for that fable.]

15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives

And, the money taken from working Americans is sent to Mexico by these Mexican citizens....more money than the

"Remittances totaled more than oil income

Money sent from abroad came to $24.8 billion last year, up 4.75%

Mexico News Daily | Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Remittances sent home by Mexicans working outside the country surpassed [Mexican] petroleum revenues in 2015 for the first time.

There was a 4.75% increase in money sent from abroad, most of which comes from the U.S., to total US $24.8 billion last year, up from $23.6 billion in 2014, said the Bank of México.

The bank said it was the first time remittances had totaled more than petroleum revenues since it began tracking them in 1995.

Oil revenues last year totaled $23.4 billion."

Remittances totaled more than Mexico's oil income
You're lying.

It was absolutely illegal....and deadly.

1. “…Clinton was instructed on her first day on the job that all such materials must be maintained n a government-approved and secure location. Her home was not.

Clinton didn’t just keep classified documents in an unauthorized place but she willingly gave them to people she knew did not have the security clearance to receive them, in violation of the law.” Jarrett, Op. Cit.

2. Bear in mind that none of the individuals Hillary used in setting up the illegal server was cleared to see classified or sensitive unclassified material. That would be Justin Cooper and Bryan Pagliano who were responsible for installation, operation, and maintenance.

3. “State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop”
State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop - CNNPolitics

Gee.....I wonder how the terrorists of Benghazi found out that the compound with the Americans was under defended.....????
Could they have seen the back and forth emails from Christopher Stevens to Hillary asking for more support.....

Ya' think?

4. “Last week we learned that a "foreign entity" may have been secretly receiving Hillary Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State, including many that contained classified information. And that the FBI apparently ignored this information during its "investigation."

The reaction by the press, and the clueless, to this bombshell? Crickets.

FBI investigators were told that Clinton's emailshad been surreptitiously forwarded to a "foreign entity." And the FBI investigators who were allegedly conducting a thorough, unbiased, professional probe into Clinton's mishandling of classified materials ignored it.” Clinton's Emails: Did The FBI Ignore Evidence That They Ended Up In the Hands Of A 'Foreign Entity'?

5. The Americans killed at Benghazi had repeatedly emailed Hillary Clinton explaining the need for increased security.

“…it has now come to light that Hillary Clinton attempted to destroy about 30 emails related to the 2012 Benghazi massacre. “ Multiple Outrages in Clinton-Obama Benghazi Obstruction | National Review

Now.....why do you suppose she wanted those email exchanges hidden????

I know you do to.

Yawn. Hint: Private email server was not illegal.

Nice contortions though.......

At issue is the clearly illegal behaviors that FBI Director Comey pretended didn’t happen…..

1.Even Hillary’s traditional allies at the Washington Post couldn’t swallow this:

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing…. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation. I had one device. When I mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system.”
— Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview with CNN, July 7, 2015

Three Pinocchio’s from their fact-checker.
Hillary Clinton’s claim that ‘everything I did [on e-mails] was permitted’

. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

I quoted the law....and all you can do is lie.

You can have another chance:

As Hillary Clinton prepares to launch a bid for the White House, her use of the personal email account as her sole account while secretary of state has prompted both criticism from open government advocates and attacks from Republicans. The State Department said this week that she forwarded 55,000 pages of emails from the account to the agency in December in response to a request for any work-related emails she or prior secretaries of state sent or received on personal accounts.” The mystery man behind Hillary's email controversy

Sooo? Anything wrong with what Hillary did?

You betcha’!!!!

Wanna see the State Department Foreign Affairs Manual?

“Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) information is information that is not classified ... of confidentiality or otherwise harm foreign relations must be classified to be .... on the Internet, AIS users must not use an “auto-forward” function to send emails ... to preclude inadvertent transmission of SBU information prohibited on the Internet, AIS users must not use an “auto-forward” function to send emails to an address outside the Department’s network.” 12 FAM 540 SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED<br> INFORMATION (SBU)

No he didn't pretend anything. Try again.

Nothing illegal about having a private server either. Anyone who says different is a liar.

Here comes another custard pie in your kisser.

"FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey's description of Clinton to 'extremely careless'
... changed Comey's earlier draft language describing Clinton's actions as "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless," the sources said."
FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics

“Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

... through gross negligence....has committed a felony.

Jail time.

A big whiff.

"In federal court hearings this week, a watchdog legal group keeps the heat on the State Department for answers about the exposure of classified information during Hillary Clinton’s use of unsecure email to conduct official business when she was secretary of state.

“It is frankly unbelievable that the State Department is still protecting Hillary Clinton and her aides from being asked basic questions about her illicit email system,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a prepared statement.

“The courts were misled and obstructed by Hillary Clinton’s email scheme, and we hope to get some more answers about this scandal,” Fitton said.

The court hearing Friday follows on the heels of a separate one Thursday where the watchdog group reported on the estimated number of Clinton documents the State Department continues to withhold."
Watchdog Presses State Department in Court Over Clinton Emails
Trump's wall of bigotry and hate won't be built.
Most Americans do not.
Most Americans are not as ignorant, bigoted, and hateful as most conservatives.

Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits
Say dummy, I don't suspect you own a house. Regardless, let's apply your "wisdom" to a personal yet relevant application. Why do people lock their doors and install fence around their property? Is that bigotry as well? According to the view you've so liberally adopted, it would have to be.
Locking doors and putting a perimeter fence on your property makes economic sense

Building a 2000 mile wall doesn’t

Oh sure that's it. A fence makes economic sense. I asked a straight forward question, and like every progressive you talk in circles.
We have better uses of $30 billion than a useless fence
Infrastructure, healthcare, education

All make more sense than the Great Wall of Trump

What's it cost our society in welfare for illegals? Bet your ass it's more than 30 billion, and a fence lasts longer. Yeah, tell me again about economic sense. Here, I looked it up: The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Protecting our borders meets every practical sense, from economics to homeland security. Be honest. You either want open borders or if Trump says right you say left.
We make much more off of low cost labor than we pay in benefits

The rich make a bundle off of cheap labor the working class masses lose out.

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