Financially, are you better than you were 4 years ago?

Are you better off financially than you were 4 years ago?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 46.9%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
It's anonymous so protect people's privacies. I prefer the public polls, but i dont want people sharing all their personal information on a messageboard.
Not only no but H*LL NO!!

Not only have we not taken a pay check for the last two years, we have spent our life savings and cashed in my husband's IRA just to make payroll.
Yep, healthy raises and bonuses came back in 2009, thank goodness. 401K is almost back to where it was. Changed to a credit union and get a much better return on savings and checking.
Much better off. My 401K, which I depend on, is back to the pre-recession levels, with several of my holdings doing better than I could have expected.
Yes I am. But not because of, or in spite of, a single damn thing that happened in washington. Obama could no more cause my success than Bush could to impede it. I am better financially because of choices that I personally made. Not because of any legislation, executive order, or bailout.

So what does this have to do with politics? If you think that financial well being is generated from, or taken away from you, by washington then you're just shifting blame.
It's anonymous so protect people's privacies. I prefer the public polls, but i dont want people sharing all their personal information on a messageboard.

No I'm not better of but worse off......the woman can't find work and we don't collect govt handouts which the govt can't even pay for without borrowing.

I'm not "blaming" anyone in particular but I feel I know why the economy sucks still, the policies meant to improve it didn't work as well as people assumed...they actually didn't do anything different than they have in the other countries that tried it and had it fail.
I too am better off. I am personally better off now than I was when Obozo was given the White House. That definitely does NOT mean that the country is better off now. The country has been fucked into paying for Obama's rampant spending debt AND the future debt related to ObamaCare that will take years to hit our great-grandchildren's pocketbooks.

Truthful YES/NO answers to the initial question can be misleading!

I am one of those that has not lost his job, has been able to absorb the increases in prices, has been able to save a buck or two, has been able to help others through hard times a time or two, has been able to continue charitable giving by way of obscenely big tips to bartenders and strippers...

Yes. I am doing well enough to be pleased with my personal financial situation.

The country as a whole has been fucked by Obama and his ilk.
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I too am better off. I am personally better off now than I was when Obozo was given the White House. That definitely does NOT mean that the country is better off now. The country has been fucked into paying for Obama's rampant spending debt AND the future debt related to ObamaCare that will take years to hit our great-grandchildren's pocketbooks.

Truthful YES/NO answers to the initial question can be misleading!

I am one of those that has not lost his job, has been able to absorb the increases in prices, has been able to save a buck or two, has been able to help others through hard times a time or two, has been able to continue charitable giving by way of obscenely big tips to bartenders and strippers...

Yes. I am doing well enough to be pleased with my personal financial situation.

The country as a whole has been fucked by Obama and his ilk.

And the ironic thing is he did it by simply continuing Bush era policies (with the exception of Obamacare, of course).
Why is this in politics?

Isn't this the very question the right has asked us to ask when voting in this election?

I'm guessing that more people are worse off today than are better off.

The questioning of our individual personal conditions still does not touch the FUTURE condition of the entire country if we continue with Obama's bullshit policies.
Remodeling company worked all year going into the fall everything has been steady , so yes

I have actually made money the last two years into my 5 year venture
I too am better off. I am personally better off now than I was when Obozo was given the White House. That definitely does NOT mean that the country is better off now. The country has been fucked into paying for Obama's rampant spending debt AND the future debt related to ObamaCare that will take years to hit our great-grandchildren's pocketbooks.

Truthful YES/NO answers to the initial question can be misleading!

I am one of those that has not lost his job, has been able to absorb the increases in prices, has been able to save a buck or two, has been able to help others through hard times a time or two, has been able to continue charitable giving by way of obscenely big tips to bartenders and strippers...

Yes. I am doing well enough to be pleased with my personal financial situation.

The country as a whole has been fucked by Obama and his ilk.

And the ironic thing is he did it by simply continuing Bush era policies (with the exception of Obamacare, of course).

You fail to mention the long term DEBT that Obama has put upon or grandchildren. Obama's policies are far from an extension of Bush's. Obama is about to let the Bush tax cuts expire. What a stupid fucking move in the middle of a recession. His ObamaCare amounts to the largest tax increase on Americans EVER.

Get serious for a bit.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

...and all he wants to do is tax us more so he can STIMULATE his campaign contributors into giving to him once again.
more specific, better of this year than last year. but much better off 4 years ago.The retirement account? not so good.
Remodeling company worked all year going into the fall everything has been steady , so yes

I have actually made money the last two years into my 5 year venture

Just didn't build that. The government provided everything you needed for success!:eusa_whistle:
Not only yes....but my employees are better off and my home value is almost back to where it was when it took a nose dive in 2007-2008. Kidlet got a job right away and wife is doing well and earned two promotions lately at her post-retirement job.

Military Retirement checks in vacation funds, and working for us.
better off - and far better off than if the Obama Administration had not curtailed the 07-09 Republican Great Recession and prevented a New, turn of the Century, World Wide Depression.

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