Financially, are you better than you were 4 years ago?

Are you better off financially than you were 4 years ago?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 46.9%

  • Total voters
Financially, are you better than you were 4 years ago?

If you had your retirement in the stock market 4 years ago you sure are better off now.
I make more money than I did in 2009 but my house is worth a lot less than it was then.
Unless Obama is ousted, I may not even see that house worth what I paid for it.
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I would think the political implication of the question were obvious.
My 401k has doubled in the last four years, my salary has increased significantly and I have used low interest rates and low prices to buy a second house
I think it really depends on where you live, and the field you work in. Where I live, business is booming as is the housing market.
I think it really depends on where you live, and the field you work in. Where I live, business is booming as is the housing market.

No it isn't ... STFU! Liar!... You must live in lefty la la land!
I make more money than I did in 2009 but my house is worth a lot less than it was then.
Unless Obama is ousted, I may not even see that house worth what I paid for it.

Your home value began to dive AFTER Obama too office? Or....was it before he took office?
My business is up. Has done better since early 2010.

The economy is better. It follows that most people are better off. Obama has earned another term.
I make more money than I did in 2009 but my house is worth a lot less than it was then.
Unless Obama is ousted, I may not even see that house worth what I paid for it.

Your home value began to dive AFTER Obama too office? Or....was it before he took office?

Does it matter? Unless the moron was stupidly trying to remortgage constantly to cash in on the bubble what difference does it make? IF he was it's his own fault. There were plenty of warnings.
Penny Stocks are not what actually attracts the Romneys! Some of the mining stocks , however, started doing well late last year. Others are following along that are not gold mining stocks, in fact.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Turqouise, maybe: Soon make comeback, big-time! Rand Paul and Ron Paul maybe create new standard--if only for some on lands of many nations, unable to keep up propertly relationship, in the math-computed economy!)
Absolutely not. I have had to cut back and help out family members who found themselves without jobs. It's been a long 4 years.
I make more money than I did in 2009 but my house is worth a lot less than it was then.
Unless Obama is ousted, I may not even see that house worth what I paid for it.

Your home value began to dive AFTER Obama too office? Or....was it before he took office?

Does it matter? Unless the moron was stupidly trying to remortgage constantly to cash in on the bubble what difference does it make? IF he was it's his own fault. There were plenty of warnings.

Smartest thing we did was NOT get into that cycle. Our mortgage is still for about only 2/3rds of what our house was worth at the lowest point of the recession....we were never even close to being upside down. Now our house, on the market, is worth twice what our mortgage is....and is still climbing back up.
My 401k has doubled in the last four years, my salary has increased significantly and I have used low interest rates and low prices to buy a second house

Wow! Congrats on the second home!

My 401k has also doubled in the past four years, bringing it back to where it was in 2008.
Financially, are you better than you were 4 years ago?

If you had your retirement in the stock market 4 years ago you sure are better off now.

Actually, the Dow is up at an annualized rate of about 3% per year from August 30, 2008, when it stood at 11,543.96, and today at the close, at 13,000.71. In between it did dive precipitously and recover, as it does during most recessions. Given the erosion of purchasing power, I would say that's less than breakeven.

Besides, don't we hate stock investors, those capitalist pigs? Or do we just hate those that are better at it than we are?

I would say that I'm better off than I was 4 years ago from an income standpoint, but my income rose much more in the 2004-2008 period than in the last four years. I wouldn't ascribe that to either party, just the chosen path.
I too am better off. I am personally better off now than I was when Obozo was given the White House. That definitely does NOT mean that the country is better off now. The country has been fucked into paying for Obama's rampant spending debt AND the future debt related to ObamaCare that will take years to hit our great-grandchildren's pocketbooks.

Truthful YES/NO answers to the initial question can be misleading!

I am one of those that has not lost his job, has been able to absorb the increases in prices, has been able to save a buck or two, has been able to help others through hard times a time or two, has been able to continue charitable giving by way of obscenely big tips to bartenders and strippers...

Yes. I am doing well enough to be pleased with my personal financial situation.

The country as a whole has been fucked by Obama and his ilk.

And the ironic thing is he did it by simply continuing Bush era policies (with the exception of Obamacare, of course).

You fail to mention the long term DEBT that Obama has put upon or grandchildren. Obama's policies are far from an extension of Bush's. Obama is about to let the Bush tax cuts expire. What a stupid fucking move in the middle of a recession. His ObamaCare amounts to the largest tax increase on Americans EVER.

Get serious for a bit.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!

...and all he wants to do is tax us more so he can STIMULATE his campaign contributors into giving to him once again.

The spending increase from Bush to Obama is not much comparatively. Still not a good though, since Bush raised spending like hell. If Obama continues this it will be bad for the country, but if you believe for one second that Romney or any other republican would reduce spending then you're smoking crack.

The rest of your rhetoric can go to hell.
Pubs and their corrupt cronies sure did a number on the world economy. (9% retraction and destroyed 40% of middle class wealth. Real estate bubbles are the worst they say...

Oblivious Lying Greedy Idiot Millionnaires 2012!

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