Finland Joins Baltic Neighbors In Banning Russian-Registered Cars From Entering Their Territory.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
OPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Finland on Friday joined the three Baltic countries in banning vehicles with Russian license plates from entering their territory, a joint move in line with a recent interpretation of the European Union’s sanctions against Moscow over its war on Ukraine.

The Nordic EU member’s Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said the ban would stop private cars from entering Finland as of Friday midnight, Finnish broadcaster YLE said.

Earlier this week, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania imposed the measure. Estonia said the decision followed “the additional interpretation of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation published by the European Commission” on Sept. 8.
OPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Finland on Friday joined the three Baltic countries in banning vehicles with Russian license plates from entering their territory, a joint move in line with a recent interpretation of the European Union’s sanctions against Moscow over its war on Ukraine.

The Nordic EU member’s Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said the ban would stop private cars from entering Finland as of Friday midnight, Finnish broadcaster YLE said.

Earlier this week, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania imposed the measure. Estonia said the decision followed “the additional interpretation of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation published by the European Commission” on Sept. 8.
That will show Putin. How's he going to drive his car from Russia to his vacation house in Finland now??
Another huge symbolic victory for Moscow and the Federation . But it is so entertaining to watch scared and silly people trying to intimidate their invented enemy by the equivalent of bursting paper bags with a loud ‘pop’ . Now everybody in Russia will have to cancel their fishing and shopping trips to this alcohol fuelled little territory , named after part of a fish . Let’s hope the 300 000 Russian reservists do not turn right at St Petersburg when they should be turning left to finish off the Kyiv Nazis .
If only we could do this in America.

No New York, California, Massachusetts plates in red states.

I mean...this is genius.
This is silly, there aren't really pure red versus blue states and even an overwhelming majority is quite rare.

For example Missouri went Trump in 2020, but over 41% voted Biden. So you'd want to keep "blue state" Illinois cars (where 2.4 million people voted for Trump) from entering Missouri where 1.7 million people voted for Trump.
You make an unsupported of 80% of the Russian People support Putty? No. Not even P01135809 bgot that high. Sounds like an artfically inflated number create by MAGA MAGGOTS.
It is the Russians themselves that claim Putin has that high ratings. I am not telling whether it is true or not. Though, it may be true given that political system of the Putin regime doesn't allow any alternative to emerge.
I live in California...
I'm shocked... shocked I tell you!


Next you'll tell me the sky is blue and water is wet!
It is the Russians themselves that claim Putin has that high ratings. I am not telling whether it is true or not. Though, it may be true given that political system of the Putin regime doesn't allow any alternative to emerge.

First you say it was by observation you made that statement, and now you're saying it's Russians. Russia a Dictatorship, under a Dictatoship you do not question the leadership of your country or dare disagree with the Dictator.

No way in hell do 80% of all Russians agree with Pooty's leadership. Know this, saying you do not like or agree with Pooty while living in Russia means a short life or very long time in the Gulags. I do not believe you have written.

Your statement is pure Russian Propaganda and should be taken as such.

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