Finnish reporter admits Hamas fires rockets from Shifa Hospital

During the night someone launched a rocket somewhere behind the hospital. Now this sentence from my article is spreading in the pro-Israeli medias. I mentioned this in my article because I’m a professional journalist. I try to cover the events truthfully as I see them and I strongly condemn these kind of actions.

But I find it very disgusting how this one sentence was taken out context to be used as an excuse to target civilians in Gaza. My story became quickly a tool of propaganda. The people sharing this story are not even trying to understand the situation as a whole. They are just looking for excuses to Israeli actions in Gaza.

I refuse to be part of this kind of propaganda.
from the op link
toastman, et al,

I watched with interest, this report. But, the story should not have been developed and focused one the HAMAS using the safe zone of the hospital to launch rockets.


People and Journalist, like Aishi Zidan (Helsingin Sanomat), are not really interested in the presentation of truth, as it actually effects the conduct of hostilities. The bigger story here is how she protested the way the revelation of the launch site. She is actually anti-Israel and pro-HAMAS. Her purpose for being there has to develop a Human Interest story about the "Palestinian civilians who were victims of war" and not about the root cause of how HAMAS set the conditions for civilian casualties.

Reports like this should be filed away, by the Israelis to use at a future time as evidence. As you know, there are elements out in the world that want to focus on wrong-doings by Israel (exclusively). Reporters like Aishi Zidan are not interested in the whole truth; just the part of the overall truth that fits neatly into their agenda. They write these human interest stories more for themselves than to illuminate the whole truth.

EXCERPT: Journalist's Code of Ethics said:

Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty
of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists
from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.
Members of the Society share a dedication to ethical behavior and adopt this code to declare the Society’s principles and standards of practice.​

SOURCE: Society of Professional Journalists

A Journalist (like Aishi Zidan) on the Human Interest side doesn't want the fact that HAMAS fires rockets from the Geneva Convention Article 14 Safe Zone for a Hospital to obscure the their view that Israeli counter strikes endanger the hospital and civilians, without cause.

Remember, Journalist are not always ethic, especially people like Aishi Zidan, who want to hide the truth.
  • Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing.
  • Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience boldly, even when it is unpopular to do so.

Aishi Zidan said:
Qasid Arabic Institute · 7 hrs · Edited ·

Don’t use me as your propaganda weapon

I spent a night at the Shifa hospital in Gaza two weeks ago. I was covering the situation in Gaza for my newspaper.

My story was about the Palestinian civilians who were victims of war. My article started with a story of four little boys who were killed on the beach the same day. They were playing on the beach when Israeli army hit them without any clear reason or warning. I interviewed a boy who survived from the attack. The Shifa hospital was full of women and children who were victims of this ugly war. I described their stories in detail.
During the night someone launched a rocket somewhere behind the hospital. Now this sentence from my article is spreading in the pro-Israeli medias. I mentioned this in my article because I’m a professional journalist. I try to cover the events truthfully as I see them and I strongly condemn these kind of actions.

But I find it very disgusting how this one sentence was taken out context to be used as an excuse to target civilians in Gaza. My story became quickly a tool of propaganda. The people sharing this story are not even trying to understand the situation as a whole. They are just looking for excuses to Israeli actions in Gaza.

I refuse to be part of this kind of propaganda.

SOURCE: Aishi Zidan Comments on JP Watch

We should clearly understand, appreciate and respect her brand of journalism and the tacit support she lends to her brand of how a "Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

The real story here is not about the children, and its not about the rockets, but IT IS about how much the media is trying to hide adverse information that would illuminate HAMAS in less than a favorable light.

Most Respectfully,
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Nazis are Nazis.

Hamas may be bad but they are resisting Nazis. They have the moral high ground by default, as Zionism, settlers and the IDF come from the deep underworld.
[MENTION=49167]fanger[/MENTION], et al,

I take it that you don't know much about artillery, customary law and humanitarian law. You do realize that if the parking lot is any where close to the Hospital, and was subject to 155mm Artillery, that the impact tremors alone would probably disable the underground utilities and damage the foundation.

So, bomb the parking lot behind the hospital, not the Hospital

The are three (3) kinds of areas in the category of "Protected Zones."

  • Hospital Zones
  • Safety Zones
  • Neutral Zones
And under Customery Law and Humanitarian Law, there are three (3) generals Rules.

Protected Zones
  • Rule 35. Directing an attack against a zone established to shelter the wounded, the sick and civilians from the effects of hostilities is prohibited.
  • Rule 36. Directing an attack against a demilitarized zone agreed upon between the parties to the conflict is prohibited.
  • Rule 37. Directing an attack against a non-defended locality is prohibited.

Article 8(2b) (ix), - War Crimes - Romes Statutes, International Criminal Court

Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives;​

Article 19 Geneva Convention IV

The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit and after such warning has remained unheeded.

Precautions against the Effects of Attacks

  • Rule 22. The parties to the conflict must take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under their control against the effects of attacks.
  • Rule 23. Each party to the confl ict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.
  • Rule 24. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited.

Article 8(2b) (xxiii), - War Crimes - Romes Statutes, International Criminal Court
Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;​

First, the Customary Law says, that you simply cannot fire on a Hospital. The criminal code says, you cannot fire on a hospital that is not a military objective (rocket launch cite). This is resolved via Article 19, in which "due warning is given."

When HAMAS uses a "Protected Zone" - it is actually a violation in several different respects; but generally the use of a "Protected Zone" to fire rockets is a variation on the "Human Shield" theme and cowardice actions under the War Crimes provision.

If the parking lot in proximity to a Hospital is used as a launch cite, then the Hospital Safe Zone is technically improper. The ICRC and Customary Law say that all three protected zones are intended to shelter the wounded, the sick and civilians from the effects of conflict, but the hospital and safety zones are meant to be far removed from military operations, whereas neutralized zones are intended for areas in which military operations are taking place.

It is amazing that the IDF has not informed the ICRC and UN that the Hospital has lost its protected status as a HAMAS Rocket Launch Site and needs to be evacuated.

Most Respectfully,
It is amazing that the IDF has not informed the ICRC and UN that the Hospital has lost its protected status as a HAMAS Rocket Launch Site and needs to be evacuated.
Good point, so if Hamas terrorists continue using it as a launching site, then Israel can and should target them, as the hospital has lost it's protected status, and they have been given advance warning.

It doesn't really surprise me what Hamas does anymore. As a terrorist organization, they obviously don't play by the rules. They were given a 72 hour ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. I guess Hamas decided that Gazans didn't need the aid since they broke the ceasefire almost immediately. The people of Gaza can thank Hamas for this decision.
What BS this thread is, noone said rockets were launched from hospitals.

You did not watch the video of the news report?

What if anything do you even read?


anything that does not deliberately trash Israel?
During the night someone launched a rocket somewhere behind the hospital. Now this sentence from my article is spreading in the pro-Israeli medias. I mentioned this in my article because I’m a professional journalist. I try to cover the events truthfully as I see them and I strongly condemn these kind of actions.

But I find it very disgusting how this one sentence was taken out context to be used as an excuse to target civilians in Gaza. My story became quickly a tool of propaganda. The people sharing this story are not even trying to understand the situation as a whole. They are just looking for excuses to Israeli actions in Gaza.

I refuse to be part of this kind of propaganda.
from the op link

No, his attitude toward the news is altogether too smarmy, too comfy for me.

His more hard-bitten journalist cronies have it about right.

It isn't YOUR news you are playing with and using as a tool for manipulating the minds of millions and helping determine foreign policy here and around the globe.

it is THE News.

Ofttimes you can't see the entire picture from the ground where the action takes place. How the hell can you know for sure of what is happening and why?

Some, even with the advantage of distance, thousands of miles, and no imminent threat of death about them, can't bother to Google the info that might give them the big picture viewpoint.
[MENTION=37610]SherriMunnerlyn[/MENTION], et al,

Well actually she did say it, and if there was any doubt, it was clarified on her "facebook" response in which she complained about how everyone seem to focus on that one small side remark.

What BS this thread is, noone said rockets were launched from hospitals.

Oddly enough, her story was suppose to be about the children on the beach being hurt and their ordeal. However, what really happened was Gaza terrorists whose rockets fell short and hit the Shifa Hospital and the Beach (Shati) camp.

Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital Compound said:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) -- A Gaza park was attacked Monday, killing at least 10 Palestinians, including children, a Palestinian health official said. Israelis and the Palestinians traded blame for the strike.

Children were playing on a swing when the strike hit the park in the Shati refugee camp on the edge of Gaza City, said Ayman Sahabani, head of the emergency room at nearby Shifa Hospital.

He gave the death toll and said 46 people also were wounded.

The strike on the park occurred a few minutes after the hospital's outpatient clinic was hit, leaving several people wounded. Camera crews were prevented from filming the area of impact at Shifa.

Gaza's police operations room, Civil Defense and Sahabani said the deaths and injuries were caused by Israeli airstrikes.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli army spokesman, denied Israel was involved. "This incident was carried out by Gaza terrorists whose rockets fell short and hit the Shifa Hospital and the Beach (Shati) camp," he said.


Many people have mistaken outgoing from incoming.

Most Respectfully,
What BS this thread is, noone said rockets were launched from hospitals.

You obviously didn't open the link.

BTW, the reporter that said the rocket was launched from the Hospital is a pro Palestinian journalist.
Just incase you try to respond with your usual 'I don't believe what Zionists say!!'
Nazis are Nazis.

Hamas may be bad but they are resisting Nazis. They have the moral high ground by default, as Zionism, settlers and the IDF come from the deep underworld.

As usual, weezlebub is not capable of responding to the OP.
teddyearp, et al,

I believe that it goes beyond that.


I believe that some journalist are actually aiding and abetting HAMAS; conspiring with them to invent spectacular stories. Making it look like they broke a storying on Israeli wrong doing. They are hiding activities or associations with UN employees, UNRWA and Red Cross workers assisting, in the procurement of UN protected facilities and ICRC marked vehicles in order to shuffle Jihadist and weapons around in a protected status.

It is just too convenient for the UN High Commissioner not to have seen the videos of Jihadist using UN Ambulances and suggest that the UN and her team are completely innocent. It is just too much evidence --- for them to have ignored the weapons storage issue on UN property, not to have prior knowledge of, and yet not call for an internal criminal investigation on Senior Staff. And of course neither the ICRC or the UNRWA have any knowledge about the unauthorized use of hospitals, of vehicles special marked. Nobody know anything.

Someone need to do some old fashion detective work on the UN and ICRC folks to see who is playing patty-cake with HAMAS. We also need to start surveillance on some of the media folks to see who is a propaganda tool and who is actually reporting the news as it is.

Just My Thought,
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Idiots totally disregard the fact that Hamas animals are committing war crimes by firing rockets from behind hospitals.

Israel should not stop until this subhuman Islamic cancer of humanity is wiped from the land.
Why shoot rockets from behind a hospital? Why not shoot it from a location that doesn't risk a retaliation which leads to innocent deaths?

This has to be the most disgusting, morally depraved culture in the world.

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