Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson

naw, i have no doubts it was some dumbfuck(like bentdick) that THOUGHT he was actually damaging Muslim equipment

and i hope they catch the dumbfuck(s) and throw the book at them

I am sure you are correct at least 95% sure but no one knows for now until they catch the person or person's who did it.
look at the number of dumbfucks that still think 9/11 was an inside job
so 5% is a good number to use
not that i think any troofer morons did this, but there are more dumbfucks in this country than just troofers

Most of you invisible men in the sky believers that believe ONLY your invisible man in the sky is the real and all powerful leader and ruler of the universe are crazy as hell.
I don't see any Christians cutting heads off of people Kalam. Tell us you are against that and FIGHT that in your world.
The Wizard of Oz as ruler is more believable that what some of you folks cite here.
Most of you invisible men in the sky believers that believe ONLY your invisible man in the sky is the real and all powerful leader and ruler of the universe are crazy as hell.
I don't see any Christians cutting heads off of people Kalam. Tell us you are against that and FIGHT that in your world.
The Wizard of Oz as ruler is more believable that what some of you folks cite here.

In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder. It's hilariously sad idiots rail Islam while the West is the most guilty, including the world's largest Christian church having protected pedophiles as a fucking church policy.
In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder.

You're a pathetic, loathsome, and utterly contemptible liar.

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.

More civilians were killed by Muslims in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

Muslims murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.

According to the book "Growth of the Muslim Population in Medieval India," an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed by invading Muslims between 1000 A.D. and 1500 A.D.

The web site Political Islam has compiled the best estimates it could find of deaths from Islamic jihad. It includes 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists, and approximately 270 million Jews.

No other movement of any description or label has ever slaughtered so many people in the history of the world, and never will come even close.

You're eminently qualified to be a lying Muslim (but I repeat myself). Go to your local friendly mosque, and just recite these words once: "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH."

That's all it takes. No problem. You're in. Of course, once you do, if you ever try to get out again, that's a death penalty. But don't worry about that: you'll be among fellow amoral liars, where lying is a sacrament, so you probably won't ever want to leave.

In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder.

You're a pathetic, loathsome, and utterly contemptible liar.

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.

More civilians were killed by Muslims in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

Muslims murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.

According to the book "Growth of the Muslim Population in Medieval India," an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed by invading Muslims between 1000 A.D. and 1500 A.D.

The web site Political Islam has compiled the best estimates it could find of deaths from Islamic jihad. It includes 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists, and approximately 270 million Jews.

No other movement of any description or label has ever slaughtered so many people in the history of the world, and never will come even close.

You're eminently qualified to be a lying Muslim (but I repeat myself). Go to your local friendly mosque, and just recite these words once: "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH."

That's all it takes. No problem. You're in. Of course, once you do, if you ever try to get out again, that's a death penalty. But don't worry about that: you'll be among fellow amoral liars, where lying is a sacrament, so you probably won't ever want to leave.


I specifically stated in the last "30 years" and you respond with a completely unverifiable number from 1000 CE. self-righteous fucks are always a joke.

You actually cite a source like PS and are so arrogant believe it means something. Why don't you cite Stormfront as proof whites are superior to blacks? Why not cite Cheney for an assessment of the Bush admin? Fucking idiot.
Most of you invisible men in the sky believers that believe ONLY your invisible man in the sky is the real and all powerful leader and ruler of the universe are crazy as hell.
I don't see any Christians cutting heads off of people Kalam. Tell us you are against that and FIGHT that in your world.
The Wizard of Oz as ruler is more believable that what some of you folks cite here.

In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder. It's hilariously sad idiots rail Islam while the West is the most guilty, including the world's largest Christian church having protected pedophiles as a fucking church policy.

Where has the mass murder been?
Rwanda? Cambodia? China?
Most of you invisible men in the sky believers that believe ONLY your invisible man in the sky is the real and all powerful leader and ruler of the universe are crazy as hell.
I don't see any Christians cutting heads off of people Kalam. Tell us you are against that and FIGHT that in your world.
The Wizard of Oz as ruler is more believable that what some of you folks cite here.

In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder. It's hilariously sad idiots rail Islam while the West is the most guilty, including the world's largest Christian church having protected pedophiles as a fucking church policy.

Where has the mass murder been?
Rwanda? Cambodia? China?

Your question proves you're way behind.
Most of you invisible men in the sky believers that believe ONLY your invisible man in the sky is the real and all powerful leader and ruler of the universe are crazy as hell.
I don't see any Christians cutting heads off of people Kalam. Tell us you are against that and FIGHT that in your world.
The Wizard of Oz as ruler is more believable that what some of you folks cite here.

In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder. It's hilariously sad idiots rail Islam while the West is the most guilty, including the world's largest Christian church having protected pedophiles as a fucking church policy.

Christian nations? who are these Christian nations?
In the last 30 years it is the Christian nations that have been doing the bulk of mass murder.

You're a pathetic, loathsome, and utterly contemptible liar.

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.

More civilians were killed by Muslims in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.

Muslims murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.

According to the book "Growth of the Muslim Population in Medieval India," an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed by invading Muslims between 1000 A.D. and 1500 A.D.

The web site Political Islam has compiled the best estimates it could find of deaths from Islamic jihad. It includes 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists, and approximately 270 million Jews.

No other movement of any description or label has ever slaughtered so many people in the history of the world, and never will come even close.

You're eminently qualified to be a lying Muslim (but I repeat myself). Go to your local friendly mosque, and just recite these words once: "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH."

That's all it takes. No problem. You're in. Of course, once you do, if you ever try to get out again, that's a death penalty. But don't worry about that: you'll be among fellow amoral liars, where lying is a sacrament, so you probably won't ever want to leave.


I specifically stated in the last "30 years" and you respond with a completely unverifiable number from 1000 CE. self-righteous fucks are always a joke.

You actually cite a source like PS and are so arrogant believe it means something. Why don't you cite Stormfront as proof whites are superior to blacks? Why not cite Cheney for an assessment of the Bush admin? Fucking idiot.

Who are these Christian nations?
He doesn't seem to have a problem motivating certain people. Bush asked the Americans not to blame all muslims for 9/11. All obama does is create a bigger divide by openning his mouth when it doesn't concern him.

The scary part is you believe your own bullshit.

NO this is the scary part

CurveLight think you can pre-empt? Stoopid fucking bitches like you deserve to be gunny ass kissing reetawrds. It's not exaxtly a secret which group is most likely responsible and they aren't Conservatives you dumbass. There is nothing "Conservative" about a group of fear saturated Christian Right militant ideology that supports Nation building and using the government to enforce their own petty moral self righteousness onto the rest of society.

The nazis targeted a certain group just like you are doing. Even in the Bible it mentions Christians will be targeted by haters.

Nazis targets, eh?

Nazi photos
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson - CBS News

Ben Goodwin of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Department confirmed to CBS Affiliate WTVF that the fire, which burned construction equipment at the future site of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, is being ruled as arson.

Opponents of a new Islamic center say they believe the mosque will be more than a place of prayer; they are afraid the 15-acre site that was once farmland will be turned into a terrorist training ground for Muslim militants bent on overthrowing the U.S. government.

"They are not a religion. They are a political, militaristic group," Bob Shelton, a 76-year-old retiree who lives in the area, told The Associated Press.

"No mosque in Murfreesboro. I don't want it. I don't want them here," Evy Summers said to WTVF. "Go start their own country overseas somewhere. This is a Christian country. It was based on Christianity."

This mosque was actually on a Daily Show segment last week, quite unfortunate to see. Hopefully this is not the start of something terrible.

There was no mosque. It's the site for a proposed mosque, which hasn't been built yet.

Good, so we are in agreement that that is no mosque 2 blocks from Ground Zero too.
NO this is the scary part

The nazis targeted a certain group just like you are doing. Even in the Bible it mentions Christians will be targeted by haters.

ROTFL!!!!!! A Nazi reference? Lol! Stoopid fucking Americans like you is why we are in a shitload of trouble.

Let's revist a post you made after this one

Quote: Originally Posted by CurveLight
Do you see the trend? You and mudwhistle are ignoring the facts and instead are trying to say what I think or guessing what I would think or say....even though I've clearly stated my views. Basically, you dumbasses have to invent fantasies just to have an excuse to post.

Truth is you are doing the same exact thing that the germans did to the JEWS.

Truth? You wouldn't know Truth if it was doing a lap dance for you.
The scary part is you believe your own bullshit.

NO this is the scary part

CurveLight think you can pre-empt? Stoopid fucking bitches like you deserve to be gunny ass kissing reetawrds. It's not exaxtly a secret which group is most likely responsible and they aren't Conservatives you dumbass. There is nothing "Conservative" about a group of fear saturated Christian Right militant ideology that supports Nation building and using the government to enforce their own petty moral self righteousness onto the rest of society.

The nazis targeted a certain group just like you are doing. Even in the Bible it mentions Christians will be targeted by haters.

Nazis targets, eh?

Nazi photos

Just because someoine calls themself a Christian does not mean they are a Christian. Now as for your deflection of what the nazis did to a certian groupand is no differant then what the prograsives are doing to the conservatives.
ROTFL!!!!!! A Nazi reference? Lol! Stoopid fucking Americans like you is why we are in a shitload of trouble.

Let's revist a post you made after this one

Quote: Originally Posted by CurveLight
Do you see the trend? You and mudwhistle are ignoring the facts and instead are trying to say what I think or guessing what I would think or say....even though I've clearly stated my views. Basically, you dumbasses have to invent fantasies just to have an excuse to post.

Truth is you are doing the same exact thing that the germans did to the JEWS.

Truth? You wouldn't know Truth if it was doing a lap dance for you.

Truth comes you move like Fred Astir

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