Firehouses Split By Race

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
American Renaissance News: Sotomayor Ruling Exposes Racial Split in Firehouses

Diversity and cultural experiences are important for first responders, Thompson said. “You can embrace it and adapt or you can fight it and be a dinosaur,” he said.

Firefighters say diversity can be especially important in emergencies. Victims may feel more comfortable when they see first responders who look similar to them or understand their neighborhoods, they say.

OK... but this doesn't this argue for racial separation? You want to be rescued by members of your own race? I'm not saying that's so bad, but if it's OK for blacks, why not whites?
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AmRen is linking Bloomberg News, genius.

And I'm sure that "Web of Trust" is itself as unbiased as those "web filters" that block anything Republican as "inappropriate"!
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The Justice Department tried to prevent employees from looking at Drudge.

They claimed it was "security related."

Somehow, huffingtonpost didn't make the list.

Funny how that works!

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