Fireworks, Fireworks and BLM thugs

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
So I thought The Donald's speech was very good, also I liked the outdoors at night at The White House presentation, it looked beautiful and very elegant. I watched the thing on YouTube this morning, the fireworks were completely excellent, I had to search around to get footage of ONLY the firework display and the best one is the below video:



This Vernon Jones is Black and a Democrat Congressman from Georgia, he spoke at the RNC and then with his wife was walking down a street in Washington DC to go home or back to a hotel or whatever, he and his wife were ambushed by a feral mob of BLM thugs who screamed at him that he was a "House Ni**er" what disgusting filthy wastes of human skin they are. This is the sort of thing that the Leftists aka Communists are SUPPORTING, they are supporting violent and unhinged psychotics, they do NOT denounce them, they ENCOURAGE them.



Senator Rand Paul also walking down a street in Washington DC ambushed by another feral mob of BLM thugs and they screamed they were going to kill him, they EVEN followed Senator Rand Paul right INTO his hotel, these POS need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.



OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)
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OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader. Never knew that about Kennedy before.
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Democrats abandoned American ideals.
The feral rioters need dealt with like the rabid dogs they are.

Drifter is correct they are not Democrats, they are literal Marxist thugs and in my opinion they are probably even threatening violence and death on the elected Democrats to either SUPPORT them OR be subjected to PERSONAL violence. At this point with the entire thing so out of control I can ONLY conclude that the majority of elected Democrats are AFRAID to tell them to GTFO. I have no other logical explanation for why things have got THIS completely insane with The Democrat Party.
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OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader.

Is that the one with Cliff Robertson? JFK and RFK are looking down and thinking WTF?!
Democrats abandoned American ideals.

I don't think they are real democrats anymore. That's why I left, I support a lot of democratic issues but this party is NOT my democratic party. So BYE. The only thing I don't like about the Republicans is they are against legalizing weed.

I'm on the Right and I support legalising weed.
OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader.

Is that the one with Cliff Robertson? JFK and RFK are looking down and thinking WTF?!
Idk..Robert Blake is in it. Yes, it is that one. James Gregory, too.
Yeah..2 first names is suspect..
OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader. Never knew that about Kennedy before.
John Kennedy looked kind of vacillating and weak in the movie Thirteen Days

OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader.

Is that the one with Cliff Robertson? JFK and RFK are looking down and thinking WTF?!
Idk..Robert Blake is in it. Yes, it is that one.

Yes it's the same one, Cliff Robertson plays JFK, it was released in June 1963, Warner Brothers and The White House worked together on the production of the film:

Democrats abandoned American ideals.
The feral rioters need dealt with like the rabid dogs they are.

Drifter is correct they are not Democrats, they are literal Marxist thugs and in my opinion they are probably even threatening violence and death on the elected Democrats to either SUPPORT them OR be subjected to PERSONAL violence. At this point with the entire thing so out of control I can ONLY conclude that the majority of elected Democrats are AFRAID to tell them to GTFO. I have no other logical explanation for why things have got THIS completely insane with The Democrat Party.

It's so true. At my work The CEO donated 100 Grand to BLM and then sent an email stating they will match any donations we make to any approved blm charities but then it also said they don't endorse any political parties. It's like WTF? So what if I want to donate to disabled police officers of America or support a family of fallen officers? Are the cops and grieving families of fallen officers included? I am pretty sure there are Balck cops on the force.

Now BLM wants you to give your home to a black family when you die. LOL My family were always peasants we never owned slaves FUCKERS! We are poor like you.

SO do Egyptians owe me for my enslaved ancestors?????
Democrats abandoned American ideals.

I don't think they are real democrats anymore. That's why I left, I support a lot of democratic issues but this party is NOT my democratic party. So BYE. The only thing I don't like about the Republicans is they are against legalizing weed.

I'm on the Right and I support legalising weed.

Well, I'm voting right this year for the first time in many years. I can't even relate to my old democratic party that was invaded by crazy people.
Democrats abandoned American ideals.
The feral rioters need dealt with like the rabid dogs they are.

Drifter is correct they are not Democrats, they are literal Marxist thugs and in my opinion they are probably even threatening violence and death on the elected Democrats to either SUPPORT them OR be subjected to PERSONAL violence. At this point with the entire thing so out of control I can ONLY conclude that the majority of elected Democrats are AFRAID to tell them to GTFO. I have no other logical explanation for why things have got THIS completely insane with The Democrat Party.

It's so true. At my work The CEO donated 100 Grand to BLM and then sent an email stating they will match any donations we make to any approved blm charities but then it also said they don't endorse any political parties. It's like WTF? So what if I want to donate to disabled police officers of America or support a family of fallen officers? Are the cops and grieving families of fallen officers included? I am pretty sure there are Balck cops on the force.

Now BLM wants you to give your home to a black family when you die. LOL My family were always peasants we never owned slaves FUCKERS! We are poor like you.

SO do Egyptians owe me for my enslaved ancestors?????
The corporate sponsorship of violent Marxists is sickening.
Why did this have to happen when my team has Tom Brady and a line?!
Democrats abandoned American ideals.

I don't think they are real democrats anymore. That's why I left, I support a lot of democratic issues but this party is NOT my democratic party. So BYE. The only thing I don't like about the Republicans is they are against legalizing weed.
If you listened to Rand. . . he said in his interview that the folks that were threatening and causing the chaos are paid agitators.

The nation is under attack.
OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.

I know this is unpopular but not a fan of the Kennedys. Their dad literally lobotomized his own daughter to keep a front of perfection. That's the head of the Kennedy family. Brutall!!!
OMG, that was one of the best fireworks light shows. The Donald is a great shows man. Believe me, if I had to pick Over Biden or Trump as far as who's party to go to hands down Trump. The Democrats are not democrats anymore. I don't know what happened but whatever it is they are sketchy now. I had to sadly leave my democratic party because something else took that party over. ALL the democrats behave like Pelosi now. (meaning wackadoos)

Yes and yes about the fireworks and The Donald. WTF happened to the Democrat Party of John F. Kennedy? HOW was the Democrat Party allowed to be hijacked by literal Marxists and Marxist Black thugs, the Democrat Party is now in the control of the successor to The Weather Underground aka Antifa and the successor to The Black Panthers aka BLM, how did the Moderate Democrats and actual Liberal Democrats FAIL THIS badly and allow THEIR party to be taken over by this crowd of psychotic thugs.
I know, right? I watched PT 109 the day before yesterday. Great movie!
Kennedy was a good leader. Never knew that about Kennedy before.
John Kennedy looked kind of vacillating and weak in the movie Thirteen Days

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JFK was Red Pilled, he was fighting the same Swamp that The Donald is fighting, JFK KNEW who The Black Hats were and they KNEW he was after them which is why they had him murdered, that speech that JFK gave where he said he was going to break up the CIA and scatter the pieces to the four winds, that signed his death certificate. JFK was the LAST American President UNTIL The Donald NOT to be controlled by The Black Hats into doing things that are DETRIMENTAL to America's Domestic Interests and DETRIMENTAL to the interests of the American peoples.

JFK MIGHT have been many things in his personal life, but someones personal life SHOULD be separated from what they do in their PUBLIC life and in my opinion JFK had the RIGHT instincts and JFK KNEW who the Evil POS were and he was going after them and so they had him murdered.

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