First amendment win


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

but I do not expect the bottom feeding dems to listen to the judge. They most likely keep on their censorship kick.

but I do not expect the bottom feeding dems to listen to the judge. They most likely keep on their censorship kick.
I think the evidence is overwhelming and admitted in some cases that the government used social media to push a single message endorsed by the government and suppress all contradictions/opposing information, questions about, or disagreement with that message.

I wish the source used in the OP was more clear about that, i.e. the court was forbidding the Administration from using social media in a way that suppressed freedom of thought, belief, speech instead of the initial impression that they were forbidden to meet about anything.
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It's fine to address it afterwards but where were the Freedom Fighters when it mattered? I learned a great deal about human nature during the pandemic, especially in Canada. I understand more clearly how our police can abuse and how the Gestpao/Stasi could manipulate through fear. Maybe the worst case was CBC telling all of its viewers, with their in-house "medical expert" that taking Astrazeneca was. "completely safe, go out and get the shot today" he encouraged with confidence. Then literally and I mean literally a day or two later the same host and the same expert AFTER the Canadian.government "paused" (never to resume) the use of Astrazeneca (after the U.S and or U.K banned it) were telling viewers to look Pfizer or Moderna as an option since Astrezenca was deemed to be high risk. We needed character in the moment and it was in short supply in Canada.
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but I do not expect the bottom feeding dems to listen to the judge. They most likely keep on their censorship kick.
:sleeping-smiley-015: In his dramatic ruling on Tuesday, Donald Trump-appointed Judge Terry A. Doughty...
The abuse of the first amendment by the media is just incredible. It is the greatest danger to our democracy. The media is not driven by politics but rather the competition. The news media, be it TV, cable, radio, or Internet Web sites will do anything to keep their audience tuned in or clicking on links. The larger the audience, the more money they make. In itself that's not bad but how they do it is. Each major story is repeated over and over, analyzed, bisected, and modified with new information or rehashing of old information. What we are calling news is propaganda by repetition and it doesn't end there. The news media selectively reports stories the public finds interesting and it is repeated over and over. For example the public simply could not get enough of George Floyd being chocked to death by the police or Donald Trump saying the election was stolen from him.

The bottom line is the way the news media reports stories, changes our perspective and national priorities. For example, millions of people believe voting machines are used to steal elections, police violence is our the greatest problem in America, the Supreme Court is being unfairly manipulated, the growing national debt is not really a problem, mass murders have made our schools and all public places unsafe, etc....
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but I do not expect the bottom feeding dems to listen to the judge. They most likely keep on their censorship kick.

Your link is sensationalist garbage. Nevertheless, the court decision is clearly a rational one and likely to hold up if appealed.

but I do not expect the bottom feeding dems to listen to the judge. They most likely keep on their censorship kick.
Wow - three threads about this! :)

Sad to say this decision is meaningless.

Perhaps well meaning, but meaningless.

The Big Tech companies themselves must be held accountable - the Deep Swamp was very clever in how they orchestrated their censorship campaign.
I think the evidence is overwhelming and admitted in some cases that the government used social media to push a single message endorsed by the government and suppress all contradictions/opposing information, questions about, or disagreement with that message.

I wish the source used in the OP was more clear about that, i.e. the court was forbidding the Administration from using social media in a way that suppressed freedom of thought, belief, speech instead of the initial impression that they were forbidden to meet about anything.
Deep Swamp gonna Deep Swamp.

But the companies must be held accountable; what this judge did is meaningless.

SCOTUS must weigh in, and the proper cases just haven't appeared yet.
A huge blow to the Demafascsit Stalinist tactics.
Not at all.

The cases that will affect this kind of odious Deep Swamp conduct must be aimed at the Big Tech companies themselves; what this judge did has no teeth.
Your link is sensationalist garbage. Nevertheless, the court decision is clearly a rational one and likely to hold up if appealed.
It may be rational - or at least morally sound - but it will not hold up.

The Deep Swamp was clever; Big Tech companies are the ones who must be held accountable.

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