First Hyrbid Solar Thermal Power Plant In Florida!!

Saline tanks and molten salt reactors have nothing in common.

There would be no threat to groundwater or the food supply as nothing would escape the containment systems. No radioactive water to leak, no gas to be vented

And do you really want to ugly up the beauty of our deserts with thousands of acres of solar panels and wind mills?

I don't.

Never? Not one spill or radioactive fluids would ever ever leak from your reactors?

Yeah, I think the world is tired of that broken promise.

The beauty of the desert ruined by solar panels and windmills? Are you serious? Once again you are trying to say that solar photovoltaic panels are the same as concentrating solar reflectors. They are not at all even in the same league. They are as similar as your molten salt radiation swamps and solar thermal's salt tanks that store heat. ie: not at all.

I grew up wandering the desert. The acres needed for power will not be missed. I used to walk for hours and not encounter a single person. In fact, most of the life you find in the desert finds shelter under the shade of things like solar reflectors needed in solar thermal turbine power. If you installed that much shade over the ground in the desert, the animals and plants that would find great joy in the dappled sun as the day went on would be immense. You would see an increase in desert life instead of a decrease. You would also see in increase in desert moisture underneath those shady canopies which is also a boon to life there.

The desert is as it is meant to be. Don't be so arrogant to say we would make it better

We are running out of wild unspoiled land and we should be mindful of that fact

Leave our wild spaces wild.
The good and BAD snippets Re: Chernobyl from a reputable source..

Concerns related to fertility and birth defects:

In the Chernobyl-affected regions, there is no evidence of decreased fertility among males or females in
the general population. However, birth rates may be lower in contaminated areas because of a high rate
of medical abortions.

Since 1986, there has been a reported increase in congenital malformations in both contaminated and
uncontaminated areas of Belarus which predated Chernobyl and may be the result of increased
registration of such cases. Based on dose levels to which the majority of the population was exposed,
there is unlikely to be a major effect on the number of stillbirths, adverse pregnancy outcomes, delivery
complications, or the overall health of children, but monitoring remains important.

What is the current health risk to people residing in contaminated areas?

Currently, concentrations of radioactive caesium (Cs-137) in agricultural food products produced in
areas affected by the Chernobyl fallout are generally below national and international standards for
actions. In some limited areas with high radionuclide contamination (e.g. in parts of the Gomel and
Mogilev regions in Belarus and the Bryansk region in the Russian Federation) or areas with organic
poor soils (the Zhytomir and Rovno regions in Ukraine), milk may still be produced with activity
concentrations of Cs-137 that exceed national standards for action (100 Becquerel per kilogram). In
these areas, countermeasures and environmental remediation may still be warranted6

2006 The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an international cancer research
institution established by WHO, published estimated projections of 25,000 potential excess cancers for
Europe (Cardis et al. 2006) through 2065 that might be attributable to exposure to radiation from
Chernobyl of which 16,000 cases could be fatal.
Saline tanks and molten salt reactors have nothing in common.

There would be no threat to groundwater or the food supply as nothing would escape the containment systems. No radioactive water to leak, no gas to be vented

And do you really want to ugly up the beauty of our deserts with thousands of acres of solar panels and wind mills?

I don't.

Never? Not one spill or radioactive fluids would ever ever leak from your reactors?

Yeah, I think the world is tired of that broken promise.

The beauty of the desert ruined by solar panels and windmills? Are you serious? Once again you are trying to say that solar photovoltaic panels are the same as concentrating solar reflectors. They are not at all even in the same league. They are as similar as your molten salt radiation swamps and solar thermal's salt tanks that store heat. ie: not at all.

I grew up wandering the desert. The acres needed for power will not be missed. I used to walk for hours and not encounter a single person. In fact, most of the life you find in the desert finds shelter under the shade of things like solar reflectors needed in solar thermal turbine power. If you installed that much shade over the ground in the desert, the animals and plants that would find great joy in the dappled sun as the day went on would be immense. You would see an increase in desert life instead of a decrease. You would also see in increase in desert moisture underneath those shady canopies which is also a boon to life there.

"I grew up wandering the desert"...
Can you go back and find your brains?
The desert is as it is meant to be. Don't be so arrogant to say we would make it better

We are running out of wild unspoiled land and we should be mindful of that fact

Leave our wild spaces wild.

You know, I'm always suspicious of BigDirty power advocates like nuclear molten salt you propose or natural gas or carbon moguls suddenly "crying foul or "fowl"" as the case may be over injury to a bird here or there. I'm very suspicious of someone arguing that more shade habitat in the desert would result in less species there or harm to them.

To me, when this happens, red flags go up. I sense fear. I see desperation. I see industries petrified that a simple concentration of the sun's rays will put their water-boiling monopolies in competition mode. And you know how rich guys don't like competition.

I'm a big fan of reading between the lines when it's quite obvious the situation calls for that.
Whatever you do -- don't mention that the Greenies have approved molten salt storage mediums for SOME VERSIONS of his beloved solar thermal installations.. And THEN had the gall to place these dangerous chemicals in the middle of pristine protected desert and suck up water for their boiling from the cactus and the tortoises...

Sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate are dangerous chemicals?

Flac needs to immediately tell the bats and birds across the planet to stop pooping out all that deadly toxic waste.
The desert is as it is meant to be. Don't be so arrogant to say we would make it better

We are running out of wild unspoiled land and we should be mindful of that fact

Leave our wild spaces wild.

You know, I'm always suspicious of BigDirty power advocates like nuclear molten salt you propose or natural gas or carbon moguls suddenly "crying foul or "fowl"" as the case may be over injury to a bird here or there. I'm very suspicious of someone arguing that more shade habitat in the desert would result in less species there or harm to them.

To me, when this happens, red flags go up. I sense fear. I see desperation. I see industries petrified that a simple concentration of the sun's rays will put their water-boiling monopolies in competition mode. And you know how rich guys don't like competition.

I'm a big fan of reading between the lines when it's quite obvious the situation calls for that.

Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.
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Whatever you do -- don't mention that the Greenies have approved molten salt storage mediums for SOME VERSIONS of his beloved solar thermal installations.. And THEN had the gall to place these dangerous chemicals in the middle of pristine protected desert and suck up water for their boiling from the cactus and the tortoises...

Sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate are dangerous chemicals?

Flac needs to immediately tell the bats and birds across the planet to stop pooping out all that deadly toxic waste.

Aww c'mon. Tons of that stuff in a small desert aquifer or stream might as well be poison. And have ever tried fertilize a cactus??? Thats not being lewd, its a real question.
The desert is as it is meant to be. Don't be so arrogant to say we would make it better

We are running out of wild unspoiled land and we should be mindful of that fact

Leave our wild spaces wild.

You know, I'm always suspicious of BigDirty power advocates like nuclear molten salt you propose or natural gas or carbon moguls suddenly "crying foul or "fowl"" as the case may be over injury to a bird here or there. I'm very suspicious of someone arguing that more shade habitat in the desert would result in less species there or harm to them.

To me, when this happens, red flags go up. I sense fear. I see desperation. I see industries petrified that a simple concentration of the sun's rays will put their water-boiling monopolies in competition mode. And you know how rich guys don't like competition.

I'm a big fan of reading between the lines when it's quite obvious the situation calls for that.

Imagine how appalled and amazed the rest of us are when Deep Greenies are making excuses for the enviro impact of their harebrained ideas and getting KILL permits for Bald Eagles at their wind farms. Its a bloodthirsty lot when they're the ones doing the killing...
The desert is as it is meant to be. Don't be so arrogant to say we would make it better

We are running out of wild unspoiled land and we should be mindful of that fact

Leave our wild spaces wild.

You know, I'm always suspicious of BigDirty power advocates like nuclear molten salt you propose or natural gas or carbon moguls suddenly "crying foul or "fowl"" as the case may be over injury to a bird here or there. I'm very suspicious of someone arguing that more shade habitat in the desert would result in less species there or harm to them.

To me, when this happens, red flags go up. I sense fear. I see desperation. I see industries petrified that a simple concentration of the sun's rays will put their water-boiling monopolies in competition mode. And you know how rich guys don't like competition.

I'm a big fan of reading between the lines when it's quite obvious the situation calls for that.

Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.
Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

So benign solar thermal concentrating mirrors that create more shade/moisture environment for parched desert life are "shit" and your radioactive molten salt reactors buried in the ground near fresh water aquifers should they spill and contaminate forever are "blessed"?

Yes, your concern for the environment is very touching... :cool:
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You know, I'm always suspicious of BigDirty power advocates like nuclear molten salt you propose or natural gas or carbon moguls suddenly "crying foul or "fowl"" as the case may be over injury to a bird here or there. I'm very suspicious of someone arguing that more shade habitat in the desert would result in less species there or harm to them.

To me, when this happens, red flags go up. I sense fear. I see desperation. I see industries petrified that a simple concentration of the sun's rays will put their water-boiling monopolies in competition mode. And you know how rich guys don't like competition.

I'm a big fan of reading between the lines when it's quite obvious the situation calls for that.

Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.

I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.
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Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

So benign solar thermal concentrating mirrors that create more shade/moisture environment for parched desert life are "shit" and your radioactive molten salt reactors buried in the ground near fresh water aquifers should they spill and contaminate forever are "blessed"?

Yes, your concern for the environment is very touching... :cool:

Tell me how benign it is to bulldoze thousands of acres of pristine desert.

If you knew anything about conservation you'd know its better to concentrate areas of significant impact rather than spread them out. Your solar mirrors need 22 acres of land to power one house for part of the day. A molten salt reactor can be buried under ground in a footprint of less than 5 acres and power 20000 houses 24 hours a day for 20 years or more.

And where did I ever say a reactor would be buried next to an aquifer?

Tell me do you understand the concept of risk benefit equations or do you only get in your car and drive to work if there is zero chance of you having an accident?
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Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.

I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

Dude, I don't give a crap if you spend more time outdoors. Are you outside RIGHT NOW?!? No, you are in a building. Are you using power the requires a power plant? YES. Are you using a computer that has been manufactured somewhere in a big manufacturing plant? YES.

And yes, as a matter of hypocrisy, you can most certainly demand that 'unspoiled places' remain unspoiled denying other people housing and places of employment that you enjoy. Screw everyone else, I have my stuff, and no one else can have stuff of their own.

See years ago, where you have you house, was prior an unspoiled place. It was because other people came to that area, and "spoiled" it, that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE. It was because other people came and spoiled that area with a power plant, THAT YOU HAVE POWER TO USE.

If some other person years before, had come around and demanded that where you are was "unspoiled", you would be homeless without a place to live right now.

What you are in fact doing, is demanding that future generations not have the home, utilities, and employment that you enjoy today, in the name of leaving it "unspoiled".
You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.

I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

Dude, I don't give a crap if you spend more time outdoors. Are you outside RIGHT NOW?!? No, you are in a building. Are you using power the requires a power plant? YES. Are you using a computer that has been manufactured somewhere in a big manufacturing plant? YES.

And yes, as a matter of hypocrisy, you can most certainly demand that 'unspoiled places' remain unspoiled denying other people housing and places of employment that you enjoy. Screw everyone else, I have my stuff, and no one else can have stuff of their own.

See years ago, where you have you house, was prior an unspoiled place. It was because other people came to that area, and "spoiled" it, that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE. It was because other people came and spoiled that area with a power plant, THAT YOU HAVE POWER TO USE.

If some other person years before, had come around and demanded that where you are was "unspoiled", you would be homeless without a place to live right now.

What you are in fact doing, is demanding that future generations not have the home, utilities, and employment that you enjoy today, in the name of leaving it "unspoiled".

I am not denying anyone anything.

I am proposing more efficient power than wasting 22 acres of land to power one home for part of the day

And since no one is talking about developing the desert or our national parks for housing I fail to see what the fuck your panties are in a bunch over.

And to think that one must live outside in order to protect wilderness without being a hypocrite is beyond stupid to the point of mental retardation.
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Whatever you do -- don't mention that the Greenies have approved molten salt storage mediums for SOME VERSIONS of his beloved solar thermal installations.. And THEN had the gall to place these dangerous chemicals in the middle of pristine protected desert and suck up water for their boiling from the cactus and the tortoises...

Sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate and calcium nitrate are dangerous chemicals?

Flac needs to immediately tell the bats and birds across the planet to stop pooping out all that deadly toxic waste.

major uses of potassium nitrate are in fertilizers rocket propellants and fireworks

and high explosives

Patent US3816191 - Method of making calcium nitrate explosive composition - Google Patents
Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.

I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

Here we go again. " I once took a hike, so I know so much more than you about the environment!". Kiddo, you can go to many places in this nation and see what acid rain has done to our forests. That is millions of acres damaged, both flora and fauna, versus a few thousand acres changed. I say changed, because the flora and fauna of those acres can still live there. And then there is the mountain top removal for coal. Talk about environmental damage.

But you fruitloops will go off on something doing only 10% or less of the damage that coal does. The truth is that you are just schilling for the energy corperations, and have little to no real knowledge about environment.
I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

Dude, I don't give a crap if you spend more time outdoors. Are you outside RIGHT NOW?!? No, you are in a building. Are you using power the requires a power plant? YES. Are you using a computer that has been manufactured somewhere in a big manufacturing plant? YES.

And yes, as a matter of hypocrisy, you can most certainly demand that 'unspoiled places' remain unspoiled denying other people housing and places of employment that you enjoy. Screw everyone else, I have my stuff, and no one else can have stuff of their own.

See years ago, where you have you house, was prior an unspoiled place. It was because other people came to that area, and "spoiled" it, that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE. It was because other people came and spoiled that area with a power plant, THAT YOU HAVE POWER TO USE.

If some other person years before, had come around and demanded that where you are was "unspoiled", you would be homeless without a place to live right now.

What you are in fact doing, is demanding that future generations not have the home, utilities, and employment that you enjoy today, in the name of leaving it "unspoiled".

I am not denying anyone anything.

I am proposing more efficient power than wasting 22 acres of land to power one home for part of the day

And since no one is talking about developing the desert or our national parks for housing I fail to see what the fuck your panties are in a bunch over.

And to think that one must live outside in order to protect wilderness without being a hypocrite is beyond stupid to the point of mental retardation.

OK. I haven't seen you yet post a plan for that. Perhaps you would like to sign onto using all the waste roof space in our commercial building in the cities for PV Solar? That would create a big boost of power exactly during the time of highest usage.
You know, it's funny how people who live in the luxury of 'man made shit', talk about how great it is to be out in the wilderness.

Dude... if you want to go live in the desert, in a grass hut, be my guess. The rest of us like our homes and buildings, and cars, and such. We like having places to go, and things to do.

Funny how you are on a forum which requires you to own a computer, which requires massive power plants providing you electricity, and computer parts built in massive manufacturing plants, and communication lines running across the country.... you enjoy using all that 'man made shit', yet complain bitterly about all that 'man made shit'.

If you really put your money where your mouth is, you wouldn't even be on here complaining about it. At least the real hippies, are true enough to their own beliefs, that they actually live in those crappy commune huts out in the wilderness, and are not on here using all that 'man made shit' to complain about 'man made shit'.

Hypocrites everywhere.

I spend more time outdoors than you I'm sure.

I started backpacking and trekking when I was a kid. I have logged literally thousands of trail miles including deserts and have bagged hundreds of peaks from the East to west coasts.

Are you such a fucking idiot that you think because I live in a house that I can't defend our wild unspoiled spaces?

I know what damage a few people can do to the desert and if you believe that bulldozing thousands of acres of desert to build solar panels is going to improve it then you're even more of a fucking moron than I thought.

Here we go again. " I once took a hike, so I know so much more than you about the environment!". Kiddo, you can go to many places in this nation and see what acid rain has done to our forests. That is millions of acres damaged, both flora and fauna, versus a few thousand acres changed. I say changed, because the flora and fauna of those acres can still live there. And then there is the mountain top removal for coal. Talk about environmental damage.

But you fruitloops will go off on something doing only 10% or less of the damage that coal does. The truth is that you are just schilling for the energy corperations, and have little to no real knowledge about environment.

Molten salt reactors don't contribute to acid rain. They will literally burn the nuclear waste from light water reactors for fuel thereby solving the problem of storage. They can be built in factories and installed underground at existing power plant locations thereby eliminating the need to ruin thousands of acres of land to provide power for a fraction of the homes for part of the day with solar farms

And who do you think is going to profit from bulldozing our wild spaces to build solar farms if not energy corporations?

I don't call thousands of miles worth of backpacking "going for a hike once" I study the geology and ecosystems of places I visit and I daresay I am more informed than you about many of those spaces
Dude, I don't give a crap if you spend more time outdoors. Are you outside RIGHT NOW?!? No, you are in a building. Are you using power the requires a power plant? YES. Are you using a computer that has been manufactured somewhere in a big manufacturing plant? YES.

And yes, as a matter of hypocrisy, you can most certainly demand that 'unspoiled places' remain unspoiled denying other people housing and places of employment that you enjoy. Screw everyone else, I have my stuff, and no one else can have stuff of their own.

See years ago, where you have you house, was prior an unspoiled place. It was because other people came to that area, and "spoiled" it, that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE. It was because other people came and spoiled that area with a power plant, THAT YOU HAVE POWER TO USE.

If some other person years before, had come around and demanded that where you are was "unspoiled", you would be homeless without a place to live right now.

What you are in fact doing, is demanding that future generations not have the home, utilities, and employment that you enjoy today, in the name of leaving it "unspoiled".

I am not denying anyone anything.

I am proposing more efficient power than wasting 22 acres of land to power one home for part of the day

And since no one is talking about developing the desert or our national parks for housing I fail to see what the fuck your panties are in a bunch over.

And to think that one must live outside in order to protect wilderness without being a hypocrite is beyond stupid to the point of mental retardation.

OK. I haven't seen you yet post a plan for that. Perhaps you would like to sign onto using all the waste roof space in our commercial building in the cities for PV Solar? That would create a big boost of power exactly during the time of highest usage.

Try reading the fucking thread before you start flapping your gums then.
Red flags go up for me when people like you think they can improve unspoiled wild land with man made shit. If you knew as much about the desert as you think you do you'd know how fragile an ecosystem it really is.

In fact one step from a human being can result in the destruction of the biological soil crusts that can take decades to form. So tell me how building thousands of acres of solar shit will help the desert again.

So benign solar thermal concentrating mirrors that create more shade/moisture environment for parched desert life are "shit" and your radioactive molten salt reactors buried in the ground near fresh water aquifers should they spill and contaminate forever are "blessed"?

Yes, your concern for the environment is very touching... :cool:

Benign....really? KFC is presently in negotiations with solar plant open a whole new chain of restaurants to be called FFB (Fresh Fried Birds). Who knew that overpriced green energy would open up so many new business opportunities?

"Regulators said they anticipated that some birds would be killed once the Ivanpah plant started operating, but that they didn't expect so many to die during the plant's construction and testing. The dead birds included a peregrine falcon, a grebe, two hawks, four nighthawks and a variety of warblers and sparrows. State and federal regulators are overseeing a two-year study of the facility's effects on birds."

The $2.2 Billion Bird-Scorching Solar Project -


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