Power the WORLD with solar panels.

I identify that you dont know one damn thing about what you post. You copy links, and paste, and occasionally quote from the links.
You identify?

Tell you what, let's count the characters of original comment in our last 100 posts and see who actually wrote the most original material.
I have proved you wrong on every single post.
I can see how you might feel that way but I think what you really need right now is professional medical counseling.
You think otherwise, just look at my comments in this thread.
I think otherwise than what?
You claimed I was lying, and I proved that was a lie.
I did believe you were lying. I didn't say that your claim was a lie but that you weren't explaining it well and that you have a strong history of lying. You have repeatedly accused me of lying but have never been able to identify an actual lie of mine.
I also demonstrated you knew nothing about the chemical plant I worked for yet you made claims that were, lies.
I knew nothing about your plant. I was simply wondering what products your plant would produce for a wind turbine since they are not large consumers of chemicals and your plant looked to be involved in making ic wafer stock. It didn't occur to me that wafer and fiberlass stock material might come from the same facility. And, you're hardly the world's only producer of powdered silica. The only claims I made concerned your behavior and I don't believe any of them were lies. Find me one and I'll apologize hat in hand. Don't find me one and I won't. Because, with you, the word "liar" comes far too often to your lips.
You identify?

Tell you what, let's count the characters of original comment in our last 100 posts and see who actually wrote the most original material.

I can see how you might feel that way but I think what you really need right now is professional medical counseling.

I think otherwise than what?

I did believe you were lying. I didn't say that your claim was a lie but that you weren't explaining it well and that you have a strong history of lying. You have repeatedly accused me of lying but have never been able to identify an actual lie of mine.

I knew nothing about your plant. I was simply wondering what products your plant would produce for a wind turbine since they are not large consumers of chemicals and your plant looked to be involved in making ic wafer stock. It didn't occur to me that wafer and fiberlass stock material might come from the same facility. And, you're hardly the world's only producer of powdered silica. The only claims I made concerned your behavior and I don't believe any of them were lies. Find me one and I'll apologize hat in hand. Don't find me one and I won't. Because, with you, the word "liar" comes far too often to your lips.
As I stated, when challenged, crick runs and hides and cannot produce one lie
I knew nothing about your plant. I was simply wondering what products your plant would produce for a wind turbine since they are not large consumers of chemicals and your plant looked to be involved in making ic wafer stock. It didn't occur to me that wafer and fiberlass stock material might come from the same facility.
I am fairly certain that wind turbines don't use it at all and, in fact, don't use anything made by that plant and you're just too chicken to admit you made a mistake. Or lied.
Crick, you are the slimiest person here. You wanted one lie. This is too easy, crick just lied about what crick stated in this thread.

Crick claims he/she was simply wondering? Nope, not at all crick, you said you are fairly certain than called me a chicken and a liar.

Crick purposely lied about the original statement in this thread. I can go back and quote all of crick's statements to show that is clear that Crick was, "wondering."

NO CRICK, your slimy comments were just that, slime. No crick pretends the comments are not there. A slimy liar is crick.
Crick, you are the slimiest person here. You wanted one lie. This is too easy, crick just lied about what crick stated in this thread.

Crick claims he/she was simply wondering? Nope, not at all crick, you said you are fairly certain than called me a chicken and a liar.

Crick purposely lied about the original statement in this thread. I can go back and quote all of crick's statements to show that is clear that Crick was, "wondering."

NO CRICK, your slimy comments were just that, slime. No crick pretends the comments are not there. A slimy liar is crick.
Are you happy now? What are our respective lie counts? Elektra: 26, Crick: 1?
Are you happy now? What are our respective lie counts? Elektra: 26, Crick: 1?
you have yet to post one lie that you contribute to me, where are the 26,

You just gave us 2, in your other comment you have 4 more, that is 6, all quoted and pointed out, this last one by you, now that is being a slimy person.
you have yet to post one lie that you contribute to me, where are the 26,
I think you meant "attribute". 26 was simply a guess, thus the question mark.
You just gave us 2,
I've given you none.
in your other comment you have 4 more
I have no more. There is a 15 MW wind turbine and its quite popular at the moment. You should have looked first.
, that is 6,
No, that is zero.
all quoted and pointed out, this last one by you, now that is being a slimy person.
Ever heard the phrase "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched"?
It didn't occur to me that wafer and fiberglass stock material might come from the same facility. And, you're hardly the world's only producer of powdered silica
So, the powder is melted to make fiberglass fibers. That is a product used in wind turbines. You were correct. But you could have told us that three days ago.
Powdered silica? Crick, I feel sorry for you. You must be way too old to think logically. I never stated powdered silica. Amorphous silicon dioxide powder is not powdered silica

Silica sand is used to make fiberglass, not powdered silica and certainly not Amorphous silicon dioxide powder, which is highly purified and extremely expensive.

Amorphous silicon dioxide powder has many uses in industry, it is used in epoxies and resins. I wont confuse you crick, with the other ways this product is used to make fiberglass, or steel, or copper, or paint, or the magnets that are all used in Wind Turbines.

Do we count these as your lies or mistakes, crick
I have no more. There is a 15 MW wind turbine and its quite popular at the moment. You should have looked first.
Crick, everyone knows that I am the Wind Turbine expert in these threads. I said there is none, that is a fact.
Crick, where is your link? hahahaha, you looked and came up empty. Everyone knows you always look for a link and it is crick, ironically, that is the chicken to admit mistakes or lies.

Crick, let me help you, try searching largest wind turbine. You should come up with an offshore wind turbine in China. That Wind turbine is in the concept stage.

Crick, the SIX wind turbines over 14.7 mw are either prototypes or concepts!

Crick, quit making slimy posts
Crick, everyone knows that I am the Wind Turbine expert in these threads.
What?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAhaaahaaahaaahaa
The Wind Turbine EXPERT?!?!?!?

Time after time after time you have claimed that wind turbines require more fossil fuel to manufacture than they will save over their lifetimes. You have provided ZERO links to any supporting evidence. And time after time after time I and several other posters have provided numerous links clearly demonstrating that wind turbines pay back their manufacturing carbon footprint in a matter of days to weeks you lying piece of shit.

Time after time after time you have claimed, with ZERO evidence, that wind turbines are a "complete failure" generating electricity and time after time after time I and other posters have demonstrated with link after link after link that wind turbines are currently producing over a Terrawatt of energy, 7.33% of the entire planet's electrical production, you lying piece of shit.

I said there is none, that is a fact.
Vestas V-236, 15 MW which became available to the market in Apil of 2023, 14 months ago, you lying piece of shit. I put this link in the Wind Turbines in Iowa thread where you responded to it, you lying piece of shit.

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Vestas V-236, 15 MW which became available to the market in Apil of 2023, 14 months ago, you lying piece of shit. I put this link in the Wind Turbines in Iowa thread where you responded to it, you lying piece of shit.

Crick, how slimy can you get.

From your link. There is only a prototype being tested. You used 15 mw wind turbines to show they are as powerful as a coal plant. You are a liar. The prototype is not proven. It is being tested, researched, and developed.

Crick simply lies and lies and lies. But maybe not intentionally. It is because crick is ignorant and too old to be educated. Of course, being ignorant is no excuse for crick's slimy style.
The prototype is installed at the Østerild National test centre for large wind turbines in Western Jutland, Denmark, where it is undergoing an extensive test and verification programme.
Crick, how slimy can you get.

From your link. There is only a prototype being tested. You used 15 mw wind turbines to show they are as powerful as a coal plant. You are a liar. The prototype is not proven. It is being tested, researched, and developed.

Crick simply lies and lies and lies. But maybe not intentionally. It is because crick is ignorant and too old to be educated. Of course, being ignorant is no excuse for crick's slimy style.
Your claim that it would take a million wind turbines to replace a single coal-fired power plant has monstrously failed every way it could. And still not a single link from you supporting ANY of your claims. Odd that. Normal, though, for a lying piece of shit.
Your claim that it would take a million wind turbines to replace a single coal-fired power plant has monstrously failed every way it could. And still not a single link from you supporting ANY of your claims. Odd that. Normal, though, for a lying piece of shit.
Crick, you show your stupidity again, go back and quote that post where I make the comment you claim I made.
Crick lies and lies and lies.

Go ahead and quote, crick is great at lying but will never prove a thing. Quote me, liar
Your claim that it would take a million wind turbines to replace a single coal-fired power plant has monstrously failed every way it could. And still not a single link from you supporting ANY of your claims. Odd that. Normal, though, for a lying piece of shit.
Crick, why would you require links to a websites when I am the wind turbine expert?
Where is that quote of mine proving I stated what you claim.
And time after time after time I and several other posters have provided numerous links clearly demonstrating that wind turbines pay back their manufacturing carbon footprint in a matter of days to weeks you lying piece of shit.
I am the Wind Turbine expert, so I must show the ignorance and stupidity of crick. Nobody gives a shit about Carbon.
First the experts claim there is a problem with the food of the earth, CO2.
Now the dumbasses, the ignorant, the stupid, make claims of carbon.
Carbon is a benign, carbon does not hurt a thing.

CO2 is not Carbon.

Crick, you are calling me a liar when you do not understand that you are talking about CO2, not Carbon. They are not the same thing.
I am the Wind Turbine expert
Oh my fucking god.
so I must show the ignorance and stupidity of crick
Do you best buddy boy. Can I suggest you start with some links that actually support your claims? Or you could even do a little math yourselves. Now like anyone, I occasionally make math mistakes. Ask Todd, he's caught me more than once. But I put it up there where folks can check.
Nobody gives a shit about Carbon.
Really? Is this you showing my ignorance and stupidity?
Besides being used as shorthand for there is the tidy little point that neither petroleum nor coal CONTAIN carbon dioxide. The CO2 is formed when they are OXIDIZED. And I thought you were some sort of chemistry hotshot. Oh, wait, it's not chemistry, it's wind turbines.
First the experts claim there is a problem with the food of the earth, CO2.
The flora loves it, the fauna, not so much.
Now the dumbasses, the ignorant, the stupid, make claims of carbon. Carbon is a benign, carbon does not hurt a thing.
See note above in bold red.
CO2 is not Carbon.
See note above in bold red.
Crick, you are calling me a liar when you do not understand that you are talking about CO2, not Carbon. They are not the same thing.
See note above in bold red.

If you think this is you demonstrating MY stupidity... well, keep it coming, friend, keep it coming.
Do you best buddy boy. Can I suggest you start with some links that actually support your claims?

Really? Is this you showing my ignorance and stupidity?
Besides being used as shorthand for there is the tidy little point that neither petroleum nor coal CONTAIN carbon dioxide. The CO2 is formed when they are OXIDIZED. And I thought you were some sort of chemistry hotshot. Oh, wait, it's not chemistry, it's wind turbines.

See note above in bold red.
See note above in bold red.
See note above in bold red.
If you think this is you demonstrating MY stupidity... well, keep it coming, friend, keep it coming.
more lies by crick, quote me, where is the quote, more shit made up by crick, so that crick can continue crick's stupidity

where is the quotes crick, just a slimy liar
Really? Is this you showing my ignorance and stupidity?
neither petroleum nor coal CONTAIN carbon dioxide. The CO2 is formed when they are OXIDIZED. And I thought you were some sort of chemistry hotshot. Oh, wait, it's not chemistry, it's wind turbines.
It is easy to show your stupidity Crick.

Coal and Petroleum combust, they do not oxidize. It is called combustion. Gee, that was easy to show you were stupid, crick.

And of course, crick the moron demands links, as if crick does not ignore every link given, but here goes so we can all laugh at crick's stupidity.

Oxidized, what is it?
oxidized; oxidizing
Synonyms of oxidize
transitive verb
: to combine with oxygen
Other chemicals then oxidize the sulfur dioxide to form sulfuric acid, which along with the nitric acid increases the acidity of the dewdrop.—R. Monastersky

Should the cork be allowed to dry out, it will shrink and allow air to seep in and oxidize the wine.—Peter D. Meltzer

: to dehydrogenate especially by the action of oxygen
oxidize an alcohol to an aldehyde

: to change (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence
What mix of products is formed is a function of the electrode potential used to oxidize the chloride ion.—Chemical & Engineering News

: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule)
oxidize metallic copper to ionic copper
Do you best buddy boy. Can I suggest you start with some links that actually support your claims?

Really? Is this you showing my ignorance and stupidity?
Besides being used as shorthand for there is the tidy little point that neither petroleum nor coal CONTAIN carbon dioxide. The CO2 is formed when they are OXIDIZED. And I thought you were some sort of chemistry hotshot. Oh, wait, it's not chemistry, it's wind turbines.
Links, when one is dealing with intelligent people, links are not needed. Intelligent people are able to recognize facts based on their intelligence.

Crick, I will point out your stupidity again. Crick is trying to appear smart and state that petroleum and coal oxidized, producing CO2. They do not. Set a open bucket of oil in the air, it will remain the same for ever, it will not oxidize nor evaporate.

Crick, stupidly, is confused as to what it means, when it is stated that something oxidized
Combustion, or burning,[1] is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant, usually atmospheric oxygen, that produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture termed as smoke
Links, when one is dealing with intelligent people, links are not needed. Intelligent people are able to recognize facts based on their intelligence.
HAHAHAHAHAaaaa.... oh jesus, keep it coming laddie.
Crick, I will point out your stupidity again. Crick is trying to appear smart and state that petroleum and coal oxidized, producing CO2. They do not. Set a open bucket of oil in the air, it will remain the same for ever, it will not oxidize nor evaporate.
HAHAHAHAHAaaaahaaahaahahaaa... oh my god it just doesn't GET any better than this.
Crick, stupidly, is confused as to what it means, when it is stated that something oxidized
Combustion, or burning,[1] is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant, usually atmospheric oxygen, that produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture termed as smoke

Perfect! Absolutely perfect!
HAHAHAHAHAaaaa.... oh jesus, keep it coming laddie.

HAHAHAHAHAaaaahaaahaahahaaa... oh my god it just doesn't GET any better than this.

Perfect! Absolutely perfect!
exactly, crick does not know a thing about what the fuck crick is talking about, and when confronted with the facts, crick can only offer fake laughs

a nice slimy human being you are crick, aint that right
and how about being honest with everyone, tell them why you are taking such offence, go ahead, tell em crick

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