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First Ladies Ain’t What They Used To Be


Sep 23, 2010
I already know about Democrat liars; so I saw no reason to read what they were saying at their convention until I saw this:

Rush Limbaugh on Michelle Obama: 'Bullsh--!'
'It was all lies. She didn't believe any of it'
Published: 9 hours ago

Rush Limbaugh on Michelle Obama: ‘Bullsh–!’

Now, it appears that Michelle is just as big a liar as is her husband. I guess she’s following in Hillary Clinton’s footsteps. In Michelle’s case she was pushing “Barack is a saint.” as Charles Krauthammer pointed out:

On the other hand Sir Edmund Hillary Clinton lies about everything including ducking bullets in the Balkans. She did not have to worry about ducking bullets in China. China’s VP ducked her.

I don’t know what Bill Clinton had to say last night nor do I intend to find out. I do know that anything he said had to be tinged with bitterness. After all, he was supposed to be the first black president as well as the first Socialist pope, but no one ever put him in for sainthood. Not even Hillary could sell that one. Now, a real black guy is seeking a second term which is the only edge Clinton has in the pope sweepstakes. Should Hussein get a second term it would, indeed, be a miracle worthy of a saint. Perhaps that is why Dick Morris says Clinton wants Hussein to lose:

In 2008 Hussein set himself up as a spiritual leader; his critics called him the new messiah. That is a misnomer. Spiritual leadership is what he was after, and that is what unites Hussein & Clinton politically not economic policies.

NOTE: Bush the Elder flirted with spiritual leadership in his winning election campaign in 1988. Remember this one: “A kinder, gentler America.” That turned out to be a lie just as every spiritual pronouncement uttered by presidents turns out to be a lie when it is put in practice. In Bush the Elder’s case a kinder, gentler America meant handing over America’s sovereignty to the New World Order. Bottom line: Don’t let them legislate love and spiritual hustlers can preach to the faithful from now til doomsday without doing serious harm to those of us who know better.

After analyzing why Clinton failed to be accepted as a spiritual leader, Hussein developed a strategy designed to pick up where Clinton stopped. That meant blending the tricks of every two-bit street-hustling preacher with touchy-feely rhetoric about governing.

Another way to look at it is that Hussein combined two ready-made constituencies. The first one was, and is, softened up by successful bible-thumpers like Jeremiah Wright. The second, and larger, constituency was drawn from the lowest level of the parasite class he learned to manipulate as a community organizer.

The elections

Hussein caught two breaks in 2008 —— a weak opponent and conservative voters fed up with RINO. Almost four years later the only thing Hussein has left over from his 2008 campaign is spiritual garbage since he clearly cannot govern. He has to stick with the spiritual angle; hence, he sent his wife out to sell him as a saint. Hell, he dare not run on his ability to govern, while saints are always untouchable. Think about it! How does one tarnish a saint without looking like the devil to his followers.

NOTE: Before Michelle delivered her little speech she did not have Hillary’s reputation for lying; so she might have pulled it off. Her mistake was telling easily exposed lies. Now, she’s just another Democrat fraud who will say anything to hang onto power.

Incidentally, I don’t know why anybody would watch a convention. Few would listen to those speeches if they were delivered solo in another time and place. Speakers at political conventions remind me of street performers; few stop and watch, but put the performance on TV and BINGO there’s an audience. The whole thing is like a contest among salespeople. The winner gets the Top Salesman of Year Award.

The country’s problem is that Hussein & Company are trying to erase a basic truth: Americans elect presidents to govern not popes. That makes a wannabe “spiritual leader’s” task monumental in that Thomas Jefferson’s immutable truth defeats all of modern propaganda’s machinery:

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty.

In short: The doctrine of Separation of Church and State must reside in the presidency more than it resides in the courts; i.e., the ideal president is moral in his personal private life without imposing his morality on the public by force as Hussein has been doing with the court’s approval.

More importantly, the very minute the American people turn to presidents for moral guidance is the minute liberty dies.

I’ll close with a question: Is this country so morally bankrupt Americans need spiritual guidance from street-hustlers, liars, and perverts?
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I’ll close with a question: Is this country so morally bankrupt Americans need spiritual guidance from street-hustlers, liars, and perverts?

No, we don't. Therefore the Romney-Ryan ticket will be rejected.
Michelle must think we are all as stupid as her husband's radical hope/change followers. He wrote (ghost wrote by Bill Ayers maybe) two autobios that related his affluent lifestyle in Hawaii and his private schooling. Maybe affirmative action got him through college and into a law firm but he and Michelle were making about 300k when she claims he was taking shoes and tables out of the dumpster. Nothing is true about these people. They are like actors in a creepy play.

Michelle must think we are all as stupid as her husband's radical hope/change followers.

To whitehall: Indeed she does. In addition, she always thought that everyone had to win her approval. I wonder what she thinks about her approval now that she is being held to account for her statements?


He wrote (ghost wrote by Bill Ayers maybe) two autobios that related his affluent lifestyle in Hawaii and his private schooling. Maybe affirmative action got him through college and into a law firm but he and Michelle were making about 300k when she claims he was taking shoes and tables out of the dumpster. Nothing is true about these people. They are like actors in a creepy play.

To whitehall: I disagree with the actor part. They are not acting. They are second generation parasites born into a comfortable level of the parasite class. They truly believe they are entitled to every tax dollar they get. They may even believe they did not get enough. In truth, they could not have been more pampered had they been white parasites.
Look who agrees with Hussein:

In his 2006 speech to a liberal Christian group, then-Sen. Barack Obama said: “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

Evangelical leaders echo Obama, say U.S. not a Christian nation
July 31, 2012|By Mitchell Landsberg

Evangelical leaders echo Obama, say U.S. not a Christian nation - Los Angeles Times

Thomas Jefferson (see OP) would have no trouble understanding why clerics of every denomination line up with a Socialist priest. Clerics are united in their hatred of the First Amendment because they are too stupid to know that the Socialist priesthood will abolish every other religion faster than Islam’s clerics abolish infidel religions in Islamic theocracies.
what a loser thread.

and why do the worst 'tards always put their words in bold, in larger font, or both?

yeah, first ladies not what they used to be.... white. *shrug*
We are no longer a Christian nation and if obama has anything to say about it, we will be an atheist nation. He can start with pitting religion against religion and take it from there.
what a loser thread.

and why do the worst 'tards always put their words in bold, in larger font, or both?

yeah, first ladies not what they used to be.... white. *shrug*

To jillian: Stop reading my threads if my format annoys you!


We are no longer a Christian nation and if obama has anything to say about it, we will be an atheist nation.

To Katzndogz: True with one caveat. Hussein will bring the country to a Socialist theocracy. He is trying to bring the country to atheism in opposition to the first two definitions of religion. At the same time he is destroying Supreme Deity religions he is implementing the godless Socialist religion with him as a spiritual leader in #3 and #4 definitions:

religion (noun)
Abbr. rel., relig.

1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.

2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.

3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.

4. A cause, a principle, or an activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.


He can start with pitting religion against religion and take it from there.

To Katzndogz: Exactly so. His comment:

We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.

was not a defense of religious freedom; it was a sly way of pitting one religion against another without openly advocating multiculturalism defined and administered by Socialist priests.
We are no longer a Christian nation and if obama has anything to say about it, we will be an atheist nation. He can start with pitting religion against religion and take it from there.

Why do you always have to post a lie?

We need to put a stop to the work the First and Second Ladies do for our children and most especially for our military, their families, their children.

The sooner we get our military back on the street corners, begging for loose change, the better off we'll be.

Thankfully, we have Ann Romney .. If what's his name is elected, Mrs Romney will be absent from the White House because she'll be


far too busy being a stay at home mom ...


taking care of the couple's tax returns ...


Or just being her loveable self.
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We need to put a stop to the work the First and Second Ladies do for our children and most especially for our military, their families, their children.

The sooner we get our military back on the street corners, begging for loose change, the better off we'll be.

Thankfully, we have Ann Romney .. If what's his name is elected, Mrs Romney will be absent from the White House because she'll be


far too busy being a stay at home mom ...


taking care of the couple's tax returns ...


Or just being her loveable self.

To luddly.neddite: My, my, so much envy on so many levels.

Wry Catcher;5958566

Michelle Obama, Attorney at Law, wife and mom, first lady.

To Wry Catcher: So was former First Lady Hillary Clinton and she is a crook. I will concede that Michelle O is a smarter crook. Daisy Mae never got a $300,000 a year part-time job that was eliminated when she resigned.

On the other hand, Hillary still has her law license:

by Allbiz - PWCM - JLA Posted November 02, 2009


Wry Catcher;5958566

Ann Romney, mother and stepford wife.

To Wry Catcher: Stepford wife? If Ann’s appearance offends you, I guess you never noticed that Michelle Obama always looks like she is auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.
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Moochelle obama: "Gimme dat french fry".

The Big Mooch is not an attorney at law, that's lie number one. Her licenses was not revoked. She got a court order to voluntarily relinquish that license. We don't know why because those records are sealed, like all obama records are sealed.
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Moochelle obama: "Gimme dat french fry".

The Big Mooch is not an attorney at law, that's lie number one. Her licenses was not revoked. She got a court order to voluntarily relinquish that license. We don't know why because those records are sealed, like all obama records are sealed.

You really hate Michelle Obama!
Moochelle obama: "Gimme dat french fry".

The Big Mooch is not an attorney at law, that's lie number one. Her licenses was not revoked. She got a court order to voluntarily relinquish that license. We don't know why because those records are sealed, like all obama records are sealed.

You really hate Michelle Obama!

She's pretentious. She is a pretentious phony. I remember seeing an enormously fat woman eating lunch with her kid at a restaurant. She kept snatching food off the kid's plate. This wasn't good for him, that would make him fat, the kid didn't like that other thing so she may as well eat it for him. The kid was a skinny little thing. No wonder why, under the pretext of taking care of him, mommy was eating everything on the child's plate. It was many years ago but I was disgusted that this fat ass should be allowed to do what she was doing. That's why the Big Mooch is like. Just like that woman.

Not to mention that we are endlessly told that she is a cover girl beauty. She has a lower jaw that would preclude her from being judge even attractive by any standards. Her poor daughters. The oldest is already exhibiting her inheritance of that massive lower jaw. Poor thing, to have to lug that around all the time. It's the same kind of mandated stupidity that we're told whenever Chelsea Clinton is termed a stunning beauty.

Although it would be interesting to find out exactly why the court ordered her to voluntarily give up her law license.

And, I really can't stand the way she spends OUR money, while at the same time trying to convince us how poor she is. AND, I read her thesis at Princeton. It was the thesis that really did it.
Moochelle obama: "Gimme dat french fry".

The Big Mooch is not an attorney at law, that's lie number one. Her licenses was not revoked. She got a court order to voluntarily relinquish that license. We don't know why because those records are sealed, like all obama records are sealed.

You really hate Michelle Obama!

I suspect it stems from envy. Of course, I am eager to see a pic of Katzndogz for comparison purposes.
We need to put a stop to the work the First and Second Ladies do for our children and most especially for our military, their families, their children.

The sooner we get our military back on the street corners, begging for loose change, the better off we'll be.

Thankfully, we have Ann Romney .. If what's his name is elected, Mrs Romney will be absent from the White House because she'll be


far too busy being a stay at home mom ...


taking care of the couple's tax returns ...


Or just being her loveable self.

To luddly.neddite: My, my, so much envy on so many levels.

Wry Catcher;5958566

Michelle Obama, Attorney at Law, wife and mom, first lady.

To Wry Catcher: So was former First Lady Hillary Clinton and she is a crook. I will concede that Michelle O is a smarter crook. Daisy Mae never got a $300,000 a year part-time job that was eliminated when she resigned.

On the other hand, Hillary still has her law license:

by Allbiz - PWCM - JLA Posted November 02, 2009


Wry Catcher;5958566

Ann Romney, mother and stepford wife.

To Wry Catcher: Stepford wife? If Ann’s appearance offends you, I guess you never noticed that Michelle Obama always looks like she is auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.

Ann's appearance has nothing to do with my comment. Watch the movie and watch the behavior in the movie of the wives and the husbands - then watch the Republican convention again.

IF you were honest and not a hack you too would laugh at the similarity.
The behavior of the candidate's wives is that Ann Romney moves gracefully and the Golden Sasquatch lumbers around like a bull in a china shop.
Wry Catcher;5963013

Ann's appearance has nothing to do with my comment.

To Wry Catcher: Of course it did even if you do not realize it. Stepford wives were all Barbie Dolls:

In real life nothing angers liberals more than an attractive conservative woman with brains like Ann Romney, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and so on. By the way, liberals also called First Lady Laura Bush a Stepford wife. Is there a pattern emerging here?

I’ve never been certain if liberals simply hate attractive conservative women, or if they truly believe a woman must embrace liberalism in order to be intelligent.

Incidentally, it is not only attractive women that liberals hate. Back in the 1960s Leftist standup comics went after famous movie stars calling them shallow, etc. Cary Grant was a favorite target. I know it was Grant’s good looks they hated because none of them ever said a bad word about Rondo Hatton.

Wry Catcher;5963013

Watch the movie and watch the behavior in the movie of the wives and the husbands -

To Wry Catcher: If you watched every minute of every one of Ann’s TV appearances you could not know how she relates to her family, friends, and neighbors based on a sci-fi movie produced to gratify envious feminazis.

Wry Catcher;5963013

then watch the Republican convention again.

To Wry Catcher: I did not watch either convention the first time around. I’d watch product commercials for kitchen utensils before I’d watch a political revival meeting.

Wry Catcher;5963013

IF you were honest and not a hack you too would laugh at the similarity.

To Wry Catcher: Agreeing with the interpretation of a Democrat party stooge is not the definition of honest.
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A Stepford wife is ANY intelligent woman who comes to the conclusion that leftists are basically communists. This is the old story of "If you don't agree with me, you don't think for yourself".

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