Fiscal Conservatives are always Democrats.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
The Republican Party has consistently been the party of BIG SPEND!!!! Witness the presidencies of Reagan, Nixon, Bush 1 and Bush 2. Spend, Spend, Spend and spend some more.

When this country has had Fiscal Conservatives, they have come out of the Democratic Ranks. Witness the conservative presidencies of Clinton and Kennedy.

I am a strong fiscal conservative. When the hell is the Republican Party going to come up with a real conservative like Clinton or Kennedy? The closest the Republicans ever came was to nominate Barry Goldwater. Unfortunately, not enough Republicans could vote for a Jew, and they turned their backs on him.

Oh, I posted this thread just to irk the Republicans. I like to make people think.
In defense of Reagen, he did say that one of his great mistakes was not having the line item veto. He said that in his memoirs and if he did have that their would have been balanced budgets.
Bubba Clintoon had a congress run by the opposition party for most of his term.

Meanwhile, LBJ and Carter were fiscal nightmares.
That's because bills passed by Democrats are either deficit neutral or a cost savings. See the current health care bill. The complaints that it will cost trillions is just white wing lies.

On the other hand,

The drug bill passed by the Republicans has been referred to as the most "irresponsible" bill in history, costing 1.2 trillion right off the bat with a potential of costing the nation 15 trillion. A fact skipped over the so called "liberal" media and totally ignored by the so called "fiscally conservative" Republicans. And when that bill was passed, conservatives controlled both houses and the presidency.
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That's because bills passed by Democrats are either deficit neutral or a cost savings. See the current health care bill. The complaints that it will cost trillions is just white wing lies.
In defense of Reagen, he did say that one of his great mistakes was not having the line item veto. He said that in his memoirs and if he did have that their would have been balanced budgets.

Anybody who advanced a 600 ship Navy was not the least bit interested in balanced budgets. Reagan was a liberal spender as governor of California and was way more than a liberal spender as POTUS
Bubba Clintoon had a congress run by the opposition party for most of his term.

Meanwhile, LBJ and Carter were fiscal nightmares.
Clinton was a fiscal conservative pure and simple. He was not interested in spending money that we did not have, even though congress was strongly interested in spending money. Republicans and most Democrats always have pet projects for their home districts. I think it used to be called Pork Barrel. Clinton cut back on a lot of that shit. As previously stated, I never voted for the man, but I'll give him his due. We sure could have used him in the past nine years.
The CBO credited the 1993 budget redcution act with the lions share of the budget reductions experienced in the 1990s.

That bill was passed through the senate without on single republican vote.

They campaigned against it in the next election saying it would distry the country.

They were wrong but got enough seats to take one body of the congress.
Imagine if out of nowhere there were to appear the magical mystical president who would balance the budget for the first time ever. Would he be stoned you think? Imagine her policies: decreased spending, no pet projects, reuse of material, much less military, no pork, increase in taxes, no silly tax deductions, less regulatory inspection, freezes in government pay, etc etc. How long would such a magical person last?

"Old age realizes the dreams of youth: look at Dean Swift; in his youth he built an asylum for the insane, in his old age he was himself an inmate. " Soren Kierkegaard
Bubba Clintoon had a congress run by the opposition party for most of his term.

Meanwhile, LBJ and Carter were fiscal nightmares.
Clinton was a fiscal conservative pure and simple. He was not interested in spending money that we did not have, even though congress was strongly interested in spending money. Republicans and most Democrats always have pet projects for their home districts. I think it used to be called Pork Barrel. Clinton cut back on a lot of that shit. As previously stated, I never voted for the man, but I'll give him his due. We sure could have used him in the past nine years.
Like hell he was a "fiscal conservative".

His insanely socialistic gubmint takeover of the medical services industry blew up and his face, he subsequently lost control of both houses of congress and never had the power to drive the spending agenda after '94.

Besides that, presidents don't control spending bills, congress does.
Total Bullshit, Dude. You can try to rewrite history all you want, but you only come across as a total fool to somebody like me who knows history. Why do you act so damn stupid all of the time?
The Republican Party has consistently been the party of BIG SPEND!!!! Witness the presidencies of Reagan, Nixon, Bush 1 and Bush 2. Spend, Spend, Spend and spend some more.

When this country has had Fiscal Conservatives, they have come out of the Democratic Ranks. Witness the conservative presidencies of Clinton and Kennedy.

I am a strong fiscal conservative. When the hell is the Republican Party going to come up with a real conservative like Clinton or Kennedy? The closest the Republicans ever came was to nominate Barry Goldwater. Unfortunately, not enough Republicans could vote for a Jew, and they turned their backs on him.

Oh, I posted this thread just to irk the Republicans. I like to make people think.

This is absolutely correct. The Republicans long ago stopped being the party of fiscal responsibility. Both are tax-your-children and spend parties.
That republicans are spendthrift fakes when it comes to fiscal responsibility is not in dispute.

However, the notion that the democratics are any better is laughable on its face. Especially when using a mere two examples --Clinton and JFK-- while ignoring spendaholics like FDR, LBJ and Carter.
That republicans are spendthrift fakes when it comes to fiscal responsibility is not in dispute.

However, the notion that the democratics are any better is laughable on its face. Especially when using a mere two examples --Clinton and JFK-- while ignoring spendaholics like FDR, LBJ and Carter.

It is not a question of who is a Democrat or who is a Republican. It just so happens that the most fiscally conservative presidents that we have had in the past half a century have been Democrats. All the more reason to put aside this crazy party shit. (Mind you, I do like crazy parties, but not the political kind.) We need to just vote for the man and the method. That is the reason why I vote for myself rather than the clowns the two major parties have presented us recently.

Nobody can blame me for putting these spending fools in office. (Dubya and now Bamy) I did not vote for them. Last time I was so frustrated in both Obama and McCain that I told my wife to vote my ballot as an absentee voter. I think she voted for McCain. I know I didn't.

So, Dude and everybody else, stop this party crap. Both parties are made up of individuals. We need to select individuals who are fiscal conservatives. Since Clinton ran the second time, we have not had a fiscal conservative really run for office.
And yet Congress still controls spending. Simply Amazing!

We continue to fund annually FDR's And LBJ's and Dem Super Majority insane Socialist projects from Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Electrification, to the War on Poverty to a Department of Education that graduates total fucking retards in mass quantities.

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The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it! Ad infinitum.
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it!
The President signs the bills, damn it! Ad infinitum.

How'd Reagan make out closing the Department of Education or getting the spending cuts promised to him by a Democrat Congress?

What we never had in my entire life was a Reagan Presidency with a Conservative Congress.

Not even for a single election cycle.

Not once!

This is America and Congress drive spending

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