Five Years To Spare Is Not In The Cards


Sep 23, 2010
The dream of President Hillary Clinton and Secretary General Bill Clinton saving the world together is dead. Their political demise leaves the New World Order crowd no choice but to find a replacement before the clock runs out. There is not enough time to groom another president for the UN job before the move to withdraw from the United Nations becomes unstoppable. That makes the Chicago sewer rat the logical choice:

Is Obama preparing to become Secretary General of the UN?​

You better believe the answer is yes.

While a move by Obama to gain the Secretary General position at the UN would be a major blow to Angelina Jolie’s aspirations, I think there is evidence Obama is moving in that direction now that he has no hope of any political power as high as he has become used to.

Given how Obama’s trans-Pacific trade pact set to strip the US of sovereignty by handing many trade regulatory powers to the UN, I believe Obama was already using his final months of the presidency to diminish US presidential powers and increase UN powers in order to prepare the way for a move to becoming UN Secretary General. The same can be seen in his negotiations to diminish US control over environmental regulations, putting regulatory power more in the hands of the UN. He needed to diminish US powers while he could in order to create a more powerful international position for himself in the future with less interference from the US.

Obama has made it clear that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a major legacy item for him. With his days now too short in the presidency to accomplish much, he needs to push power to the UN if he is to continue working on that legacy issue. By getting this resolution passed through the Security Council now, Obama reduced some of Trump’s veto power over what the UN can impose on Israel in the future. The resolution, for example, strengthens the UN General Assembly’s ability to place sanctions on Israel that don’t need to go through the security council and are, therefore, are not something Trump would be able to veto. They also give the UN a firm basis for taking Israel to international court at the Hague if any further settlement activity continues.

Since Trump will try to reverse all of this, Obama must think he will be in a position at the UN to catch the ball he is now passing in order to keep running it forward. If nothing else, this action will ingratiate him at the UN, making his friends there feel he has finally earned that Nobel Peace Prize he received for getting elected in 2008.

Obama’s Twilight Moves Against Israel May Foreshadow His Move to UN Sec’y Gen
by Knave Dave
Dec 29, 2016 8:41 PM

Obama’s Twilight Moves Against Israel May Foreshadow His Move to UN Sec’y Gen | Zero Hedge

Trusting the United Nations above everything else is the reason the global government crowd needs an American secretary-general. No foreign secretary-general will ever fool the American people into believing that the United Nations is a good deal for Americans. Installing a former American president as secretary-general was always designed to convince the American people that their guy in the United Nations is a loyal American. Loyalty to their country was not true of the Clintons, and it is not true of Obama.

A former president knows which bureaucrats are loyal to the United Nations, in addition to knowing how to use their inside knowledge of how the federal government works in order to betray the country. It goes without saying that media will either spin the betrayals away, or ignore them altogether as they have been doing since 1945.

The biggest United Nations problem globalists face is that most Americans despise the United Nations. The plan was always for Secretary General Bill Clinton to give the UN legitimacy. The idea was to have Americans first trust Clinton as secretary-general. Within days of Clinton taking over at the UN a massive sales campaign was scheduled to begin. Obama inherits all of the preparations that were made for Bill Clinton —— with one major drawback.

Obama is failed salesman. The parasite class are the only Americans that ever bought anything super-salesman was selling. He lied about everything. He lied about the Iran Nuclear Deal, the TPP, open-borders, UN refugees, and Congress had to force the ACA on working Americans. Even if the sack of shit never told a lie, the majority of Americans wanted no part of anything he was selling.

On the plus side the New World Order crowd is stuck with a filthy piece of garbage who cannot give away pardons on death row.

Finally, do not rely on tomorrow’s Secretary General António Guterres serving a full five years before Obama takes over. The New World Order crowd does not have five years to spare. For Obama to step-in before it is too late Guterres will be told to resign because of ill health, or family, or whatever lie the media can sell.
Ooohhhh I would love to see Nikki go toe to toe with him
To bear513: Go slow on that one:

I used to think that Governor Haley had potential. Her position on political asylum tells me that should she ever become a U.S. Senator she will line up with the nest of traitors in the US Senate —— not those few senators like Jeff Sessions looking out for this country.​

Anybody interested in learning more about how the United Nations gets into our domestic affairs you can start with South Carolina. Naturally, former SENATOR, and longtime traitor, John Kerry pops up in this article:

Kerry sent one of his top lieutenants to Spartanburg earlier this week to try to quell the uprising.​

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 08/28/2015 @ 8:23 pm

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees

Floating Maternity Wards

Little did I suspect that Donald Trump would bypass the US Senate and send Haley directly to the United Nations:​

Three Things Nikki Haley Needs to Keep in Mind
Daniel DePetris
December 2, 2016, 12:04 am

Three Things Nikki Haley Needs to Keep in Mind

Any American whose first loyalty is to America’s sovereignty needs to know one thing only:​


The US is not leaving the UN.
To JakeStarkey: Your responses in my messages posted before November 8 claiming my opposition to Hillary Clinton guarantied her victory warmed my heart. Your support for the United Nations is a guarantee that the United Nations is on its way to oblivion:

Next year is shaping up to be the year that flushes the United Nations down the toilet:

H. R. 1205 Is Looking Good
Flanders and those similar to the traitor are what is wrong with America.
Flanders and those similar to the traitor are what is wrong with America.
To JakeStarkey: You, most of all, should never say the word traitor since your heroes legitimated treason for the United Nations:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason. Only lawyers could design something like that.

NOTE: John Kerry did not have the United Nations as an excuse when he gave aid and comfort to the enemy in 1970, but he got away with treason anyway.

John Kerry meeting North Vietnamese in Paris
Marc Morano, Thursday, May 20, 2004

John Kerry meeting North Vietnamese in Paris

Kerry’s latest betrayal prove that traitors age like fine wine; they improve their skills with time:

Barack Obama entertains himself by fussing over his legacy, eager to be remembered as an American icon, perhaps to replace George Washington. John Kerry was eager to assist him with the betrayal of Israel. Both president and secretary of State were doing what comes naturally.​

John Kerry’s practiced betrayal of friends
By Wesley Pruden - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 29, 2016

John Kerry’s practiced betrayal of friends


Earth’s sun does not mark the days and years on a calender, but this morning it did rise on a new year in man’s method of record keeping. If our sun had a memory it would remember that it once rose on Benedict Arnold (1740 - 1801).

Today our sun woke up on a present-day traitor and will do so for nineteen more days. The shame is that your traitor will not live out his life in a foreign land as did Benedict Arnold, your traitor will live in this country and add to his betrayals in lectures, on television, and writing articles the press will beg to print.

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I am quite sure that Traitors like Flanders have been reported.
I am quite sure that Traitors like Flanders have been reported.
To JakeStarkey: Who do you report to? The Queen of Hearts!


Question: When did you fall down the rabbit hole?

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? Alice in Wonderland

You entered the realm of idiocy. In your world love of one’s country is treason, while loyalty to the United Nations is patriotism.
^^^^ oh, the rage of an impotent traitor like Flanders.

Oh, behold!
He’s hanging on for dear life to the power he claimed as his own, and has blocked his mind from any and all thoughts of the inauguration of Donald J. Trump on January 20.​

Obama’s Time is Up but He’s Refusing to Go
By Judi McLeod
January 1, 2017

Obama’s Time is Up but He’s Refusing to Go

Here is one that Obama cannot block from his thoughts:

Both Putin and President Trump can veto him:

Is Obama preparing to become Secretary General of the UN?
You better believe the answer is yes.
Did you ever notice how John Kerry’s tongue darts out like a snake’s tongue whenever he speaks?


John Kerry Videos at ABC News Video Archive at

The snake is at it again:

John Kerry: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Would Cause Mideast ‘Explosion’
by Breitbart Jerusalem
7 Jan 2017

John Kerry: Trump Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem Would Cause Mideast ‘Explosion’ - Breitbart
Put together everything that is known about John Kerry —— then fall to your knees and thank your god that Kerry never became president.

Kerry Exits as Congenital Liar and Traitor to America & Israel
By Joan Swirsky
January 11, 2017

Kerry Exits as Congenital Liar and Traitor to America & Israel

Try this nightmare scenario.

President Bill Clinton.

President John Kerry.

President Barack Obama.

President Hillary Clinton.

Two names on my list of presidents belong in jail.

One should have been tried and executed for treason.

One was not constitutionally eligible for the presidency among other crimes and malfeasance in office.

Empires collapsed for less.

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