Fixing the GOP Part 6- Drop oppossition to Gay Marriage.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
It's a loser issue for the GOP in the long run.

Probably don't need to say any more than that.
obama said something like he is not messing with the gay marriage thing. LOL Hope they enjoyed wasting their vote. LOL
obama said something like he is not messing with the gay marriage thing. LOL Hope they enjoyed wasting their vote. LOL

At least he will not actively oppose it.
Maybe not such a wasted vote after all for those who support mandates.
obama said something like he is not messing with the gay marriage thing. LOL Hope they enjoyed wasting their vote. LOL

At least he will not actively oppose it.
Maybe not such a wasted vote after all for those who support mandates.

Hell, the only reason he said he supported it was because of Bidens dumbass. Cant have a prez and vp with different views, it seems like. But hey, he got their vote..
obama said something like he is not messing with the gay marriage thing. LOL Hope they enjoyed wasting their vote. LOL

At least he will not actively oppose it.
Maybe not such a wasted vote after all for those who support mandates.

Hell, the only reason he said he supported it was because of Bidens dumbass. Cant have a prez and vp with different views, it seems like. But hey, he got their vote..

OR he just realized that it was a losing game in the long run.

Frankly, orientation equality will probably come a lot faster than racial equality did, because a lot of these republican lawmakers won't like getting the Stink-eye from their Lesbian niece at thanksgiving dinner.

There are two ways we get Gay Marriage for the whole country-

1) The Supreme Court upholds Judge Walker's decision in Perry v. Schwarzennegger, which upheld that there is a federal right to marriage. I personally think this is a bit dubious, but there are precedents to back this up, including Loving v. Virginia.

2) The Supreme Court strikes down DOMA. This means the ten or so states that have legal gay marriage can issue marriage licenses the other 40 states have to recognize. At that point, the states will figure, might as well legalize it and collect those marriage license fees for ourselves.
well yeah, just merge the two parties..

we can have ONE BIG DADDY guberment
well yeah, just merge the two parties..

we can have ONE BIG DADDY guberment

Not at all.

If your purpose is to get people to vote against their economic interests by appealling to their religious, racial and sexual biases, then what you are doing is just fine until you realize that combined, gays, women and minorities are a vast majority in this country.

If your goal is to show that free markets, self-reliance and limited governmnet are the way to go, you should be able to do this without appealling to the racists, homophobes and misogynists.
well yeah, just merge the two parties..

we can have ONE BIG DADDY guberment

Actually, it would be a smaller government if we got it out of the marriage business altogether.

This whole fight is over the right to file a married income tax return and receive Social Security death benefits and so forth.

Take government out of the equation and the issue evaporates.

Well, if you're going to charge marriage why not make it open book?

What's open book? Simply if you want to marry "it" you can. Seems fair???
Well, if you're going to charge marriage why not make it open book?

What's open book? Simply if you want to marry "it" you can. Seems fair???

As long as there is no harm caused by entering into a union with your sex partner, you go right ahead and marry your right hand.

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It's a loser issue for the GOP in the long run.

Probably don't need to say any more than that.

I agree. As the right wingers found out loud and clear on election night the american people want freedom, not right wing fascism.
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Well, if you're going to charge marriage why not make it open book?

What's open book? Simply if you want to marry "it" you can. Seems fair???

As long as there is no harm caused by entering into a union with your sex partner, you go right ahead and marry your right hand.



So if more than one woman wants to marry a man=ok
So if a man wants to marry his dog=ok

This is what the GOP should do.
It's a loser issue for the GOP in the long run.

Probably don't need to say any more than that.

America's roaring twentysomethings: how young voters won the culture wars

2012 saw historic support for pro-choice positions, gay marriage and marijuana legalization – thanks to liberal-leaning youth

[T]hose who turned 30 over the past four years have maintained their Democratic allegiance from 2008. The conventional wisdom is that people become more conservative as they age. This isn't borne out in the research, and 2012 is no exception. The only age group whose vote increased for Obama from 2008 to 2012 was 30-39 year-olds, as those who had formerly been 25-29 years old moved into 30-39 year-old age cohort.

Overall, the 2012 election demonstrates that the young voters of America not only hold a pro-Democratic party outlook, but one that espouses liberal positions on the important social issues of the day as well.

America's roaring twentysomethings: how young voters won the culture wars | Harry J Enten | Comment is free |

And younger voters will become older voters; although they may become more fiscally conservative as they grow older, they’ll retain their social liberalism with regard to same-sex couples and marriage, abortion, and drug laws.

The OP is correct, it’s a losing issue, along with the rest of the social conservative agenda.
:anj_stfu::ahole-1:That's Pure:bsflag:
It's a loser issue for the GOP in the long run.

Probably don't need to say any more than that.

I agree. As the right wingers found out loud and clear on election night the american people want freedom, not right wing fascism.

Awww, butthurt after your spanking? :lol:

Every moonbat teabagger got their asses handed to them on election night.

The american people have spoken, they want the huge government teabaggers and evangelical loons to go to hell, so we can honor freedom like the constitution states.
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