Flash/Jason: High School Shootings [Western Dilemma?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a patriotism-vignette inspired by the horrors of the Columbine shootings, and it references my own high school alma-mater, Eastern Regional High School (in New Jersey).

Cheers (signing off),



"Ajay Satan was an Algerian-American graduate of Eastern High School in Voorhees, New Jersey (USA). Ajay became a comic book writer/artist after graduating from Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire) in 2000. Ajay wrote about new age characters and ancient mythological characters, creating complements relevant to modern storytelling. His tales included stories about Medusa (Ancient Greek demon-deity of hypnosis/obsession) contending with the Marvel Comics patriotic superhero Captain America. Ajay became troubled by the news of various high school shootings (e.g., Columbine). He started dressing up like a vigilante and creating blogs about the value of creative vigilance in the 21st Century."


"Eastern High School [EHS] had always been an impressive public school, featuring a large student body in suburban New Jersey and excellently maintained facilities and a well-developed media/tech center. Teachers cared about students' psychological development, and students were regularly admitted into a wide array of American colleges/universities and even prestigious Ivy League schools (e.g., Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown). Ajay was a real 'patriot' of EHS and wanted to include his high school in comic book stories about the trauma of high school shootings."


"Meanwhile, there were numerous stories and even movies about the terrible high school shootings occurring all over America in the new millennium. Was the new age of high traffic and commerce creating all kinds of pedestrian angst regarding the 'frailty' of community values? Was this a terrible 'Western phenomenon' compounding the global problem of anti-Western terrorism (e.g., 9/11)?"


"Ajay wrote about the speedy comic book superhero Flash (DC Comics) contending with an eerie hockey-mask wearing high school serial-killer modeled after the fictional/iconic American horror-film zombie-psycho Jason Voorhees. Ajay wrote that the fast Flash tried to prevent this 'Jason copycat' from murdering teachers and students with a machine-gun and crossbow and spear. This 'Jason coypcat' was incidentally named Jason as well, and Flash would have to prevent him from creating a suburban terror-dominion at EHS, Ajay's alma-mater."


"Jason was a real terror, and Ajay wrote that Flash represented all the American idealism towards the fertilization of safe-spaces in public schools across the USA. As Flash would contend with Jason, Ajay's readers/fans would get a taste of why educational/community values were vital in this modern age. Ajay's Flash-Jason EHS high school crime-comics stories became very popular and were adapted into a Gus Van Sant film titled Eastern Dragon, starring Jude Law, Channing Tatum, and Nicole Kidman."


"Nicole would portray an EHS prom-queen named Shelbye in a fancy Ancient India opera about the Mogul Empire designed to inform students about the value of multiculturalism and cultural-enrichment in the modern era. Jason would burst in to create mayhem, and the Flash would then try to save the day. This Gus Van Sant film was highly-anticipated, so Ajay Satan told CNN (in a well-publicized TV interview) that Eastern Dragon would bring needed attention to the Western dilemma of value-shattering 'anti-social crime'."


"Van Sant's film made millions at the box-office and prompted all kinds of talk-show discussions on American TV. Ajay Satan became a celebrity himself, and Archangel Comics, a new film-comics enterprise managed by super-celebrity Tom Cruise and comics writer/artist William Gibson, recruited Ajay for a new clever project about Captain Planet (an eco-warrior) promoting the social value of Flintstones vitamins for patriotic consumerism and healthy living in the age of capitalism. Everything seemed very...pro-American."


TRUMP: I'm a big fan of Eastern Dragon.
CARTER: It's made Ajay Satan a celebrity!
TRUMP: Comics-art reaches the masses...
CARTER: The subject-matter (high school shootings) is vital.
TRUMP: We have to manage domestic affairs.
CARTER: It's a strong-footing in this age of terrorism-diplomacy.
TRUMP: Kids these days play too many video-games.
CARTER: Maybe the Captain Planet film about Flintstones vitamins will inspire.
TRUMP: Yes, consumerism has to be viewed through the lens of patriotism.
CARTER: It's so challenging blending capitalism with patriotism.
TRUMP: We have to make it a serious goal so we can stand out as 'imagineers.'
CARTER: After 9/11, many lost faith in capitalism-securities.
TRUMP: The destruction of the World Trade Center shocked everyone.
CARTER: Maybe Eastern Dragon will remind people of basic virtues.
TRUMP: Let's go watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier on Netflix!



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