Flashback: 2017 - Obama Pardoned General Who Leaked Classified / Lied To The FBI


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Did he lie about collaborating with a foreign enemy?
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Too an extent, I can understand pardons as a presidential prerogative, but to pardon before sentencing is BS. If you admit guilt, and it is accepted by the court, no presidential action should be taken until after sentencing, no lobbying, no public opinions, not influencing of Attorneys General, nothing. If sentenced to jail time, defendants (especially administration officials) should have to report and hear a jail door slam shut before any pardon takes place, to avoid the appearance of a two tiered justice system. Even if it is for a few days. There is more to this one, though. BO took the further step of approving reinstatement the General's security clearance. To me if you lie to government officials and plead guilty, the security clearance should be toast. Lesser connected, lesser ranked would lose it and be out, as there are plenty of smart well trained people to fill any slot who have not lied to the government about dealing discussing classified material with reporters or anyone else.
I figure after the election Trump will be pardon king for his guys.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Did he lie about collaborating with a foreign enemy?
He lied about leaking classified information.
So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.

Seems like Trump pulled an Obama.

Where's the hypocrisy?
So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.

Seems like Trump pulled an Obama.

Where's the hypocrisy?
Close. Trump with his comments and rabble rousing has influenced justice, which he shouldn't until the ball gets in his court, but he didn't want the ball to land there until after election day. Everybody walks after the election, whether he wins or loses. Still think Obama should not have pardoned until the door slammed and should never have signed of on re-approving the kind of clearances the General had. Bad business.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.

Trump didn't have to pardon Flynn. The trumped up charges fell apart.

Now Comey and others including Ears look ridiculous. As they should
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.

Trump didn't have to pardon Flynn. The trumped up charges fell apart.

Now Comey and others including Ears look ridiculous. As they should
Flynn thing ain't over. right now it is still stinking from both sides.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

So you are saying, Obama Pulled a Trump and you think there is hypocrisy from the left. I can agree with that!
Isn’t that also hypocrisy on your part?
You implying that what Obama was unethical but Trump is not unethical for doing basically the same thing as Obama.

Trump didn't have to pardon Flynn. The trumped up charges fell apart.

Now Comey and others including Ears look ridiculous. As they should
Flynn thing ain't over. right now it is still stinking from both sides.
It’s only stinking from one side. The side that has been throwing shit non-stop for four years.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Did he lie about collaborating with a foreign enemy?

Did your leftist masters find one single shred of evidence after 3 years of investigation?
Now go on and keep pretending they did.
Seems like Trump pulled an Obama. Where's the hypocrisy?

1. The General Obama pardoned committed 2 proven crimes: 1) Leaking classified, & 2) Lying to the FBI. Flynn did neither....according to the FBI

2. Trump did not pardon Flynn - the Obama administration crime was exposed and the injustice against Flynn fell apart.
Seems like Trump pulled an Obama. Where's the hypocrisy?

1. The General Obama pardoned committed 2 proven crimes: 1) Leaking classified, & 2) Lying to the FBI. Flynn did neither....according to the FBI

2. Trump did not pardon Flynn - the Obama administration crime was exposed and the injustice against Flynn fell apart.

This is a lie. The General was never proven to have leaked classified information.

Trump’s DoJ is behaving as a political organ. Trump doesn’t have to pardon Flynn because the DoJ is abandoning their duty to enforce rule of law. It is far more damaging to our institution to see justice perverted.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Let me explain one simple thing to you. Getting and accepting a pardon entails an admission of guilt. Issuing pardons is one of the prerogatives of a president. Trump has issued plenty. It does not impose any risk to the "rule of law". In fact, it is described specifically in the highest law of the land.

On the other hand, a DOJ dropping charges against someone AFTER a guilty plea was already obtained. The prosecutor withdrawing from the case and reports coming out that cited sources flat out say the DOJ misrepresent what they said Former DOJ official: Department twisted my words in motion to drop Flynn case reeks of using the Department of justice for political purposes. Not the first time by the way that the current DOJ's leadership makes decisions that have the officials tasked with the prosecution of crimes resign, withdraw or speak out. This does have consequences for the rule of law.

Getting elected awards you the opportunity to decide what the DOJ finds important. It doesn't award you the right to decide what the law is.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...

Did he lie about collaborating with a foreign enemy?

Did your leftist masters find one single shred of evidence after 3 years of investigation?
Now go on and keep pretending they did.
Yes, apparently enough evidence to get him to plead guilty. I think an admission of guilt counts as pretty strong evidence.
Isnt it interesting that you have to go to a rightwing site today to find this.
Wouldn't you think the MSM would be bringing this case up from 3 years ago, to compare the fact that Obama did the same thing.
Oh wait, I forgot for a brief second that the MSM is ran by the DNC.
You have to search to find this story from 2017.

Obama issued the pardon after Cartright plead guilty to lying to the FBI about being a source for a story about Iran that appeared in the media. Obama didn't have Holder order that the charges be dropped by twisting the facts in knots over Flynn's violation of the Logan Act and the FBI's pursuit of the facts about it.
IOW, Obama did not interfere with the rule of law. He let the conviction stand. Rather, he decided Cartright's (someone who did not work as an unregistered foreign agent of Turkey) crime did not merit jail time.
"In 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him."

'Funny' how the Rule of Law was not 'At Risk' then...


Did Obama hire him back, too?

Pence says he would welcome Trump ex-adviser Flynn's ...
www.reuters.com › article › us-usa-trump-russia-flynn

21 hours ago - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday said he would welcome Michael Flynn's return to the Trump administration after the U.S. Justice ...

Team Trump Wants Mike Flynn Back for 2020, Sees Him as Its ...
www.thedailybeast.com › team-trump-wants-mike-flyn...

4 days ago - Can a disgraced former national security adviser become a campaign MAGA hero? We may soon find out.
This would be unbelievable if not for the fact the completely corrupted Trump admin is involved.

Maybe they could get Manafort out of prison so he can run the next campaign.

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