Flat Tax

Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.
Flat tax all the way. Exemption up to say $40k/yr and 15% on every dollar earned after that no matter how it's earned. This has worked well in E.European countries that adopted it. It is the fairest tax of all. It does not use the tax code as a device to redistribute wealth, which is why liberals oppose it. It is simple and amounts to a tax cut because the time spent in preparation is much less. I dont see how anyone without an agenda can oppose it.

Yes, a flat tax is the way to go. The left would never allow it though if they could stop it. Why? Because a rise in taxes then affects virtually everyone, so pandering to "screw" someone else and "help you" would disappear.

The lefts whole shtick is transfer of wealth and class warfare. With everyone being equal in % no matter what, you would have coalitions from every walk of life that pays anything, banding together to stop tax hikes. You would instantly have massive crossover voting when one party or the other suggested a tax increase. What political party is going to go for that?

I do like the fact that the GOP has mentioned it, but in all honesty, it is just a talking point, pipe dream taking up space. It makes 0 difference if it would help, those opposed would find experts like "Gruber" who would come out and say it would ruin the economy.
Flat tax all the way. Exemption up to say $40k/yr and 15% on every dollar earned after that no matter how it's earned. This has worked well in E.European countries that adopted it. It is the fairest tax of all. It does not use the tax code as a device to redistribute wealth, which is why liberals oppose it. It is simple and amounts to a tax cut because the time spent in preparation is much less. I dont see how anyone without an agenda can oppose it.

However, it will remain flat for about one election, and then Congress will start tinkering with it. The only way to get rid of the progressive income tax is to repeal the 16th Amendment.
One point that has not been brought up is any mention of Amendment XVI. If a flat tax is established with that amendment remaining in full force as written, what is to stop a future Congress to start cutting sweetheart deals for their "campaign supporters" (thinking post Citizens United) with tax exemptions and other "privileged" write-offs up the ass just like exists now under the current IRS code?

Or maybe even a slot tax provision where the taxable income is "arranged" to be over a base level of say $40K up to $800K and nothing above that! The greedy fat cats would love that. After all, how hard would it be to stick an amendment to a flat tax statute into an annual 2000 page Omnibus bill?

Just sayin'...
"a tax merely proportionate to individual income would be far from equitable; and this is probably what Smith meant, by declaring it reasonable, that the rich man should contribute to the public expenses, not merely in proportion to the amount of his revenue, but even somewhat more. For my part, I have no hesitation in going further, and saying, that taxation can not be equitable, unless its ratio is progressive."
-- Jean Baptiste Say; from A Treatise on Political Economy Bk. III, Ch.VIII

THe guy who wrote that was british and he thought that Americans should not complain about paying a stamp tax.

Are we talking about Say or Smith?

I'm actually impressed how much the left reads.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.
Sometimes people complain that a progressive tax is fair to the poor because it means everyone is paying their fair share. Lets compare the different tax rates in different states. Now california has a pretty progressive tax when compared to Texas. Texas has no state income tax. A person who is living in Texas may feel that the unfairness of him paying less in taxes than the super rich Texan means he is paying more in taxes than someone who happens to live in Callifornia. He decides to remedy this by moving to California where he is now paying an income tax. Is he now paying less in taxes than when he was living in Texas?
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.
You would have enjoyed my Adam Smith was a Marxist thread, and this game isn't free. You are allowed to make a lot of money here. For that there is a price to be paid called taxes. Progressive income taxes, which imply fairness, are part of the deal.
A flat tax is about as popular to the Left-heads as term limits,voter ID and working for a living.
A flat tax is about as popular to the Left-heads as term limits,voter ID and working for a living.
Term limits, a tennis racket for a fly and keeps the people from voting their choice.
Voter ID, issue it first, like Mexico, then ask for it.
Working for a living, if you must but wouldn't a trust fund be more fun even though work is good for the soul.
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
I've never seen a flat tax proposal that doesn't decrease taxes on the wealthy and increase taxes on working Americans
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
Just curious

What interest rate do we pay on our debt?
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
Just curious

What interest rate do we pay on our debt?
Flat tax all the way. Exemption up to say $40k/yr and 15% on every dollar earned after that no matter how it's earned. This has worked well in E.European countries that adopted it. It is the fairest tax of all. It does not use the tax code as a device to redistribute wealth, which is why liberals oppose it. It is simple and amounts to a tax cut because the time spent in preparation is much less. I dont see how anyone without an agenda can oppose it.

What Eastern Eurpoean countries are you referring to?
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
Wrong. Politicians ran up the debt. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.

We need to decrease spending like anybody or business would do if they were in debt. Only in government do they think it will fix itself.

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