Flat Tax

The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
Wrong. Politicians ran up the debt. You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.

We need to decrease spending like anybody or business would do if they were in debt. Only in government do they think it will fix itself.

OH MY GOD!!!! It's so simple.
flat tax will not happen
There should be a referendum about flat tax. This would end the controversy. Then again we don't have voter ID, term limits and we have the reality of Free Shit.
National referendums and plebiscites are unconstitutional, plain and simple! Our republican form of government disallows that form of majority rule!
Someone needs to tell the states that have initiative ballots. Proof positive that the stupid do vote.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
The interest on the national debt is almost a trillion dollars per year. Pay off the debt, and everyone's taxes will be lower. Don't pay it and money becomes worthless. The debt must be paid by those that have the money....corporations and the rich. They ran up the debt, and should pay it off instead of leaving it for future generations. THERE ARE NO POOR IN CONGRESS!!
The actual number is $223 Billion. There is little point in payiong off the national debt. Lowering it would be ok. But better would be policies that allow the economy to grow so it is a smaller percentage of GDP.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.
You would have enjoyed my Adam Smith was a Marxist thread, and this game isn't free. You are allowed to make a lot of money here. For that there is a price to be paid called taxes. Progressive income taxes, which imply fairness, are part of the deal.

You are allowed to make money? I can't imagine any statement more fascist than that. Why should the government have any say in how much money you can make? Government has no legitimate claim on your income. Neither does "society."
I've never seen a flat tax proposal that doesn't decrease taxes on the wealthy and increase taxes on working Americans
Since 47% of working Americans pay no income taxes why do you think that is "fair"?
Since the top 10% of working Americans pay over 100% of income taxes, why do you think that is fair?
For. But it'll never happen, would take too much money away from politicians and pretty much kill lobbying.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.

PMH would have been right at home in Nazi Germany. His attitude about government is fascist to the bone.
I've never seen a flat tax proposal that doesn't decrease taxes on the wealthy and increase taxes on working Americans

That's because you don't understand what a flat tax is. For many lowering their tax rate, but removing deductions and loopholes would have them paying more in taxes.

Yes, that's the wealthy, you know the people that have bought enough congressmen to have those exemptions inserted in the extraordinarily bloated tax code.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.
You would have enjoyed my Adam Smith was a Marxist thread, and this game isn't free. You are allowed to make a lot of money here. For that there is a price to be paid called taxes. Progressive income taxes, which imply fairness, are part of the deal.

You are allowed to make money? I can't imagine any statement more fascist than that. Why should the government have any say in how much money you can make? Government has no legitimate claim on your income. Neither does "society."
It's a pay to play game my little infant. Society built what's required for all that moneymaking, right down to printing, and defending, the greenbacks. Paying us back is not optional, it's the cost of doing business here.
Why we need a low flat tax in one graphic:

Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

Progress implies their is a goal. What is the goal here? Please drop the pretext of fairness because it doesn't really seem fair to steal what someone else earns for themselves. Personally, I wish you would drop off the face of the earth so we can stop hearing these arguments but you exist so we have to deal with the marxist ghost of the past.

PMH would have been right at home in Nazi Germany. His attitude about government is fascist to the bone.
Nope, I'm about 180 degrees out from the Nazis, but they did get the people eating again eh?
What are we waiting for???????????

FOR it......................Please have a burning party to the MASSIVE TAX CODE when done.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.
Whenever people float this it also includes "exemptions for xyz." Which means it's not flat!

And how do u measure incomes for self employed and the other 100 ways people get income ? Part of our big code is that it defines what does and does not count as income based on all kinds of deductions etc..
flat tax will not happen
There should be a referendum about flat tax. This would end the controversy. Then again we don't have voter ID, term limits and we have the reality of Free Shit.
National referendums and plebiscites are unconstitutional, plain and simple! Our republican form of government disallows that form of majority rule!
A few years ago Charlotte city government wanted a new basketball arena (which would be much smaller than the Coliseum). There were already two coliseums in the city. The citizens voted against it. The citizens sued for a referendum, even though North Carolina doesn't allow referendums. The case went to State Supreme Court and the court ruled in favor of the citizens and allowed a referendum. The citizens overwhelmingly voted against. The NBA and NCAA stated they wouldn't allow Charlotte as a home site if they didn't have an arena with a certain amount of sky boxes. The Coliseum (cap. 24,022) then in use couldn't be retrofitted with sky boxes so the city tore down the Coliseum after the new arena (cap.with sky boxes 19,077) was built.
And so you are absolutely correct.

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