Flat Tax

Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

Fair Tax doesn't mean everyone has the same purchasing power after tax, you blithering moron.
I am well aware of that, bitch...

Apparently not, given your prior responses, moron.
Next time bring an actual argument, which you have been unable to. Tell us why a flat tax is regressive, that's not up for debate, and why that doesn't bother you?
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Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

They both pay the same amount for the apple, dumbass. Prices in the grocery store aren't marked as a percentage of your income.
That's correct, which is why the progressive income tax helps even the board.

The only nice thing about a flat tax is everyone gets to bitch about the same rate. Exempt say, the first 60k of income, and a flat tax could be made to work.

How is it fair to "even the board?" One guy works his ass off and earns $100, while another is a useless sap who sits around smoking dope all day. Why should the first guy pay anymore than the second guy?
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It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

Fair Tax doesn't mean everyone has the same purchasing power after tax, you blithering moron.
I am well aware of that, bitch...

Apparently not.
You are always wrong about this, Bripiss, and therefore shouldn't bother. You don't accept the ideas of society and a social contract that you were born to, accepting the idea of progressive taxation that pays for said things, even though most economists do, cannot be helped.

I don't accept Nazism and fascism, which are what you call "the ideas of society." What they really are is the justification for tyranny.

The so-called "social contract" is a myth used to justify plunder.

Economists don't "accept" progressive taxation based on any theory of economics, they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

They both pay the same amount for the apple, dumbass. Prices in the grocery store aren't marked as a percentage of your income.
That's correct, which is why the progressive income tax helps even the board.

The only nice thing about a flat tax is everyone gets to bitch about the same rate. Exempt say, the first 60k of income, and a flat tax could be made to work.

How is fair to "even the board?" One guy works his ass off and earns $100, while another is a useless sap who sits around smoking dope all day. Why should the first guy pay anymore than the second guy?
Both work their asses off only one is getting a much better deal from society. Why should the one with extra income not pay more to keep society, therefore the economic game, going?
Flat taxes are regressive, and the clock does not run backwards, boys, much as you would wish that it would. A flat tax is never fair. Like it or not, that is a goal of your society, attempting, many times, to be fair.

It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

They both pay the same amount for the apple, dumbass. Prices in the grocery store aren't marked as a percentage of your income.
That's correct, which is why the progressive income tax helps even the board.

The only nice thing about a flat tax is everyone gets to bitch about the same rate. Exempt say, the first 60k of income, and a flat tax could be made to work.

How is fair to "even the board?" One guy works his ass off and earns $100, while another is a useless sap who sits around smoking dope all day. Why should the first guy pay anymore than the second guy?

So that the Big Government Crony Establishment can buy votes with taxpayer money.

I think if any poor or middle-class person complains that the rich in their state are not paying their fair share then they should move to a state that has a 'fairer' system this way they feel that they are not being treated unfairly by their own tax system. They can move to New York and watch their own state income taxes become higher. This same person will then say something incredibly stupid and say 'at least now I am paying less taxes than before'.
One day someone on the left will feel a shotgun being shoved up their ass and wonder when the the trigger is going to be pulled. They will wonder when will they be dead but they then turn around and notice is was Obama jamming his dick in their ass. They then wish it was a shot gun that was about to be fired.
It's charming that you believe there's something "forward" about progressive income taxes. A flat tax is perfectly fair, and no tax at all would be even more fair. What's fair about making some people pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than others?

We're talking about the government here, not society.
There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

They both pay the same amount for the apple, dumbass. Prices in the grocery store aren't marked as a percentage of your income.
That's correct, which is why the progressive income tax helps even the board.

The only nice thing about a flat tax is everyone gets to bitch about the same rate. Exempt say, the first 60k of income, and a flat tax could be made to work.

How is fair to "even the board?" One guy works his ass off and earns $100, while another is a useless sap who sits around smoking dope all day. Why should the first guy pay anymore than the second guy?
Both work their asses off only one is getting a much better deal from society. Why should the one with extra income not pay more to keep society, therefore the economic game, going?

Hmmm, no, society doesn't give deals. He makes more because he is smarter and he works harder. People pay him in exchange for the services he provides. If you earn little it's because society doesn't value the services you provide.

You don't pay taxes to "keep society." You pay taxes because a gang of thugs with guns will take from you and possibly put you in prison if you don't pay it.
Regarding the flat tax I'm for compromise. I'll allow you to have it but I'll define what is "income".
How will you define income?

Pretty widely as possible. I'd consider wages, welfare, capital gains, gambling/lottery winnings, gifts, inheritance, etc. and most importantly, I will take bribes.

Reading Ben Carson's book roughly about a year ago he said those on welfare should pay the flat tax he proposes so they feel a sense of worth. I feel that same worthy feeling is deserving of everyone.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

No, it's basic economics. Progressive income taxes mostly consume money that would normally be invested. They positively harm society by reducing economic growth.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

No, it's basic economics. Progressive income taxes mostly consume money that would normally be invested. They positively harm society by reducing economic growth.
The bills still have to be paid, and with progressive taxation the poor and not well off have disposable income, which allows them to buy goods and services, which is what keeps the economy alive. It's always a balancing act, my little infant.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

No, it's basic economics. Progressive income taxes mostly consume money that would normally be invested. They positively harm society by reducing economic growth.
The bills still have to be paid, and with progressive taxation the poor and not well off have disposable income, which allows them to buy things. It's always a balancing act, my little infant.

True, every gangster has bills that he needs to pay. The question is "why should I pay them?" The theory that the rich should pay more because they have the money is the moral code of a thief.
True, every gangster has bills that he needs to pay. The question is "why should I pay them?" The theory that the rich should pay more because they have the money is the moral code of a thief.
And Smith, and Ricardo, but not Malthus, who was poor. Life is ironic.

What makes you think Smith's moral code was absolutely correct? He could have been a child molester, for all you know.
Regarding the flat tax I'm for compromise. I'll allow you to have it but I'll define what is "income".
How will you define income?

Pretty widely as possible. I'd consider wages, welfare, capital gains, gambling/lottery winnings, gifts, inheritance, etc. and most importantly, I will take bribes.

Reading Ben Carson's book roughly about a year ago he said those on welfare should pay the flat tax he proposes so they feel a sense of worth. I feel that same worthy feeling is deserving of everyone.
I don't have much of a problem with that.

All income or money gained from any source should be part of a flat tax. It only makes sense.

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