Flat Tax

There is nothing fair about a flat tax.

Two men, both eat one apple a day that costs one dollar. One makes 10 dollars a day, one 100. One pays 10% for the apple, one pays 1%. Progressive taxes help to fix that because very honestly, Adam Smith agrees, one is getting a much better deal from their society.

Fair Tax doesn't mean everyone has the same purchasing power after tax, you blithering moron.
I am well aware of that, bitch...

Apparently not, given your prior responses, moron.
Next time bring an actual argument, which you have been unable to. Tell us why a flat tax is regressive, that's not up for debate, and why that doesn't bother you?

It's not up for debate, because you don't realize a flat tax isn't regressive. You've closed your mind to facts, thus....no debate possible.
No one, who matters, says it isn't. By definition, it's regressive.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

The safest bet ever. If Bill Gates is pushing for that tax system, the person that will benefit the most from it...will be Bill Gates.
That's a very big fallacy considering he is giving most of his wealth away.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

The safest bet ever. If Bill Gates is pushing for that tax system, the person that will benefit the most from it...will be Bill Gates.
That's a very big fallacy considering he is giving most of his wealth away.

You obviously haven't paid much attention to how Bill Gates has done things since he stole Apple's OS.
...they can only determine it's affects on society, none of which are good.
Ayn Rand childish nonsense. And there are many plans around but fairness isn't optional, except to infants like you: Bill Gates Points To The Best Tax System, The Progressive Consumption Tax

The safest bet ever. If Bill Gates is pushing for that tax system, the person that will benefit the most from it...will be Bill Gates.
That's a very big fallacy considering he is giving most of his wealth away.

You obviously haven't paid much attention to how Bill Gates has done things since he stole Apple's OS.
Look and feel, not the OS. And that was from Xerox PARC.
After the top end of the poverty level, yes.

I would agree to stick with a progressive tax IF those who are on public assistance lose the right to vote. There is no logic in having those getting a free ride vote to increase their stipends.

Not a disabled veteran, are you.

If you really mean that, start with the corporations.

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Fair Tax doesn't mean everyone has the same purchasing power after tax, you blithering moron.
I am well aware of that, bitch...

Apparently not, given your prior responses, moron.
Next time bring an actual argument, which you have been unable to. Tell us why a flat tax is regressive, that's not up for debate, and why that doesn't bother you?

It's not up for debate, because you don't realize a flat tax isn't regressive. You've closed your mind to facts, thus....no debate possible.
No one, who matters, says it isn't. By definition, it's regressive.

The only people who want a flat tax are the Clown Club Candidates and RWNJs.

If we really want to be fair, only RWs would have to live by what the dumb RWs vote for.

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flat tax, aka, a regressive tax that loses revenue.


a RW must have dreamed that one up.
If it's proportional then it cannot be regressive.
History is it produces more revenue as it increases incentives to earn.

You're either really stupid or not well informed.
The flat tax is a sure loser.

Keep our tax progressive as the rich use more resources.

The rich pay for all the resources they use.
Not even close...

Well which ones are they not paying for then?
It's the percentage they aren't paying for. We have tens of trillions of dollars worth of infrastructure and we pick up plenty of what makes thier wealth safe and keeps them happy. They pay, but not enough.
The flat tax is a sure loser.

Keep our tax progressive as the rich use more resources.

The rich pay for all the resources they use.
Not even close...

Well which ones are they not paying for then?
It's the percentage they aren't paying for. We have tens of trillions of dollars worth of infrastructure and we pick up plenty of what makes thier wealth safe and keeps them happy. They pay, but not enough.

You do realize they're paying the vast majority of the taxes right?

You liberals love other people's money. Try spending some of your own for a change.
The flat tax is a sure loser.

Keep our tax progressive as the rich use more resources.

The rich pay for all the resources they use.
Not even close...

Well which ones are they not paying for then?
It's the percentage they aren't paying for. We have tens of trillions of dollars worth of infrastructure and we pick up plenty of what makes thier wealth safe and keeps them happy. They pay, but not enough.

Wealthy people generally have their own security, so we aren't picking up squat for them. They also pay for all the infrastructure they use. They pay gasoline taxes just like everyone else.
Give it up, you're beating a dead horse. A flat tax is NEVER going to happen. It will raise taxes for the rich and wealthy.
True, every gangster has bills that he needs to pay. The question is "why should I pay them?" The theory that the rich should pay more because they have the money is the moral code of a thief.
And Smith, and Ricardo, but not Malthus, who was poor. Life is ironic.

What makes you think Smith's moral code was absolutely correct? He could have been a child molester, for all you know.
He could have been but for starters, he was a moralist. And on this and many other things, he was correct.
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Can you actually tell me what page of any book that he has ever written where he said that so I don't think you didn't do a google image search and found some edited image somewhere. I've actually read a little of these passages and he did say that but he was referring to taxes on homes which was common then.

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