It's interesting how the Democrats accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy and stuff - RFK compares Dems to Putin

You're wrong. The Koch brothers didn't even endorse Trump in 2016. They liked crooked Hillary to do their dirty work. Establishment robber barons stick together. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Kochs turn out to be Lincoln projectors. MAGA

The Koch PAC refused to give Trump any money but they donated $50 million to Republican Senate campaigns in 2020 to try to keep Republican control of the Senate.

You must be related to Kamala with that logic. MAGA

You could have simply goolged what happened inn 2020 with the Koch PAC, but instead, you took this opportunity to prove how ill-informed you truly are, and to refuse to google the facts before making a complete fool of yourself.

The latter seems to be a Republican Superpower. Every day you fools come here and parrot the lies Donald Trump and the Republicans tell you, as if they had any meaning at all.

Every time you do this, you become more and more irrelevant.

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