Fleas are testing positive for the plague in parts of Arizona


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fleas are testing positive for the plague in parts of Arizona
Officials in two Arizona counties are warning the public after fleas in the region tested positive for the plague, the infamous infectious disease that killed millions during the Middle Ages. Navajo County Public Health officials confirmed on Friday that fleas in the area have tested positive for the rare disease. The public health warning follows a similar notice from Coconino County Public Health Services District in Arizona warning of the presence of plague in fleas found there too. Both counties are situated in the northern part of Arizona.


What a great way to kill of the population says the globalist human haters.
da name of da bug is YERSINIA PESTIS-----I think it is a gram negative rod----but
don't quote me-----will google------it lives in rats-----fleas bite the rats. If I remember
correctly it responds to available antibiotics------will google
da name of da bug is YERSINIA PESTIS-----I think it is a gram negative rod----but
don't quote me-----will google------it lives in rats-----fleas bite the rats. If I remember
correctly it responds to available antibiotics------will google

Well either way half these dumb asses don't even know what planet they're on so most won't even pay attention to the information.

Thanks for stopping at least you were curious enough to inform yourself be it you take it or leave it.
Fleas are testing positive for the plague in parts of Arizona
Officials in two Arizona counties are warning the public after fleas in the region tested positive for the plague, the infamous infectious disease that killed millions during the Middle Ages. Navajo County Public Health officials confirmed on Friday that fleas in the area have tested positive for the rare disease. The public health warning follows a similar notice from Coconino County Public Health Services District in Arizona warning of the presence of plague in fleas found there too. Both counties are situated in the northern part of Arizona.


What a great way to kill of the population says the globalist human haters.
Welcome to the 21st century...we've had that issue up in the mountains of SoCal forever.....warning people to stay away from the ground squirrels because of plague bearing fleas.
No doubt the fleas have been paid by Soros
Fleas are testing positive for the plague in parts of Arizona
Officials in two Arizona counties are warning the public after fleas in the region tested positive for the plague, the infamous infectious disease that killed millions during the Middle Ages. Navajo County Public Health officials confirmed on Friday that fleas in the area have tested positive for the rare disease. The public health warning follows a similar notice from Coconino County Public Health Services District in Arizona warning of the presence of plague in fleas found there too. Both counties are situated in the northern part of Arizona.


What a great way to kill of the population says the globalist human haters.
Welcome to the 21st century...we've had that issue up in the mountains of SoCal forever.....warning people to stay away from the ground squirrels because of plague bearing fleas.

oh gee-----the poor innocent squirrels? --------they can get rabies too. ----I think---
don't quote me------I will google. ---------raccoons? speaking of plague-----New
York City is loaded with RATS --------all over in places where human beans and even
babies play
No doubt the fleas have been paid by Soros

Can you ever not be a fkn smart ass to me, JESUS christ CRANK you are like a typical fkd up ANTIFA libtard.

Even when I comment something to you like few hours ago you always have reply back with smart ass fkn rude pos comment well fk you then.

here go get bitten by a flea CRANK

Fleas are testing positive for the plague in parts of Arizona
Officials in two Arizona counties are warning the public after fleas in the region tested positive for the plague, the infamous infectious disease that killed millions during the Middle Ages. Navajo County Public Health officials confirmed on Friday that fleas in the area have tested positive for the rare disease. The public health warning follows a similar notice from Coconino County Public Health Services District in Arizona warning of the presence of plague in fleas found there too. Both counties are situated in the northern part of Arizona.


What a great way to kill of the population says the globalist human haters.

Not unusual. In Northern California a number of squirrels infested with plague-carrying fleas are found every year. It's just good luck that an epidemic hasn't erupted.


BTW. since the link below comes from drive-by CBS, you liberals are mandated to believe every word:

Plague detected in Lake Tahoe area
Probably originated from our cootie-carrying neighbors south of the border.

Just a guess here.

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