Fleeing Syria An Unwelcoming World


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I can feel sorry for these women, and hope they make a success out of their catering business. However, I am confused about one thing. We have had plenty of Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian, etc. refugees settling over here, and I don't remember newspapers covering any of the travails they had to go through as immigrants.


Fleeing Syria
An Unwelcoming World




The lemons here are not as large and sweet, the olive oil not as fragrant, the parsley not as fresh as that plucked from herb gardens at home in Syria. But they will do what they can with it, they concede at last. Another day of cooking together unfurls like a sail before them, and from this moment, the hands of these six women are never at rest.

The sharp perfume of diced mint fills the air. There is comfort in the familiar rituals — chopping tomatoes, mincing garlic, pinching pastry. But the sense of loss rises to the surface like bubbles in the vat of aromatic stew that is soon set to simmering on the stove.

Ghazwa and Zoukaa, Ihklass and Mona, Kamar and Fatih: Their culinary sisterhood came together in this ancient city on the shores of the Mediterranean, a gathering after a scattering from a war seemingly without end.

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You might research the Boat People of Vietnam. They did get considerable press at the time. The cause was the same...stupid American interventions.

This Syrian thing is a consequence of American interventions by W and BO. One would think after all the horrible consequences of removing the Muslim dictator, American leaders would learn....but no.
The U.S. caused this refugee problem through invasions and the proxy revolt in Syria and should resettle all the refugees. As usual, the U.S, takes a crap and the Europeans end up wiping up the mess.
You might research the Boat People of Vietnam. They did get considerable press at the time. The cause was the same...stupid American interventions.

This Syrian thing is a consequence of American interventions by W and BO. One would think after all the horrible consequences of removing the Muslim dictator, American leaders would learn....but no.

I am sure everyone here has heard about the boat people, even when they had to spend quite a while in refugee camps. However, they never got the press you see the Syrians are getting now.
By the way, is anyone here old enough who could tell us if the refugees after World War II ever got such coverage?

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