Misinformation about Southport attack suspect spreads on social media

Is the Southpark killer a minority with immigrant parents?
He was Welsh, born in Cardiff, then resided in Banks in Lancashire. Laws in the UK make it a criminal offence to identify a suspect who is a minor, at least until legal proceedings have completed. Normally called innocent until proven guilty.
Well immigrants underpin our society. It would totally collapse without them.
A Romanian taxi driver took me to hospital yesterday. We chatted about Romanian football legend Georgie Hagi and Steau Bucharest..

At dialysis a nurse from the Philipines put me on. A nurse from Zimbabwe took me off 4 hours later. The guy who brings the tea round is from the Phiilipines and he is going on holiday for a month to see his mother.
My wife then took me to my eye clinic where a Syrian specialist examined my eyes. I was referred to him by a Dr from Nigeria.
My GP is a Pakistani and we had a Thai tea later that night because Mrs T couldnt be bothered cooking..

When you kick them out who is doing these jobs ?

It takes 7 years to train a junior doctor and years more to train a specialist. Who is treating people tomorrow ? The nurses in dialysis have special skills that cant be picked up overnight. You soon learn who is experienced and who is new. The tories abandoned nurse training 10 years ago. It will take years to replace them.

Please keep uour fantasy brexit shit to yourself. Live in the real world.
Who did those jobs before England was poisoned?
Well immigrants underpin our society. It would totally collapse without them.
A Romanian taxi driver took me to hospital yesterday. We chatted about Romanian football legend Georgie Hagi and Steau Bucharest..

At dialysis a nurse from the Philipines put me on. A nurse from Zimbabwe took me off 4 hours later. The guy who brings the tea round is from the Phiilipines and he is going on holiday for a month to see his mother.
My wife then took me to my eye clinic where a Syrian specialist examined my eyes. I was referred to him by a Dr from Nigeria.
My GP is a Pakistani and we had a Thai tea later that night because Mrs T couldnt be bothered cooking..

When you kick them out who is doing these jobs ?

It takes 7 years to train a junior doctor and years more to train a specialist. Who is treating people tomorrow ? The nurses in dialysis have special skills that cant be picked up overnight. You soon learn who is experienced and who is new. The tories abandoned nurse training 10 years ago. It will take years to replace them.

Please keep uour fantasy brexit shit to yourself. Live in the real world.
No they don't and no it won't. According to your logic, England should have been collapsing year on tear since 27 July 927.

Replace the Romanian taxi driver and get an unemployed Welshman that's on welfare to do it.

You love the immigrants and despise the British. If there wasn't such things as dialysis machines, the NHS would need less staff. If your Mrs. got off her fat arse and cooked, you wouldn't need your little black immigrant to make you supper.

I will slowly kick them out to the same ratio that welfare dries up. Then welfare cheaters like you will suddenly say, "Shit, I better get a job".

Correct 7 years. Blair and Brown were in 13 years+. How many did they train up?

Please keep your shit Utopian thoughts, BrDS, and ThDS to yourself. Live in the real world.

Tell me how the European countries are getting on with healthcare recruitment? Engage both brain cells please.
skye posted a Pic of a Black in white Tshirt handcuffed led by two officers. Thought that was him? Looked young. Odd no blood all over his white t-shirt?

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