Flight 800 New Documentary


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
i thought this was long settled

Documentary aims to 'break silence' on crash of TWA Flight 800

(CNN) -- [Breaking News Update: 8:30 a.m.]
A coming documentary on the 1996 TWA Flight 800 disaster offers "solid proof that there was an external detonation," Tom Stalcup, a co-producer of the documentary, told CNN's "New Day" on Wednesday. "Of course everyone knows about the eyewitness statements, but we also have corroborating evidence from the radar data, and the radar data shows (an) asymmetric explosion coming out of that plane -- something that didn't happen in the official theory." The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that the explosion was caused by an electrical short, most likely originating in a fuel gauge line, which found its way into the center wing fuel tank, detonating the lethal fuel vapors there.
[Previously Published Story]
Skeptics who have long theorized that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by sinister forces will get a fresh surge of energy when a new documentary attempts to disprove that the 1996 crash was accidental.
The twist: It includes six members of the large accident investigation team who, publicists say, will "break their silence" on the cause of the explosion.
They will petition the National Transportation Safety Board to reopen its investigation some 17 years after the B-747 fell in pieces into the waters off of Long Island, New York.
They include Hank Hughes, who served as a senior accident investigator with the NTSB and helped reconstruct the aircraft following its destruction. Also included, Bob Young, a top TWA investigator who participated in the investigation, and Jim Speer, an accident investigator for the Airline Pilots Association.
"These investigators were not allowed to speak to the public or refute any comments made by their superiors and/or NTSB and FBI officials about their work at the time of the official investigation," a news release announcing the documentary said.

Documentary aims to 'break silence' on crash of TWA Flight 800 - CNN.com
Any theory which suggests a Navy destroyer shot the plane down cannot be taken seriously.

It just is not possible several hundred sailors would all keep their mouths shut about it.
Any theory which suggests a Navy destroyer shot the plane down cannot be taken seriously.

It just is not possible several hundred sailors would all keep their mouths shut about it.

Dont worry, the nutters will figure out a way to make it "feasible"
The US Navy was involved in a operation/anti terror drill test. 300 plus military personnel were expecting the firing of ordinance from ship. The clincher is that there was an ill logistical step of misinformation that night. It appears the pilot was supposed to take a different route prior to take off, but some key person involved messed up. Unintentional acts followed. My question is why not fess up?
The US Navy was involved in a operation/anti terror drill test. 300 plus military personnel were expecting the firing of ordinance from ship. The clincher is that there was an ill logistical step of misinformation that night. It appears the pilot was supposed to take a different route prior to take off, but some key person involved messed up. Unintentional acts followed. My question is why not fess up?

Human Nature.
The US Navy was involved in a operation/anti terror drill test. 300 plus military personnel were expecting the firing of ordinance from ship.

I'd be curious to see information that we had a US Navy ship practicing to fight terrorists by firing a live surface to air missile at an aircraft right off Long Island near one of the busiest civilian airports in the world.
Obviously more to this story. Once again, our Government is stubbornly clinging to its secrecy. Great Documentary. Thanks.
Any theory which suggests a Navy destroyer shot the plane down cannot be taken seriously.

It just is not possible several hundred sailors would all keep their mouths shut about it.

Dont worry, the nutters will figure out a way to make it "feasible"

the nutters are people like you whoi ignore reality ignoring witnesses testimonys of hearing explosions in the basements before the plane struck the tower claiming thye lied.:lmao::lmao: the truth scares you so you deny reality and insult people when your cornered.:cuckoo:
Obviously more to this story. Once again, our Government is stubbornly clinging to its secrecy. Great Documentary. Thanks.

it was all over independent news sources not controlled by the corporations back then like american free press,media bypass,ect ect,of how witnesses saw a missle shoot it down.it was no secret back then if you had stopped listeing to the corporate media like i had at that point.another prime example how our government spins tales and conveintly leaves out witness testimonys.

Back then you never heard ONE PEEP out of the controlled media of those witness testimonys.I remember all you ever heard from the controlled media mouthpieces back then was how it was caused by a defective part in the airliner bullshit story.
It's really odd that the radical left still insist that 9-11 was an inside job even when we saw the freaking planes hit the freaking towers but they side with comrade Clinton that flight 800 was a terrible accident even when you can see the missile con trail in some photos.
It's really odd that the radical left still insist that 9-11 was an inside job even when we saw the freaking planes hit the freaking towers but they side with comrade Clinton that flight 800 was a terrible accident even when you can see the missile con trail in some photos.

there you go again making up lies that americans side with clinton as always.:cuckoo: if you stopped listening to the CIA controlled media,you would know that at least HALF OF THE AMERICAN SHEOPLE here in the states after he left office,voted him in as a WRITE IN VOTE as the most evil dictater in history coming in second after Hitler.:cuckoo:

oh and you ignore facts that 9/11 was an inside job as well ignoring that witnesses heard explosions on the basements of the towers BEFORE the plane struck them above.:cuckoo:

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