Florida Book Bans lead to grooming

That's nice..... Just leave the kids alone.... But nope young children in a captive situation like public school just like red meat to a starving lion. None of this would be happening if it wasn't for the ridiculously overextended effort to pull children into a proselytization network.
The ugly truth is that conservatives don't like their kids to be smarter than them. They bully them into never questioning. That's why they still call their fathers "daddy" in spite of being grown up.
We don't allow children into sex shops, why should we allow schools to distribute filth that is only otherwise suitable for adults?
Why do we groom children to be mass killers?

School Libraries are full of books about killing
But god forbid a book about making love
Why do we groom children to be mass killers?

School Libraries are full of books about killing
But god forbid a book about making love
I don't think a library for 3rd graders should have books about mass killings or how to give a blow job. You?
Are you saying these books are on par with Milton or Shakespeare? Nor do I recall Shakespeare being very graphic, a bit more subtle than BDSM found in some of the filth these degenerates are peddling.
Florida is banning these books. I think Milton is banned because he painted the devil in an herioic way. Thats how fucking dumb these people are.
Florida is banning these books. I think Milton is banned because he painted the devil in an herioic way. Thats how fucking dumb these people are.
Here is where you folks become all sorts of disingenuous. How many elementary schools teach Milton or even Shakespeare? As I recall those were reserved for junior high and high school. Yet they are finding degenerate filth in elementary schools. The dummies are the ones that need to deceive.
Here is where you folks become all sorts of disingenuous. How many elementary schools teach Milton or even Shakespeare? As I recall those were reserved for junior high and high school. Yet they are finding degenerate filth in elementary schools. The dummies are the ones that need to deceive.
If it wasn't for covid19, Americans would still be unaware of the grooming democrats are doing to children in public schools.

Many of the books the democrats want back in schools depict children having sex with adults.

As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
An even dumber thread than the thread headline and the infamously lame OP would suggest.

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