Florida Book Bans lead to grooming

They certainly are but it`s not only Florida.

The logo with the little boy and girl death heads is true rightwing idiocy – an indoctrination into the conservative cult of violence and death.
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?

These assholes are at war with human freedom and are aiming for the 19th century. We need to stop this shit in its tracks!
Florida book banning is grooming neo-fascists – along with laws discriminating against people of color and gay and transgender Americans.

It’s the Fascist State of Florida.
is that why Americans are fleeing lunatic pink states [all blue states are now pink states] by the millions and moving there ?
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
They allow the Bible, with loads and loads of violence, even by God.
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
Name some titles that you object to due to shootings, murder, and gun ownership.

If possible, titles that you've actually read.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights…
are deemed offensive for children.
Can you prove that? You just made that up
Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
wouldn’t all states be guilty? Why single out Florida? You’re obviously triggered and spiteful that conservative policy and values are successful. Stay mad, if I were you I wouldn’t let such conspiracy thought experiments bother you that much
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
The head liar has spoke!
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
As Florida Conservatives step up its culture wars it is removing any material that they find offensive.
Books relating to slavery, Civil Rights, homosexuals, Transexuality are deemed offensive for children.

But books that contain shootings, murder, gun ownership are perfectly acceptable.
Florida suffers from mass shootings at Parkland, Pulse Night Club.

Is Florida grooming its children to be mass killers?
You have the title completely backwards. It should read:

"Grooming as led to Florida book bans."
Lefties post a poor argument probably because their small minds are desperate for a hypocrite issue related to protecting children. Graphic books related to murder and torture and mayhem are not suitable for children and neither is sexual deviation, rape and sodomy that seems to be promoted by the radical left these days. Let's see the Nashville shooter's manifesto so we can learn something from the mindset of a trannie terrorist.
God forbid children learn about “sex”

But at least they have open access to books about guns, killing, murder.

Why do you support grooming children to be mass killers?
We've all been groomed for mass killing for many a decade. All of the kill 'em up movies are PG. Show a woman's nipple and it gets slapped with an R rating. Strange how that nipple is more dangerous than those machine guns.
Oh look, here is a groomer.

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