Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers


A guy in ariZONA
Aug 15, 2009

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The Florida city where neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin is changing the rules on how civilian patrols can operate to help prevent a recurrence and revive the program's reputation.

The new rules, to be released at a community meeting on November 5 in Sanford, Florida, will state explicitly that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.

Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers
Why in the hell wouldn't you carry a gun in a black or Latino crime filled area. That doesn't make any sense if you're being rational. The po po can't help you.
They can pass a law saying that no one on a neighborhood watch patrol can be armed. They can't prohibit someone otherwise entitled to carry a gun from doing so while they aren't on a watch.

It would not have helped in the Zimmerman case because at the time he ended the criminal career of Trayvon Martin, he was on his way to the store.
Zona? Seriously? I mean folks like you are too busy focused on gun control when millions of people are losing their insurance. Florida ironically kicked 300,000 people off their plans last week. Funny how liberals don't seem to care about it anymore.
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Zona? Seriously? I mean folks like you are too busy focused on gun control when millions of people are losing their insurance. Florida ironically kicked 300,000 people of their plans last week. Funny how liberals don't seem to care about it anymore.

Look...do you have me on ignore or not? :eusa_whistle:
pretty dumb, you can't even follow a suspicious person...
Zimmerman was off-duty when he shot Martin anyway.

This wouldn't have done anything to prevent that.

That said, the idea of a neighborhood watch is to report shit to the authorities, not get involved anyway.
If you have a lawful permit to carry a gun issued by the State of Florida the City of Sanford cannot prevent a resident from doing so. If someone challenges this law I don't see it holding up. Just more knee jerk hysterics.
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The Florida city where neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin is changing the rules on how civilian patrols can operate to help prevent a recurrence and revive the program's reputation.

The new rules, to be released at a community meeting on November 5 in Sanford, Florida, will state explicitly that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.

Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers

Um. That already was the rules.
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

yes, because I like our militia to be unarmed when they go up against armed criminals. now had trayvon been armed and shot Zimmerman, well that would have been ok
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

yes, because I like our militia to be unarmed when they go up against armed criminals. now had trayvon been armed and shot Zimmerman, well that would have been ok

Zimmerman should not have been armed and not out of his car.

Citizen militia will jeopardize everyone if armed.
Reminder for the aids brigade: had trayvon killed Zimmerman we would never have heard about the story
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

If I were a crook in your neck of the woods, guess where I'd go searching for the softest least likely to be armed targets of opportunity?

Hey Jake, don't get up. I'm just here to rob you. Now be cool or I might have to drill, drill, drill you, baby! By the way, where do you keep your valuables? Now remember, I have a gun. And neither you nor your unarmed militia had better try to stop me or I'll plug ya, see?
Law abiding militias have never harmed anyone. They're just on standby until the shit hits the fan and their organization is not command and control, but lone wolf so there is no leadership to target.
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

If I were a crook in your neck of the woods, guess where I'd go searching for the softest least likely to be armed targets of opportunity?

Hey Jake, don't get up. I'm just here to rob you. Now be cool or I might have to drill, drill, drill you, baby! By the way, where do you keep your valuables? Now remember, I have a gun. And neither you nor your unarmed militia had better try to stop me or I'll plug ya, see?

Then say your prayer quickly, as you did not know I was armed. Son, I don't need an unarmed or armed militia, certainly not from wannabees like you or Zimmerman who cannot find your asses with both hands, a girl scout troop, a compass, and an ass sniffing dog.

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The Florida city where neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin is changing the rules on how civilian patrols can operate to help prevent a recurrence and revive the program's reputation.
Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers

I like how they word things in this first paragraph:
1. They make sure they included Trayvon's race
2. They say he's unarmed, ignoring the fact that while Zimmerman was armed, Trayvon still bashed his head against the ground

Basically, they managed to make Trayvon look like the innocent angel, even though there is evidence to the contrary. Typical LSM.
It may be unconstitutional, which will depend.

But the idea of unarmed militia makes me feel better.

yes, because I like our militia to be unarmed when they go up against armed criminals. now had trayvon been armed and shot Zimmerman, well that would have been ok

Zimmerman should not have been armed and not out of his car.

Citizen militia will jeopardize everyone if armed.

who the fuck are you to tell him he cannot be armed and not out of his car? he has a right to do both you leftist fascist.

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