Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers

Libs: Rachel jentel said trayvon thought zim was going to rape him. He thought zim was a homosexual and attacked him for that reason. A hate crime
Not sure I agree with the decision. What if a neighborhood watch volunteer comes face-to-face with an armed thug? Not by choice that is. How is he supposed to defend himself? Is he supposed to run and get shot in the back? Oh I know, he's supposed to call law enforcement while being shot at.

These new rules will give the edge to armed criminals. Well done, Sanford Florida.
I am a trained, uniformed member of my community's Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. I patrol in the same cars that the deputies drive, and wear the same unifrom. Our training was 7 weeks, 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, with a test every single day. I live in Arizona, and we are the only people in the state who can not carry arms when on duty, or in our uniform. We set up and train Neighborhood Watches. We are a division of the county sheriff's Dept, subject to all their employee rules and regulations. We are not paid. Our duty is to patrol the neighborhood, and if we find anything that is suspicious, we radio for a deputy, who has been thoroughly trained and qualified on the weapons range.

This is how a professional crime prevention program is supposed to work.

For all you vigilanties out there, just stay away from professionals who are doing their job. You are dangerous, and we do not need, or want you around us. Like Zimmerman, you are trouble just waiting to happen. Your idea of how to curb crime is nothing but immature adults acting out too many "Death Wish" movies.
For all you vigilanties out there, just stay away from professionals who are doing their job. You are dangerous, and we do not need, or want you around us.

It is neither your business nor your privilege to decide how other people choose to protect themselves.
The problem I see with this whole Zimmerman situation is that people want to selectively recognize gun rights. People absolutely have the right to defend their life, the lives of others, and in some cases property with deadly force but you also have some obligations, not inflaming a situation is a good example. You have the right to go wherever you're legally allowed to go and not have your life threatened but what a lot of people don't seem to want to acknowledge is that once you're no longer minding your own business the self-defense protections aren't so clear anymore.

Zimmerman admitted that he was following Trayvon Martin and also never mentioned identifying himself to Trayvon Martin as a neighborhood watch member even though he could have easily done so. Zimmerman was obviously not minding his own business and made a couple of very bad decisions. That doesn't excuse Trayvon Martin's behavior if Zimmerman's account is accurate and I don't mean to question the decision in Zimmerman's case, he had his day in court and it's over but neighborhood watch as a whole and how they should operate is still a question that will be debated and since the very nature of their job is to not mind their own business I think allowing them to operate armed is a horrible idea.
notice that the organization is called neighborhood watch , not neighborhood forcible detainer.
Joe B alert......he'll be out there in the neighborhood walking around and protecting citizens with his Nerf rifle.

I am a trained, uniformed member of my community's Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. I patrol in the same cars that the deputies drive, and wear the same unifrom. Our training was 7 weeks, 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, with a test every single day. I live in Arizona, and we are the only people in the state who can not carry arms when on duty, or in our uniform. We set up and train Neighborhood Watches. We are a division of the county sheriff's Dept, subject to all their employee rules and regulations. We are not paid. Our duty is to patrol the neighborhood, and if we find anything that is suspicious, we radio for a deputy, who has been thoroughly trained and qualified on the weapons range.

This is how a professional crime prevention program is supposed to work.

For all you vigilanties out there, just stay away from professionals who are doing their job. You are dangerous, and we do not need, or want you around us. Like Zimmerman, you are trouble just waiting to happen. Your idea of how to curb crime is nothing but immature adults acting out too many "Death Wish" movies.

Roger that!!
Stand still , get shot.
The professionals will take my body away, in a nice professionally designed body bag.
Probably the home owners associations and their insurers realized that even though a waste of meat like Zimmerman can get away with murder, the insurance company still had to pay Trayvon's family a shitload of money.

When we stop the gun madness is when it starts costing rich people money.
Not a law. Only impacts participation in their "neighborhood watch" program.

Start your own neighborhood watch and carry all you want if you have a permit.
I am a trained, uniformed member of my community's Sheriff's Auxcilary Volunteers. I patrol in the same cars that the deputies drive, and wear the same unifrom. Our training was 7 weeks, 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, with a test every single day. I live in Arizona, and we are the only people in the state who can not carry arms when on duty, or in our uniform. We set up and train Neighborhood Watches. We are a division of the county sheriff's Dept, subject to all their employee rules and regulations. We are not paid. Our duty is to patrol the neighborhood, and if we find anything that is suspicious, we radio for a deputy, who has been thoroughly trained and qualified on the weapons range.

This is how a professional crime prevention program is supposed to work.

For all you vigilanties out there, just stay away from professionals who are doing their job. You are dangerous, and we do not need, or want you around us. Like Zimmerman, you are trouble just waiting to happen. Your idea of how to curb crime is nothing but immature adults acting out too many "Death Wish" movies.

Roger that!!
Stand still , get shot.
The professionals will take my body away, in a nice professionally designed body bag.

If you are going to be out following suspicious strangers around in your nieghborhood, us professionals are very likely to do just that....

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - The Florida city where neighborhood watch leader George Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin is changing the rules on how civilian patrols can operate to help prevent a recurrence and revive the program's reputation.

The new rules, to be released at a community meeting on November 5 in Sanford, Florida, will state explicitly that residents acting under the authority of neighborhood watch may not carry a firearm or pursue someone they deem suspicious.

Florida city bans guns for neighborhood watch volunteers

Oooo... Not so fast...

Sanford police backtrack on neighborhood watch gun restriction | Al Jazeera America

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