Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

Fascists!!!! Nazis!!
Yes, You are indeed. We both know it.
You're a very silly person. And you're not any paying attention. I'm in favor of removing 230. It won't change anything anyway. I'm just curious why you are. It obviously has nothing to do with libertarian principles. And it's not about a "level playing" field - they'll still be able to ban Trump. Near as I can tell it's just about petty revenge. And kind of pathetic in that sense.

What would you know about Libertarian Principles? :dunno:

You are as "libertarian" as your ideological cohorts, faun, synthaholic, colefax, busybee.

I have to hand it to your Reich though, you all speak with one voice, one message.
While I enjoy the predictable shrieks of outrage from the usual suspects when their sacred ox is gored, the government cannot legally compel nor prevent speech and this will fail. The same will happen to New York's attempt to both compel a photographer to post speech on her web site and prevent her from posting speech on her web site. Government simply must not be allowed to monkey with speech. This is an overreach.
But social media can?

you are now giving social media more power than the gov. kinda what they want

Sure man. Coming from you and your inverted Trumpster "logic", I'll take it as high praise.

Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had.

But your Beloved Biden does come close to Mao and Hitler, so we know why you love him.

"Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had."

That's a good one!
There is no privilege or immunity to bear false witness to the People with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

Job 34:30 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
Trump has displayed so many fascist traits, it’s not even funny. Like, not funny. Bad. Really bad.

Really? Did Trump promote a centrally planned and managed economy the way you of the Reich do? Did Trump designate a scapegoat to focus hatred on the way you democrats have with Der Juden, the whites? Did Trump forcibly suppress religion the way Nazi governors Kim Jong Newsom and Frau Fuhrer Whitmer did? Did Trump outlaw speech and end the 1st Amendment with hate speech laws, safe spaces, and federally funded speech codes the way the filthy democrat Reich has? Did Trump support "Nazis Only Lunch Counters" at Woolworths - er that would be FascisTwat? You Nazis do.

Trump has displayed so many fascist traits, it’s not even funny. Like, not funny. Bad. Really bad.

Really? Did Trump promote a centrally planned and managed economy the way you of the Reich do? Did Trump designate a scapegoat to focus hatred on the way you democrats have with Der Juden, the whites? Did Trump forcibly suppress religion the way Nazi governors Kim Jong Newsom and Frau Fuhrer Whitmer did? Did Trump outlaw speech and end the 1st Amendment with hate speech laws, safe spaces, and federally funded speech codes the way the filthy democrat Reich has? Did Trump support "Nazis Only Lunch Counters" at Woolworths - er that would be FascisTwat? You Nazis do.

View attachment 488996
No, Trump supported using the government to go after political foes, using the government to benefit his friends, using the government ignore his crimes, using the government to maintain his power illegally.

Did Trump create a scapegoat? Yes. Lots actually. China. Mexico. Antifa.

Did he forcibly suppress religion? Tried to ban the building of a mosque and wanted to register all Muslims.

Did he attempt to suppress speech? Yes. He attempted to mislabel Antifa and BLM as terrorist organizations. He wanted the FCC to go after critical media.

Sure man. Coming from you and your inverted Trumpster "logic", I'll take it as high praise.

Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had.

But your Beloved Biden does come close to Mao and Hitler, so we know why you love him.

"Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had."

That's a good one!

That's a true one.

You simply have no knowledge of libertarian ideals - being a statist as you are.

Sure man. Coming from you and your inverted Trumpster "logic", I'll take it as high praise.

Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had.

But your Beloved Biden does come close to Mao and Hitler, so we know why you love him.

"Trump comes the closest to the ideals of Rothbard of any president the nation has ever had."

That's a good one!

That's a true one.

You simply have no knowledge of libertarian ideals - being a statist as you are.

That must be it. ;)
Trump has displayed so many fascist traits, it’s not even funny. Like, not funny. Bad. Really bad.

Really? Did Trump promote a centrally planned and managed economy the way you of the Reich do? Did Trump designate a scapegoat to focus hatred on the way you democrats have with Der Juden, the whites? Did Trump forcibly suppress religion the way Nazi governors Kim Jong Newsom and Frau Fuhrer Whitmer did? Did Trump outlaw speech and end the 1st Amendment with hate speech laws, safe spaces, and federally funded speech codes the way the filthy democrat Reich has? Did Trump support "Nazis Only Lunch Counters" at Woolworths - er that would be FascisTwat? You Nazis do.

View attachment 488996
No, Trump supported using the government to go after political foes, using the government to benefit his friends, using the government ignore his crimes, using the government to maintain his power illegally.

Did Trump create a scapegoat? Yes. Lots actually. China. Mexico. Antifa.

Did he forcibly suppress religion? Tried to ban the building of a mosque and wanted to register all Muslims.

Did he attempt to suppress speech? Yes. He attempted to mislabel Antifa and BLM as terrorist organizations. He wanted the FCC to go after critical media.

"It's different when we do it".
No, Trump supported using the government to go after political foes, using the government to benefit his friends, using the government ignore his crimes, using the government to maintain his power illegally.

Oh lying. How clever

So Trump used the KGB to spy on Obama and plant dirt in the corrupt press that he bought from the Kremlin

Oh wait, that was Obama spying on Trump on planting fabricated dirt.

Funny how the government ignored this act of treason by Obama and Clinton.

Hey, you might be a filthy liar - but you make Hitler smile.

Did Trump create a scapegoat? Yes. Lots actually. China. Mexico. Antifa.

Ohh look, even more lies.

Antifa is a terrorist organization which sadly operated with impunity under Trump - the democrat Brown Shirts out on Kristalnacht.

And when we examine what Xi's man has said about the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers (nothing angers you Nazis more than those who keep oaths!) anything the last legitimate president the nation had was mild in his condemnation of your terrorist shock troops.

But since Hitler, and Pol Pot we have NEVER seen the organized hatred of a race the way you Nazis have against the whites. Your Reich OPENLY speaks of the hatred you have and ENCOURAGE all to hate Der Juden, the Whites.

"Buh twump wuz against illegal imagrashun" just doesn't cut it, Nazi.

Did he forcibly suppress religion? Tried to ban the building of a mosque and wanted to register all Muslims.

Did he attempt to suppress speech? Yes. He attempted to mislabel Antifa and BLM as terrorist organizations. He wanted the FCC to go after critical media.

And MORE lies - you are consistent Nazi.

Tell me, would you support a Nazi shrine at Auschwitz where Nazis like you could go and praise Hitler? I mean freedom of speech, right? Building a Mosque on the WTC to commemorate the victory of Islam on 9/11 is a bit shitty - though given your hatred of America you no doubt were dancing in the streets as the planes hit.

Register all Muzzie Beasts? :lmoa: That's just a fucking lie - Herr Himmler.

And those who call the Reichstag Fire an "insurgency" have no right to question the naming of the Brown Shirts as the terrorists they are..
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Oh lying. How clever

So Trump used the KGB to spy on Obama and plant dirt in the corrupt press that he bought from the Kremlin

Oh wait, that was Obama spying on Trump on planting fabricated dirt.

Funny how the government ignored this act of treason by Obama and Clinton.

Hey, you might be a filthy liar - but you make Hitler smile.
Not lies. Perfectly accurate. Trump used the DoJ to bail out his political buddies like Flynn. Meanwhile, he was sending Giuliani to tell Ukraine to put fake stories about Biden in the press oh and meanwhile he's going to suspend foreign aid to them for no particular reason. Yeah, that's Trump acting like a fascist. Specifically Trump.

Obama didn't spy on Trump and plant stories. That's a lie. Obama had fuck all to do with it and none of it came to light until after the election. The government didn't ignore it because that's a lie.
Ohh look, even more lies.

Antifa is a terrorist organization which sadly operated with impunity under Trump - the democrat Brown Shirts out on Kristalnacht.

And when we examine what Xi's man has said about the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers (nothing angers you Nazis more than those who keep oaths!) anything the last legitimate president the nation had was mild in his condemnation of your terrorist shock troops.

But since Hitler, and Pol Pot we have NEVER seen the organized hatred of a race the way you Nazis have against the whites. Your Reich OPENLY speaks of the hatred you have and ENCOURAGE all to hate Der Juden, the Whites.

"Buh twump wuz against illegal imagrashun" just doesn't cut it, Nazi.
Antifa isn't even an organization let alone a terrorist one. Labeling them as a terrorist organization is political persecution to prevent opposition. It was a lie to create a fake enemy for Trump to blame. Hell, there were delusional idiots at the Capitol on the 6th claiming that it was actually Antifa beating the crap out of those cops, because that's exactly what a fascist does. Find an enemy to blame and cover up their own crimes.
And MORE lies - you are consistent Nazi.

Tell me, would you support a Nazi shrine at Auschwitz where Nazis like you could go and praise Hitler? I mean freedom of speech, right? Building a Mosque on the WTC to commemorate the victory of Islam on 9/11 is a bit shitty - though given your hatred of America you no doubt were dancing in the streets as the planes hit.

Register all Muzzie Beasts? :lmoa: That's just a fucking lie - Herr Himmler.

And those who call the Reichstag Fire an "insurgency" have no right to question the naming of the Brown Shirts as the terrorists they are..
Who cares if building a mosque is shitty or not, Trump wanted the government to stop them from doing it. So did a bunch of your other fascists. As for the muslim registry, it's on tape asshole.
Oh lying. How clever

So Trump used the KGB to spy on Obama and plant dirt in the corrupt press that he bought from the Kremlin

Oh wait, that was Obama spying on Trump on planting fabricated dirt.

Funny how the government ignored this act of treason by Obama and Clinton.

Hey, you might be a filthy liar - but you make Hitler smile.
Not lies. Perfectly accurate. Trump used the DoJ to bail out his political buddies like Flynn. Meanwhile, he was sending Giuliani to tell Ukraine to put fake stories about Biden in the press oh and meanwhile he's going to suspend foreign aid to them for no particular reason. Yeah, that's Trump acting like a fascist. Specifically Trump.

Obama didn't spy on Trump and plant stories. That's a lie. Obama had fuck all to do with it and none of it came to light until after the election. The government didn't ignore it because that's a lie.
Ohh look, even more lies.

Antifa is a terrorist organization which sadly operated with impunity under Trump - the democrat Brown Shirts out on Kristalnacht.

And when we examine what Xi's man has said about the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers (nothing angers you Nazis more than those who keep oaths!) anything the last legitimate president the nation had was mild in his condemnation of your terrorist shock troops.

But since Hitler, and Pol Pot we have NEVER seen the organized hatred of a race the way you Nazis have against the whites. Your Reich OPENLY speaks of the hatred you have and ENCOURAGE all to hate Der Juden, the Whites.

"Buh twump wuz against illegal imagrashun" just doesn't cut it, Nazi.
Antifa isn't even an organization let alone a terrorist one. Labeling them as a terrorist organization is political persecution to prevent opposition. It was a lie to create a fake enemy for Trump to blame. Hell, there were delusional idiots at the Capitol on the 6th claiming that it was actually Antifa beating the crap out of those cops, because that's exactly what a fascist does. Find an enemy to blame and cover up their own crimes.
And MORE lies - you are consistent Nazi.

Tell me, would you support a Nazi shrine at Auschwitz where Nazis like you could go and praise Hitler? I mean freedom of speech, right? Building a Mosque on the WTC to commemorate the victory of Islam on 9/11 is a bit shitty - though given your hatred of America you no doubt were dancing in the streets as the planes hit.

Register all Muzzie Beasts? :lmoa: That's just a fucking lie - Herr Himmler.

And those who call the Reichstag Fire an "insurgency" have no right to question the naming of the Brown Shirts as the terrorists they are..
Who cares if building a mosque is shitty or not, Trump wanted the government to stop them from doing it. So did a bunch of your other fascists. As for the muslim registry, it's on tape asshole.
It's different when Trump does it. Because he's a libertarian.

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