Florida Grand Jury Report Vindicates 5 Spot-On Covid Claims You Weren’t Allowed To Say, released report on its investigation into Pharma malfeasance


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Wow, look what the Grand Jury found to be true:

1. ‘Highly Likely’ Covid Hospitalization Numbers Were Inflated​

2. Covid Does Not Harm Most Children​

3. Public Officials Ignored Preexisting Research​

4. Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good​

5. Masks Don’t Work​


Maybe, rate of taking the latest shot is 22%. Looks like some of the COVID CULT have learned that it does not work…but they wilk never admit it.

Wow, look what the Grand Jury found to be true:

1. ‘Highly Likely’ Covid Hospitalization Numbers Were Inflated​

2. Covid Does Not Harm Most Children​

3. Public Officials Ignored Preexisting Research​

4. Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good​

5. Masks Don’t Work​


Maybe, rate of taking the latest shot is 22%. Looks like some of the COVID CULT have learned that it does not work…but they wilk never admit it.
Home of Rhonda's "let 'em die for money" regime?


Wow, look what the Grand Jury found to be true:

1. ‘Highly Likely’ Covid Hospitalization Numbers Were Inflated​

2. Covid Does Not Harm Most Children​

3. Public Officials Ignored Preexisting Research​

4. Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good​

5. Masks Don’t Work​


Maybe, rate of taking the latest shot is 22%. Looks like some of the COVID CULT have learned that it does not work…but they wilk never admit it.
A grand jury...of doctors?...of impartial state statisticians?
Yeah, in DeSantis World, this counts for exactly...bupkus.
Next up in Florida, a grand jury will find that Mickey Mouse is indeed indoctrinating young children. :auiqs.jpg:

Wow, look what the Grand Jury found to be true:

1. ‘Highly Likely’ Covid Hospitalization Numbers Were Inflated​

2. Covid Does Not Harm Most Children​

3. Public Officials Ignored Preexisting Research​

4. Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good​

5. Masks Don’t Work​


Maybe, rate of taking the latest shot is 22%. Looks like some of the COVID CULT have learned that it does not work…but they wilk never admit it.
It’s incredible the insanity we participated in overtaking us. I called this a HOAX from the start and a mere 2/3 on here agreed and two dozen wished me death and to stay out of their city.
What a garish miscarriage of American authority .
Read and become knowledgeable instead of an imposing on us that we must convince you. That trick does not work on thinkers
So now I’m not allowed to ask questions?

Sure you thinkers already thought about this question, did you not?
A grand jury...of doctors?...of impartial state statisticians?
Yeah, in DeSantis World, this counts for exactly...bupkus.
Next up in Florida, a grand jury will find that Mickey Mouse is indeed indoctrinating young children. :auiqs.jpg:
Nah....truth is COVID was a, massive scam and the non vaccine poison shots were a monster money grab....and now as it turns out a lethal poison as well.
A grand jury...of doctors?...of impartial state statisticians?
Yeah, in DeSantis World, this counts for exactly...bupkus.
Next up in Florida, a grand jury will find that Mickey Mouse is indeed indoctrinating young children. :auiqs.jpg:

You don't have to be a doctor to know that poorly worn and maintained masks in a non surgical setting are probably not going to do much to prevent you from getting airborne diseases, including COVID.

I've got a Masters in ChemE, and I've probably done more study and research on particulate and aerosol filtering than your average MD has.
You don't have to be a doctor to know that poorly worn and maintained masks in a non surgical setting are probably not going to do much to prevent you from getting airborne diseases, including COVID.

I've got a Masters in ChemE, and I've probably done more study and research on particulate and aerosol filtering than your average MD has.
Masks do stop droplets of saliva though, right?

Droplets of saliva can contain the virus, right?
Masks do stop droplets of saliva though, right?

Droplets of saliva can contain the virus, right?

Do they stop enough when not properly used to make it right to make people think they are unbreakable protection?

Because that's how they were sold, and that's the real issue.
Do they stop enough when not properly used to make it right to make people think they are unbreakable protection?

Because that's how they were sold, and that's the real issue.
Who said they offered unbreakable protection...and what does unbreakable protection even mean? That they are 100 percent effective?
Who said they offered unbreakable protection...and what does unbreakable protection even mean? That they are 100 percent effective?

Stop trying to be slick, they were sold as cure alls, and anyone who didn't go along was castigated and banned from public life. Same as with the vaccine that went from stopping the spread to stopping infection to lessening infection.

The issue has always been with the forced masked mandates, the forced shutdowns, the forced isolation, the forced school closings. All the "force", using made up bullshit, pseudoscience, and outright thuggery to implement.
Stop trying to be slick, they were sold as cure alls, and anyone who didn't go along was castigated and banned from public life. Same as with the vaccine that went from stopping the spread to stopping infection to lessening infection.

I am not trying to be slick.

I am attempting to understand your assertion.

The issue has always been with the forced masked mandates, the forced shutdowns, the forced isolation, the forced school closings. All the "force", using made up bullshit, pseudoscience, and outright thuggery to implement.
But masks do help a little, right?
It's amazing how many people look at what's happening and not only just go along with it, but fanatically defend it. For example:
  • The Pfizer "vaccine" does not stop infection or transmission. It's still on the CDC childhood vaccination schedule and still required by 60+ colleges.
  • Then Pfizer made a treatment for the infection that you'll get anyway because the "vaccine" doesn't work (If its Covid, Paxlovid).
  • In March 2022, Pfizer acquired a company that has unique cardiovascular treatment assets. Probably just a coincidence, right?
No, you are concern trolling.

It would seem I would be in a better position to tell you my intentions then you, but off course you are entitled to your opinion.

Not enough to make them mandatory and make people think they worked better than they can.
Perhaps, in hindsight, you are correct.

As they say though, better safe then sorry.

How safe did the CDC or applicable agency say they were?
It would seem I would be in a better position to tell you my intentions then you, but off course you are entitled to your opinion.

Perhaps, in hindsight, you are correct.

As they say though, better safe then sorry.

How safe did the CDC or applicable agency say they were?

No, because it gave people a false sense of security, especially those using cloth or surgical masks.

When I went to visit my 100 year old grandfather before the shots came out I made sure I wasn't exposed to anyone for a week, masks or no masks.

Even the KN95 or N95's give a false sense of security when used against diseases, because people don't follow precautions AFTER they take them off like clothing changes, disinfecting body parts, or disposing of the masks after use.
It’s incredible the insanity we participated in overtaking us. I called this a HOAX from the start and a mere 2/3 on here agreed and two dozen wished me death and to stay out of their city.
What a garish miscarriage of American authority .

It is amusing to go back and look at the threads from 20 and 21.

The cult seamlessly moves along as though the entire scamdemic never happened. It is amazing how they move the goalposts, and then just bury the game altogether.

People wanted me fired and denied healthcare for not taking an untested experimental gene therapy shot.

I am not a fucking guinea pig. I let the COVID CULTISTS storm that beachhead.
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It's amazing how many people look at what's happening and not only just go along with it, but fanatically defend it. For example:
  • The Pfizer "vaccine" does not stop infection or transmission. It's still on the CDC childhood vaccination schedule and still required by 60+ colleges.
  • Then Pfizer made a treatment for the infection that you'll get anyway because the "vaccine" doesn't work (If its Covid, Paxlovid).
  • In March 2022, Pfizer acquired a company that has unique cardiovascular treatment assets. Probably just a coincidence, right?

It is about $$$, nothing more. Total scam.

My favorite is how people FREAKED OUT if you took Ivermectin OFF LABEL FOR COVID…many of those same people take OZEMPIC OFF LABEL FOR WEIGHT LOSS. IT IS FOR DIABETES.

So, those who vilified ivermectin for COIVD, but now take Ozempic for weight loss can suck my sack.

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