Zone1 Jesus believed in sola scriptura

I've noticed something: You are extremely argumentative. You argue with Catholics probably more than anyone..

something doesn't seem right there..
I'm not being argumentative. I'm asking a fair question. How can asking a fair question be argumentative?
I think it is a rather rhetorical question. We all know the answer.
Are you afraid to say the answer? Because it wasn't rhetorical. I'm trying to figure out your pecking order. Do you place God above the form of your religion? Also not a rhetorical question. Do you worship God or do you worship the form or dogma of your religion?
Are you afraid to say the answer? Because it wasn't rhetorical. I'm trying to figure out your pecking order. Do you place God above the form of your religion? Also not a rhetorical question. Do you worship God or do you worship the form or dogma of your religion?
you are rude and obnoxious

I don't think you give a rip what anyone's answer is, just want to beat up someone.
Well, people have a lot of pride. It's in our human nature. That means people don't ever want to ADMIT that they were in the wrong religion.

But if you don't face the reality that you were / are indeed in the wrong religion, you will never have the humility to end up in the Original.

What is the original? This word "wrong" how you are using it has an absolute character. "Right" or "wrong" - true and false and so on. But the perfect is not perfect - how for example a short time ago Kurt Goedel showed very well with his "incompletness sentences". Or a better example: I often call mathematics "spirituality of physics". This form of spirituality is very concrete (=mathematics) - but is it a wrong religion? Not at all. What's true is always true - but true is in all sciences a relativelly unexact thing. What's not definetelly wrong is as long true as no one is able to falsify it. So we are never sure about what the future will bring. For Christians this is very important - because we say "god is truth". And we also say "God is always new". That love is always new is clear - but truth?

We know for example that in Europe existed "since ever" monogamy. An exception is only existing in case of some kings (rulers). So monoganmy existed also long before Christians lived. But god always existed. So this concrete monogamy is no wrong "religion", tradition - independent from other traditions for example - like the sacrifice of human beings to gods - what was always a wrong "religion", tradition. God's message in this context always had been clear - also in the Jewish-Christian tradition: Example
But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

So in general was it also always wrong in the Jewish-Christian tradition to do a burnt offering of animals. "Wrong" religion? No one is doing so any longer - also not Jews and Christians. The logic of time and within time also needs our respect.
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Is the Form of Religion more important than the Spirit of God?

You are really the master of empty phrases. Concrete: If the Holy Spirit told you something in this context then tell us what you think what the Holy Spirit told you. How else could we know - or try to find out - what he really did tell you?

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If the Holy Spirit told you something in this context then tell us what you think what the Holy Spirit told you. How else could we know - or try to find out - what he really did tell you?
The Holy Spirit told me that many people confuse worshiping the created with worshiping the Creator and that I could tell the difference by observing that their actions do not match their words.
The Holy Spirit told me that many people confuse worshiping the created with worshiping the Creator and that I could tell the difference by observing that their actions do not match their words.

Ah - sorry. Wrong language.

Translation (source: Reinhard Mey - Es gibt Tage, da wünscht' ich, ich wär' mein Hund (Üb)

Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro

Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro
Yacería perezoso en mi cojín y miraría compasivo
Cómo el estrés se apodera de mí por las mañanas
Y, disgustado por el espectáculo, volvería a echarme
Y es que tendría dos intereses:
El primero, comer; el segundo, dormir
Y en lo que respecta a las cosas espirituales
Sería únicamente la digestión
El centro de mi visión del mundo
Y el hueso alrededor del que gira el mundo
Sería el único objeto de mis meditaciones
Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro

Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro
Y tendría su nariz en forma de cuña, y mi entorno
Aparecería en un contexto totalmente nuevo
Y lo clasificaría en categorías muy distintas:
Los que caminan, los que se arrastran
Los que huelen bien, los que huelen mal
Y a la gente que me apestara podría
Romperle el pantalón o la falda
Y morderle el trasero
Cosa que hoy solo puedo hacer en casos extremos
Pues conozco mi diagnóstico odontológico
Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro

Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro
No me importaría ninguna visita, ningún chismorreo,
ningún asunto
No tendría que gastar más saliva
Para aclararle algo a algún idiota
Y es que, en vez de discutir,
Me echaría en silencio sobre su regazo
Y me rascarían la barriga obligados
Y si sonara el timbre de la puerta
Me acercaría, ladraría,
Contento de no tener que dejar entrar a nadie
Y diría: "Lo siento, pero en este momento
El jefe no está, y yo solo soy el perro"

Hay días en los que desearía ser mi perro
Y es que me parece que tendría ventajas considerables
Pues básicamente seguiría viviendo como vivo
Comería bajo la mesa, pero seguiría durmiendo en
mi cama
En cambio, ahorraría un montón
Solo pagaría impuestos caninos
Solo en una cosa salgo mejor parado como persona:
Puede envidiarme por eso
Pues soy el único de los dos
Que puede abrir la puerta de la nevera solo
Y son momentos que disfruto
Pues sé que, entonces, mi perro desearía ser yo
Pues sé que, entonces, mi perro desearía ser yo

Ah - sorry. Wrong language again.
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Ah - sorry. Wrong language.


Do me a favor, god denier: Never again try to speak with me. With best greetings from my grandfather king David.

They were full of curiosity, they were full of life,
The children, and they were forty-four in number.
They were just like you, they were just like all children
In the house in Izieu high above the Rhône valley.
Driven together fleeing from the Germans,
And behind every name is bitter suffering,
All alone in the world,
Leaning against each other in this time of murder.
In the year forty-four, the time of the diligent henchmen
The spies and henchmen ordered to hunt people.
No one will look for them up here in the mountains,
The children of Izieu, here at the end of the world.

Joseph, who can paint: landscapes with horses,
Théodore, who brings food to the chickens and cows,
Liliane, who writes so beautifully, she should become a poet one day,
Little Raoul, who sings all day long.
And Elie, Sami, Max and Sarah, as they are all called:
Each has their talent, their gift, their part.
Each one is a gift and none of them will be snatched away,
who look after and love them, each in their own way.
But an evil premonition has long hovered over every game,
The fear of discovery over every new day,
And behind every laugh there is already a dark warning,
That every car that comes may bring doom.

They arrived on the morning of Maundy Thursday,
Soldiers in long coats and men in civilian clothes.
A sunny day, they took everyone, everyone with them,
Pushed on trucks and they didn't name a destination.
Some began to sing in their despair,
Some prayed, others remained silent.
Some cried and all, all went
The same way to their martyrdom.
The chronicle shows the exact lists of names,
The number of the wagon and which train it was attached to.
The number of the transport that brought them to the camp,
The chronicle shows that none of them escaped the murderers.

Today I hear we're supposed to put this in the history books,
And there has to be an end, finally, after all these years.
I'll talk and I'll sing and if I have to, I'll scream,
So that our children know who they were:
The eldest was seventeen, the youngest just four years old,
Led from the ramp in Birkenau to the gas chambers.
I will see them all my life and keep
Their names engraved in my soul.
They were full of curiosity, they were full of life,
The children, and they were forty-four in number.
They were just like you, they were just like all children
In the house in Izieu high above the Rhône valley.
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Do me a favor, god denier: Never again try to speak with me. With best greetings from my grandfather king David.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Including putting up with your insults and disrespect.
The Holy Spirit told me that many people confuse worshiping the created with worshiping the Creator and that I could tell the difference by observing that their actions do not match their words.

Totally unreal. You never notice anything what someone else is saying to you, isn't it? How dangerous are you? How many hells did you create in your life? ...
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Including putting up with your insults and disrespect.

Why do you try to tell me continuously such an absurde bullshit? I fear you never had anything to do with real Christians in your whole life. But you are on the other side "normal". So what is your real background? One man alone is not able to be as stupid as you play to be. And why do you like to make me to your "victim", challenger? Or do you just simple hate all mankind - or only the USA? What is your real motivation, your real "spirit"?
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Totally unreal. You never notoce anything what someone else is saying to you, isn't it? How dangerous are you? How many hells did you create in your life? ...
You really should be worrying about yourself.
Why do you try to tell me continuously such an absurde bullshit? I fear you never had anything to do with real Christians in your whole life.
How do you know you are right? What evidence do you have?
But you are on the other side "normal". So what is your real background?
Seems like you should already know that given you that you believe you know everything else.

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