Florida Loses $2.4 Billion For High-Speed Trains

Florida Loses $2.4 Billion For High-Speed Trains

This is what happens when you have a governor who runs the state like businessman and a very bad one at that, instead of like a politician. There would have been job creation in this but Repugs never promised job creation in their campaigns did they? Its clear they don't fucking care.

Florida isn't Europe, clown....

Who said it was you dumb ass motherfucker? Get a geography lesson or learn not to build a strawman.

Hey Stupid? The poster was making light that we aren't Europe, and most Americans aren't going to forced to give up their choices being taken from them as most transportation choices in the EU are taken from them by government control.

Got it ACE?
Never said people don't prefer to drive. Thats a different story. Yes I prefer to drive as well. But when I went to Cardinals game in St. Louis, I take Metrolink. Why? the traffic heading out is a pain in my ass and I like to be on the train.

When I travel to Chicago. I take the train instead of airplane. I love seeing the countryside. Flying doesn't give you that opportunity to see America. I fly to farther locations. A car can create problems and with gas prices going up, its becoming increasing popular to use Subways and trains because its cheaper.

Preference to drive is different than the cost/benefit analysis of what works best.
No benefit? How about a 2 hour train ride from Chicago to St. Louis whic takes 5 hours by car. Yeah you're right no benefit.

Government doesn't do things to make a profit. Its not a business. It does things to better society. Think about it (I know hard thing to do, but at least try):

A 2 hour train ride cuts a business cost to travel, meaning less costs meaning they can save or create new jobs, meaning employment rate goes down, economy gets better, American gets better.

Oh and maybe able to save American manufacturing because transportation cost decrease.

But yeah absolutely no benefit. :cuckoo:

How does making something faster cut costs? Going faster uses more energy, more resources, and is more dangerous, which adds to liability, thus adding to costs. Not to mention that in that train passes through at least 10 separate communities, none of which are going to allow a train to speed through at more than 30 mph, which will mean that the mythical bullet train will have to either go around those cities somehow, or fly over them.

Oops, we are back to planes again. Isn't modern technology wonderful? Tell me something, since you believe in high speed rail, do you also believe in unicorn dust and pots of gold at the end of rainbows?

Yeah even though it has worked and will work. And it creates competition for Airliners to finally start lowering prices. But yeah it never works. By the way, they build bridges and get the bullet trains to work faster.

Watch the beginning of the video of the japan high speed rail. a 350 mile trip in 2.5 hours. Thats 140 mph. Cuts travel time in HALF. HALF. You mean to tell me I get to chicago in less than half the time and not have to go through security and the hassle of the airport? Count me in.

And this is no unicorn. This is proven to work and will work. Why you are against it is beyond retarded.

Why you are for something that obviously isn't commercially viable is beyond retarded.
How does making something faster cut costs? Going faster uses more energy, more resources, and is more dangerous, which adds to liability, thus adding to costs. Not to mention that in that train passes through at least 10 separate communities, none of which are going to allow a train to speed through at more than 30 mph, which will mean that the mythical bullet train will have to either go around those cities somehow, or fly over them.

Oops, we are back to planes again. Isn't modern technology wonderful? Tell me something, since you believe in high speed rail, do you also believe in unicorn dust and pots of gold at the end of rainbows?

Yeah even though it has worked and will work. And it creates competition for Airliners to finally start lowering prices. But yeah it never works. By the way, they build bridges and get the bullet trains to work faster.

Watch the beginning of the video of the japan high speed rail. a 350 mile trip in 2.5 hours. Thats 140 mph. Cuts travel time in HALF. HALF. You mean to tell me I get to chicago in less than half the time and not have to go through security and the hassle of the airport? Count me in.

And this is no unicorn. This is proven to work and will work. Why you are against it is beyond retarded.

Why you are for something that obviously isn't commercially viable is beyond retarded.

Or Socialistic...take your pick. :)
Never said people don't prefer to drive. Thats a different story. Yes I prefer to drive as well. But when I went to Cardinals game in St. Louis, I take Metrolink. Why? the traffic heading out is a pain in my ass and I like to be on the train.

When I travel to Chicago. I take the train instead of airplane. I love seeing the countryside. Flying doesn't give you that opportunity to see America. I fly to farther locations. A car can create problems and with gas prices going up, its becoming increasing popular to use Subways and trains because its cheaper.

Preference to drive is different than the cost/benefit analysis of what works best.

You take a HEAVILY subsidized train to Chicago.

Why is it heavily subsidized if trains are so efficient and viable?
Never said people don't prefer to drive. Thats a different story. Yes I prefer to drive as well. But when I went to Cardinals game in St. Louis, I take Metrolink. Why? the traffic heading out is a pain in my ass and I like to be on the train.

When I travel to Chicago. I take the train instead of airplane. I love seeing the countryside. Flying doesn't give you that opportunity to see America. I fly to farther locations. A car can create problems and with gas prices going up, its becoming increasing popular to use Subways and trains because its cheaper.

Preference to drive is different than the cost/benefit analysis of what works best.

You take a HEAVILY subsidized train to Chicago.

Why is it heavily subsidized if trains are so efficient and viable?

Just watch train travel increase as Obama's inaction drives up the price of gas...

Amtrak ridership rising right along with gas prices(March 14, 2011)

By design...
Never said people don't prefer to drive. Thats a different story. Yes I prefer to drive as well. But when I went to Cardinals game in St. Louis, I take Metrolink. Why? the traffic heading out is a pain in my ass and I like to be on the train.

When I travel to Chicago. I take the train instead of airplane. I love seeing the countryside. Flying doesn't give you that opportunity to see America. I fly to farther locations. A car can create problems and with gas prices going up, its becoming increasing popular to use Subways and trains because its cheaper.

Preference to drive is different than the cost/benefit analysis of what works best.

You take a HEAVILY subsidized train to Chicago.

Why is it heavily subsidized if trains are so efficient and viable?

Just watch train travel increase as Obama's inaction drives up the price of gas...

Amtrak ridership rising right along with gas prices(March 14, 2011)

By design...

Your point? Train travel is better for the environment and the pocket book. I can believe a tea-bagger is upset their is no government interference on the free market.
You take a HEAVILY subsidized train to Chicago.

Why is it heavily subsidized if trains are so efficient and viable?

Just watch train travel increase as Obama's inaction drives up the price of gas...

Amtrak ridership rising right along with gas prices(March 14, 2011)

By design...

Your point? Train travel is better for the environment and the pocket book. I can believe a tea-bagger is upset their is no government interference on the free market.

Then feel free to ride every train from Amtrak to the Butt Pirate express. His point is don't drive up gas prices on purpose in an attempt to force more people to ride them because the moonbats have decided it's better.
Never said people don't prefer to drive. Thats a different story. Yes I prefer to drive as well. But when I went to Cardinals game in St. Louis, I take Metrolink. Why? the traffic heading out is a pain in my ass and I like to be on the train.

When I travel to Chicago. I take the train instead of airplane. I love seeing the countryside. Flying doesn't give you that opportunity to see America. I fly to farther locations. A car can create problems and with gas prices going up, its becoming increasing popular to use Subways and trains because its cheaper.

Preference to drive is different than the cost/benefit analysis of what works best.
I too enjoy seeing the countryside and being able to move around easily on a train. I've see more of Europe than most who fly from city to city.
Going 350 miles in 2.5 hours is efficient if you factor in the time to and from an outlying airport and waiting in lines. There's no doubt it saves gasoline and pollution.
Bought a high speed rail pass in Europe two years ago. One of the best ways I have ever traveled. Cheaper than renting a car and way more relaxing. Barcelona to Paris, Paris to Rudischeim, Rudischeim to Amsterdam. Great sights and interesting people. Would love to hop on a train in Cincinnati in the morning and be in Chicago in the afternoon with no headache. Canceled flights, traffic, etc...
Seriously though, a mode of transportation that is fixed on rails (the ultimate in inflexibility) and travels over the ground (even at high speed) will lose to air travel for long distances and automobiles for short distances.

Now if a private corporation wants to develop a high speed rail line without tax payer money - GO FOR IT. If it is such a great idea, surely entreprenuers and investors would be lined up to participate, right?
Tell that to Europeans, Japanese, and Chinese.

How many of those make money?

Let me tell you something, if the Japanese cannot make money when they cram riders into the train like they do, no one can.

I would rather be a sardine in a can than pack in like that.

That looks like a subway car to me.
If you travel by high speed trains in Europe, and I suspect Japan, you have a seat reservation...it's very comfortable.
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High speed rail is an economic loser. It has never worked, outside of one or two well traveled corridors. The guv was right. An expensive boondoggle that would have cost taxpayer money for no benefit.

Yep. And a good portion of the citizens here don't want it because it only covers a small portion of the State, will create a few temporary jobs, and then the Taxpayers will get stuck with it.

It's a bad deal like everything else coming out of the Disctrict of Criminals these days.

Saying that highspeed trains never worked is an outright fucking lie, have any of you two dickheads been to Europe? I can get on a train right here where I live in Germany and be in Paris in two hours, same with Rome. When you say the word NEVER you're making an absolute statement which require facts to support it, now prove that high speed trains have NEVER worked.

What do those train rides cost?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/11/florida-loses-24-billion-_n_834768.htmlThis is what happens when you have a governor who runs the state like businessman and a very bad one at that, instead of like a politician.

This is what happens when an elected official actually DOES what the people that voted for him want him to do.
We don't want it, period.

I laugh at how so many on the "left" accuse the "right" for being on the side of the rich.
Just who do you think would be the biggest users of this pink elephant?
It's 85 miles, for crying out loud!! Straight across I-4.
I don't need a multi-billion dollar behemoth to get me there.
If there were sufficient demand, private investors would be wiling to fund the railroads.

As there isn't, there aren't, and the true nature of these initiatives are revealed as pork and political favors under the veneer of dogooderism.
It's too costly of a project for private industry. Period. Name an industry other then oil who can afford to invest billions in a project.

Plus, private industry cannot use eminent domain to acquire the land needed for rail routes.

Hopefully, this will be the last time I need to explain this to you. But I'm not all that hopeful.

If the return on investment is there, private investors would do it, period. And look, a libby that likes eminent domain, shocker! :eek:

OK, name the company who could do this high speed rail project on their own dime.

Then explain how they would be able to acquire any lands which would be in the path of the rail route.

There is nothing to like or dislike about eminent domain. It's a tool used by government, and approved by society, to advance the infrastructure needs of our country.
If there were sufficient demand, private investors would be wiling to fund the railroads.

As there isn't, there aren't, and the true nature of these initiatives are revealed as pork and political favors under the veneer of dogooderism.
It's too costly of a project for private industry. Period. Name an industry other then oil who can afford to invest billions in a project.

Plus, private industry cannot use eminent domain to acquire the land needed for rail routes.

Hopefully, this will be the last time I need to explain this to you. But I'm not all that hopeful.
Name an industry other then oil who can afford to invest billions in a project.

They are able to wire existing infrastructure; they will never have to create new infrastructure.

Big difference.
You take a HEAVILY subsidized train to Chicago.

Why is it heavily subsidized if trains are so efficient and viable?

Just watch train travel increase as Obama's inaction drives up the price of gas...

Amtrak ridership rising right along with gas prices(March 14, 2011)

By design...

Your point? Train travel is better for the environment and the pocket book. I can believe a tea-bagger is upset their is no government interference on the free market.

Apparently you forgot that I already addressed the claim that it is better for the environment than driving cars.

When Amtrak compares its fuel economy with automobiles (see p. 19), it relies on Department of Energy <="" a=""> that presumes 1.6 people per car (see tables 2.13 for cars and 2.14 for Amtrak). But another Department of Energy report points out that cars in intercity travel tend to be more fully loaded — the average turns out to be 2.4 people.

“Intercity auto trips tend to [have] higher-than-average vehicle occupancy rates,” says the DOE. “On average, they are as energy-efficient as rail intercity trips.” Moreover, the report adds, “if passenger rail competes for modal share by moving to high speed service, its energy efficiency should be reduced somewhat — making overall energy savings even more problematic.”

FuturePundit: The Problems With Passenger Rail

Couple that with the fuel efficient, low pollution cars and the numbers are even worse.
Plus, private industry cannot use eminent domain to acquire the land needed for rail routes.

Oh, and good job explaining why rail is dead save for freight.
I agree. I want more rail for freight purposes. I want to see a drastic reduction in 18 wheelers across the country. They are a huge use of oil.

I could see a HS train from Boston-NY-DC-Sanford, FL, - just upgrade the existing Amtrak Auto Train to high speed.
Tell that to Europeans, Japanese, and Chinese.

How many of those make money?

Let me tell you something, if the Japanese cannot make money when they cram riders into the train like they do, no one can.

I would rather be a sardine in a can than pack in like that.

That looks like a subway car to me.
If you travel by high speed trains in Europe, and I suspect Japan, you have a seat reservation...it's very comfortable.

Tell me something, would you have purchased that train ticket if you had to pay more than it would cost to fly the same distance? The only reason it costs less is that the government subsidizes the cost of rail travel all over Europe.

And Japan.
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They are able to wire existing infrastructure; they will never have to create new infrastructure.

Big difference.
Like the existing railways between Orlando and Tampa can't be retro-fitted???

Another thing to add:

The Florida rail from Orlando-Tampa is unnecessary. But other areas like the Midwest (Chicago-St. Louis, Chicago-Cincinatti) and West Coast (LA-San Diego) are needed.
Horseshit. Chicago-Milwaukee-Gary, maybe. You have high enough density to make it worth while. Oh wait, there used to be a LOT of those in the area. thanks also to cities like Kenosha and Racine inbetween those cities. But they can't even justify the line out to Madison, and why would they bother going to Springfield or Green Bay, Terre Haute or even Lansing?

No, there is no real need for high speed rail in the mid west. That died with the interstate system. Now, instead of hopping on the Hiawatha from Minneapolis to Chicago, or the C&NW's '400's, you get in your car and drive it in about the same time with no having to secure transportation on the other end and it goes precisely where you need, not to stations you have to work from there.

Face it, convenience and ergonomics killed rail travel. It'll kill air travel if the FAA authorizes cheap private air cars too.

Again you have no idea what you are talking.

First off, Chicago has a huge rail system that millions of people use everyday. Its government subsides and it serves a benefit to the community. If you take the high speed rail, you have ways to get around chicago.

Plus with a car, you have to pay for parking, pay for gas, pay for the oil, pay Maintenance and it comes out to the almost same cost.

Again, you fail. But thanks for playing.
As someone who WORKS in mass transit, I think you're full of it.

The bus needs a paid driver, The price of fuel, oil and maintenance is often much more than a car. Plus the specialized facility needed to maintain it, or did you tink they just leave them in a parking lot somewhere. Then you have to pay the fuelers and cleaners, the dispatchers, the specialists from fare box technicians and computer experts to deal with software problems to specially trained mechanics.

Of course it's subsidized so your fellow citizens are forced to pay for your bus ride even if they never use their service. Real fair there.

Of course, you still have parking to deal with where you left your car to get the bus or, if you go from home, you walk and wait for the bus to show up on it's schedule, rather than just leave and go directly, so there's your time cost. You can also end up worrying about other people getting on the bus who may be drunk, dangerous or just plain nuts particularly with local lines and sporting events. And if you don't think that's a common occurance you're delusional.

Yeah, I can see the convenience and savings. And let's find out this... what's the percentage of people who use mass transit to go to an event? If it's more than 10% I'd be stunned.

Thank you for playing? I'd thank you to make sense. But my hopes aren't high for you.

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