Florida Official Moves To Suspend Concealed Carry Permits Of 22 That Participated In January 6th Insurrection

That's the problem. As soon as you have any sort of permit or license for concealed carry, the fact that you have a weapon is no longer concealed, and various parties show up in court out of left field to revoke your rights. So in practice the only way "concealed" carry is possible is without any kind of permitting or gun registration at all.


No one comes out of ‘left field,’ no rights are ‘revoked.’

You violate the law governing possession of a concealed weapon license, you jeopardize possession of that license – and appropriately so.
Wouldn't you think the Ag. Commissioner would be the first one to defend 2nd Amendment rights in Florida where people need to defend themselves from wild predators of every kind? Not so if he is a left wing nut case.
Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried moved on Tuesday to suspend the concealed carry licenses of 22 people charged in connection to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“The deeply disturbing events that occurred at our nation’s Capitol on January 6th were sedition, treason, and domestic terrorism – and those individuals involved in the insurrection must be held accountable for attempting to subvert our democratic process,” Fried said in a statement.

The small mob (compared to the many thousands that were there peacefully that day) were indeed riotous, but then, to be fair, the BLM and Antifa rioters and looters should also lose any gun rights. After all they were the true seditious, treasonous, domestic terrorists.
Nice thought but he's out of his jurisdiction and stark raving mad out of his mind insane with precedent setting democrat gun grabbing politics.

I think its a good idea.. Those people are all misfits and losers with pre-existing conditions. Better to be safe than sorry. Gun ownership is a privilege.
I think its a good idea.. Those people are all misfits and losers with pre-existing conditions. Better to be safe than sorry. Gun ownership is a privilege.
It's a right. A right that shall not be infringed under any circumstances according to the Constitution.

Are you saying people have cancer, they got fired from their jobs and dropped from their company health insurance plan, and the cancer isn't covered by the new health plan, because it's a pre-existing condition, so the patients go bald from radiation and chemotherapy and lose their gun rights?
I think its a good idea.. Those people are all misfits and losers with pre-existing conditions. Better to be safe than sorry. Gun ownership is a privilege.
The Founders disagreed.. They, correctly, recognized that it is a fundamental human right to keep and bear arms and they bound our government against infringing on that right.

There are governments and nations where they treat it like a privilege - though it is a right even in those nations - and, if you prefer it be treated like a privilege, you should move to one of those countries
The Founders disagreed.. They, correctly, recognized that it is a fundamental human right to keep and bear arms and they bound our government against infringing on that right.

There are governments and nations where they treat it like a privilege - though it is a right even in those nations - and, if you prefer it be treated like a privilege, you should move to one of those countries

Well, criminals lose their right to have guns. Wait until the 1/6 crazies who stormed the Capitol to overthrow the election have all been tried.
Well, criminals lose their right to have guns. Wait until the 1/6 crazies who stormed the Capitol to overthrow the election have all been tried.
Many of them were cops, themselves, though, and that's different because cops and former cops never lose their gun rights no matter what crimes they commit or how crazy they are.

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