Florida Stopped Gun Background Checks For A Year After Official Couldn’t Log In

And you lie, again....the socialists in Germany repealed gun laws for Party members....not for Jews and the political enemies of the party...

again, Germany only had 500,000 Jews out of a population of 80 million.

It wasn't that big of a deal.

The other 79,500,000 Germans who weren't Jews could have all the guns they wanted. and not a fucking one of them stepped out and tried to stop the Gestapo from taking Goldstein to the camps they all pretended not to know about after the war.

you know the ones the nazis sent to the gas chambers.... you guys always think you can lie about that....

Here's the problem... most of them were fine with getting rid of the Jews... They were happy to see them go.

When you have no guns, and government goons come for your neighbor, and your neighbor goes quietly because they can't resist..... there is nothing you can do....

Actually, that happens when you have guns, too. In fact, when the ATF came by for David Koresh or Randy Weaver, most of their neighbors were happy to see these nuts gotten out of their neighborhoods.

You see, the Government has tanks and bombers and artillery... no matter how much you compensate for your...er.. shortcomings, the government's will always, always, always be bigger.

Yes....... the socialists confiscated guns from everyone but party members, who beat up unarmed people and destroyed businesses, which aided their rise to power...... you can't do that here because you show up to smack people down, you get shot..... and if guns aren't a problem, then why did the nazis feel compelled to disarm the people they then went on to mass murder.....?

And, of course, the one country that wasn't invaded by the Germans, when all the other European countries were conquered...was Switzerland...where they had 435,000 armed civilians, armed with military rifles, with the determination to resist any invasion by the German socialists...while every other country had disarmed their civilians.....who were then helpless when their weak and incompetent militaries were defeated.....and then the German socialists sent the people of those European countries to the gas chambers.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...
Yes....... the socialists confiscated guns from everyone but party members, who beat up unarmed people and destroyed businesses, which aided their rise to power......

Um, buddy, most average Germans owned guns. In fact, the first thing the allies had to do after VE day was go house to house and collect all the guns because too many Germans hadn't realized they had lost.

And, of course, the one country that wasn't invaded by the Germans, when all the other European countries were conquered...was Switzerland...

They also didn't invade Sweden, Spain, Portugal, England, Turkey, Monoco, Andorra... I'm sure there are others I'm missing.

They also didn't invade Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland... all those countries threw in with them and had alliances.

The main reason why the Swiss weren't invaded? Because they were doing all the banking for both sides in the war. Why would you burn down your bank?

and if guns aren't a problem, then why did the nazis feel compelled to disarm the people they then went on to mass murder.....?

They didn't. They just murdered the ones they wanted to murder, usually with their neighbors cheering them on.

Folks in the Warsaw ghetto sat on their guns for five years without taking on the Germans until they heard the Red Army was close... and then they rose up and killed a whopping 19 Germans before 50,000 of them were killed.

Again, not really keen to tolerate 33,000 gun deaths a year because you are afraid of something that "might" happen.
Yes....... the socialists confiscated guns from everyone but party members, who beat up unarmed people and destroyed businesses, which aided their rise to power......

Um, buddy, most average Germans owned guns. In fact, the first thing the allies had to do after VE day was go house to house and collect all the guns because too many Germans hadn't realized they had lost.

And, of course, the one country that wasn't invaded by the Germans, when all the other European countries were conquered...was Switzerland...

They also didn't invade Sweden, Spain, Portugal, England, Turkey, Monoco, Andorra... I'm sure there are others I'm missing.

They also didn't invade Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland... all those countries threw in with them and had alliances.

The main reason why the Swiss weren't invaded? Because they were doing all the banking for both sides in the war. Why would you burn down your bank?

and if guns aren't a problem, then why did the nazis feel compelled to disarm the people they then went on to mass murder.....?

They didn't. They just murdered the ones they wanted to murder, usually with their neighbors cheering them on.

Folks in the Warsaw ghetto sat on their guns for five years without taking on the Germans until they heard the Red Army was close... and then they rose up and killed a whopping 19 Germans before 50,000 of them were killed.

Again, not really keen to tolerate 33,000 gun deaths a year because you are afraid of something that "might" happen.

You aren't very bright.......the Warsaw ghetto held of the Germans with a few pistols and molotov cocktails, and had they had more guns...had the civilians in Europe had more guns, the German socialists could never have conquered all of that territory, they couldn't have held it......

You have no understanding of history...or anything else....


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
You aren't very bright.......the Warsaw ghetto held of the Germans with a few pistols and molotov cocktails, and had they had more guns...had the civilians in Europe had more guns, the German socialists could never have conquered all of that territory, they couldn't have held it......

Most of the countries Germany conquered had well trained professional armies... and they STILL lost.

You have no understanding of history...or anything else....

Shhhh... you'd better tell UIC.. They gave me a degree in history.

Here's the reality. Switzerland wasn't invaded because they did EVERYTHING the Nazis wanted. They denied the allies use of their airspace, they laundered the gold Germany was extracting from the fillings of dead jews. There was no good reason to invade them.
You aren't very bright.......the Warsaw ghetto held of the Germans with a few pistols and molotov cocktails, and had they had more guns...had the civilians in Europe had more guns, the German socialists could never have conquered all of that territory, they couldn't have held it......

Most of the countries Germany conquered had well trained professional armies... and they STILL lost.

You have no understanding of history...or anything else....

Shhhh... you'd better tell UIC.. They gave me a degree in history.

Here's the reality. Switzerland wasn't invaded because they did EVERYTHING the Nazis wanted. They denied the allies use of their airspace, they laundered the gold Germany was extracting from the fillings of dead jews. There was no good reason to invade them.

No.....after World War 1 the rest of the countries of Europe allowed their militaries to decline.......read your history.......

You really think that the nazis were going to allow Switzerland to remain free and uncontrolled? And that if they weren't ready to fight with deep reserves of armed civilians that the Germans would have left them alone? You really are stupid.....
No.....after World War 1 the rest of the countries of Europe allowed their militaries to decline.......read your history.......

I have... that's kind of a misrepresentation... The fact is, the Allies did maintain pretty effective militaries, they just spent on the wrong priorities.

You really think that the nazis were going to allow Switzerland to remain free and uncontrolled? And that if they weren't ready to fight with deep reserves of armed civilians that the Germans would have left them alone? You really are stupid.....

I think the Germans didn't give a fuck about Switzerland. Germany's goal was to obtain territory for Lebensraum (Living Room), and all Switzerland had was mountains. The Lebensraum was in the east, and that's where they went.
And you lie, again....the socialists in Germany repealed gun laws for Party members....not for Jews and the political enemies of the party...

again, Germany only had 500,000 Jews out of a population of 80 million.

It wasn't that big of a deal.

The other 79,500,000 Germans who weren't Jews could have all the guns they wanted. and not a fucking one of them stepped out and tried to stop the Gestapo from taking Goldstein to the camps they all pretended not to know about after the war.

you know the ones the nazis sent to the gas chambers.... you guys always think you can lie about that....

Here's the problem... most of them were fine with getting rid of the Jews... They were happy to see them go.

When you have no guns, and government goons come for your neighbor, and your neighbor goes quietly because they can't resist..... there is nothing you can do....

Actually, that happens when you have guns, too. In fact, when the ATF came by for David Koresh or Randy Weaver, most of their neighbors were happy to see these nuts gotten out of their neighborhoods.

You see, the Government has tanks and bombers and artillery... no matter how much you compensate for your...er.. shortcomings, the government's will always, always, always be bigger.

No, they couldn't. The ONLY people in Germany who could get firearms were NAZI PARTY MEMBERS who made up less than 10% of the population. There were exceptions made for Jaegers (hunters) because they were associated with the hunting associations that goering was the leader of, but other than them, if you weren't a Party member, you were shit outa luck.
No, they couldn't. The ONLY people in Germany who could get firearms were NAZI PARTY MEMBERS who made up less than 10% of the population.

Actually, you need to do some research into German gun laws prior to WWII.

Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

As the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany, it inherited a 1928 gun registration law that had replaced a total ban on gun ownership imposed on a defeated Germany after World War I. The 1928 law created a permit system to own and sell firearms and ammunition.

"But this order was followed quite rarely, so that largely, only newly bought weapons became registered," said Dagmar Ellerbrock, an expert on German gun policies at the Dresden Technical University. "At that time, most men, and many women, still owned the weapons they acquired before or during the first World War."

When they came to power, the Nazis used whatever gun records they had to seize weapons from their enemies, but Ellerbock told us the files included very few of the firearms in circulation.

"In my records, I found many Jews who well into the late 1930s possessed guns," Ellerbock told us.

The Nazis adopted a new gun law in 1938. According to an analysis by Bernard Harcourt, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, it loosened gun ownership rules in several ways.

It deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. (You didn’t need to be hunting.) It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.
No, they couldn't. The ONLY people in Germany who could get firearms were NAZI PARTY MEMBERS who made up less than 10% of the population.

Actually, you need to do some research into German gun laws prior to WWII.

Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

As the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany, it inherited a 1928 gun registration law that had replaced a total ban on gun ownership imposed on a defeated Germany after World War I. The 1928 law created a permit system to own and sell firearms and ammunition.

"But this order was followed quite rarely, so that largely, only newly bought weapons became registered," said Dagmar Ellerbrock, an expert on German gun policies at the Dresden Technical University. "At that time, most men, and many women, still owned the weapons they acquired before or during the first World War."

When they came to power, the Nazis used whatever gun records they had to seize weapons from their enemies, but Ellerbock told us the files included very few of the firearms in circulation.

"In my records, I found many Jews who well into the late 1930s possessed guns," Ellerbock told us.

The Nazis adopted a new gun law in 1938. According to an analysis by Bernard Harcourt, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, it loosened gun ownership rules in several ways.

It deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. (You didn’t need to be hunting.) It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.


You morons always ignore the fact...the fact, that the nazi party disarmed Jews and political enemies......

No, they couldn't. The ONLY people in Germany who could get firearms were NAZI PARTY MEMBERS who made up less than 10% of the population.

Actually, you need to do some research into German gun laws prior to WWII.

Fact-checking Ben Carson's claim that gun control laws allowed the Nazis to carry out Holocaust

As the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany, it inherited a 1928 gun registration law that had replaced a total ban on gun ownership imposed on a defeated Germany after World War I. The 1928 law created a permit system to own and sell firearms and ammunition.

"But this order was followed quite rarely, so that largely, only newly bought weapons became registered," said Dagmar Ellerbrock, an expert on German gun policies at the Dresden Technical University. "At that time, most men, and many women, still owned the weapons they acquired before or during the first World War."

When they came to power, the Nazis used whatever gun records they had to seize weapons from their enemies, but Ellerbock told us the files included very few of the firearms in circulation.

"In my records, I found many Jews who well into the late 1930s possessed guns," Ellerbock told us.

The Nazis adopted a new gun law in 1938. According to an analysis by Bernard Harcourt, a professor at Columbia University School of Law, it loosened gun ownership rules in several ways.

It deregulated the buying and selling of rifles, shotguns and ammunition. It made handguns easier to own by allowing anyone with a hunting license to buy, sell or carry one at any time. (You didn’t need to be hunting.) It also extended the permit period from one year to three and gave local officials more discretion in letting people under 18 get a gun.

Moron.... you need to read your own link....

The regulations to implement this law, rather than the law itself, did impose new limits on one group: Jews.

On Nov. 11, 1938, the German minister of the interior issued "Regulations Against Jews Possession of Weapons." Not only were Jews forbidden to own guns and ammunition, they couldn’t own "truncheons or stabbing weapons."

In addition to the restrictions, Ellerbrock said the Nazis had already been raiding Jewish homes and seizing weapons.
The employee responsible said she couldn’t remember her information to log in to a national database that keeps track of criminals.

For over a year, Florida allowed citizens to obtain concealed weapon permits without a background check because an employee couldn’t log in to a national database that tracked people deemed unfit to own weapons in other states, a previously unreported government investigation has revealed.

The 2017 document, which was first reported on Friday by the Tampa Bay Times, revealed that starting in February 2016, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stopped using an FBI crime database because an employee in charge of background checks could not log in to the system.

The database, called the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, is used by state officials to keep track of applicants who want to carry guns and who may also have a criminal history or documented mental health issues in other states.

The issue was not corrected until March 2017, according to the investigation, which was conducted by the state agriculture department’s Office of Inspector General.

Record requests by the Tampa Bay Times revealed the negligence, with the final state investigation revealing that it was employee Lisa Wilde who had a “login issue” with the database but never followed up to get it fixed.

Wilde told investigators that she “neglected to do it for almost a year.” It was ultimately more than a year.

“I dropped the ball ― I know I did that, I should have been doing it and I didn’t,” Wilde said.

As the Times points out, tens of thousands of applications went unchecked during that period, in a state that saw a surge of requests to get weapon permits following the June 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting that left 50 people dead. The state saw horror again in February of this year when 17 people were gunned down at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

When questioned by investigators, Wilde looked “bewildered, and stated: I had a login issue and never followed up,” the investigative report says.

State Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, a Republican now running for governor, bragged in 2012 that under his leadership, the process of getting a concealed permit application fell from 12 weeks to 35 days.

Wilde is now out of a job, the Tampa Bay Times reports.

Florida Stopped Gun Background Checks For A Year After Official Couldn’t Log In

Adam Putnam’s office stopped concealed weapons background checks for a year because it couldn’t log in

Such incompetence is unbelievable! What do you think?
It’s also arrogance and contempt for the law.
Now that is fucking hilarious.!!!
I smell bull shit. I have a friend who owns a gun shop. I’ll check with him but I’ll bet that each FFL holder who does checks can see almost immediately if the purchaser has a criminal record. No state official needed.
WHo are you saying is doing the check ?

You morons always ignore the fact...the fact, that the nazi party disarmed Jews and political enemies......

Which is COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT to the point I was making.

Not only didn't they really do that (Because gun records were pretty much incomplete) but the thing was, regular Germans (who overwealming supported the Nazis) did have guns and not a one of them rushed out and tried to stand up to the Gestapo.

In fact, those regular Germans only used their guns to take pot-shots at allied Troops when they entered Germany,w hich is why the allies had to confiscate all the guns.
My point exactly. If he wasn't, that was because of the PROMISE Program. Get it ?

That and if we started prosecuting teens for being angsty, we'd empty the High Schools.

So your argument is that they didn't put Cruz on a list no one was actually checking to start with? Got it.
I smell bull shit. I have a friend who owns a gun shop. I’ll check with him but I’ll bet that each FFL holder who does checks can see almost immediately if the purchaser has a criminal record. No state official needed.
WHo are you saying is doing the check ?

Each person who conducts a background check has access to the results. That would be the seller of the gun in most cases.
That and if we started prosecuting teens for being angsty, we'd empty the High Schools.

So your argument is that they didn't put Cruz on a list no one was actually checking to start with? Got it.
No, you DON'T "got it". "To start with", (before the PROMISE Program), the high school criminals had been expelled and arrested, and given criminal records. Because of Obama's idiotic PROMISE Program, they became off limits to law enforcement, and unknown to gun sellers.

This is what allowed Cruz to buy his guns, when he otherwise wouldn't have. NOW, you've "got it".

You morons always ignore the fact...the fact, that the nazi party disarmed Jews and political enemies......

Which is COMPLETELY IRRELEVENT to the point I was making.

Not only didn't they really do that (Because gun records were pretty much incomplete) but the thing was, regular Germans (who overwealming supported the Nazis) did have guns and not a one of them rushed out and tried to stand up to the Gestapo.

In fact, those regular Germans only used their guns to take pot-shots at allied Troops when they entered Germany,w hich is why the allies had to confiscate all the guns.

Moron......those the majority of the people were not party members......and the enemies of the party were disarmed and brutalized you moron.....

After the war? Moron, the Germans armed teenagers to fight the Allies after Germany was invaded, you mope......just like the Japanese did for their invasion......
My point exactly. If he wasn't, that was because of the PROMISE Program. Get it ?

That and if we started prosecuting teens for being angsty, we'd empty the High Schools.

So your argument is that they didn't put Cruz on a list no one was actually checking to start with? Got it.

Moron, he attacked students and teachers and brought knives and bullets to school you moron, he was an actual criminal who escaped arrest because of obama's stupid Promise Program....
No, you DON'T "got it". "To start with", (before the PROMISE Program), the high school criminals had been expelled and arrested, and given criminal records. Because of Obama's idiotic PROMISE Program, they became off limits to law enforcement, and unknown to gun sellers.

black kids were arrested before that law... White kids like Cruz never were...

Nothing he did really merited a criminal conviction.

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