Florida re-education of kids?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Fascist always throw anyone that doesn't tow the party line into reeducation camps and force everyone to kiss their ring. Sick bastards.
You must have missed the Drug War with both parties trying to re-educate the entire USA.
its kinda hard to list all the things the parties do,, not enough computer space on the internet,,

his mistake was saying the repubes demand you toe the party line when its the dems that do that,,

repubes dont care if you leave because you most likely will go democrat,, they dont call it the uni party for nothing,,
its kinda hard to list all the things the parties do,, not enough computer space on the internet,,

his mistake was saying the repubes demand you toe the party line when its the dems that do that,,

repubes dont care if you leave because you most likely will go democrat,, they dont call it the uni party for nothing,,
uni party, when did they name it that officially?
Democrats think Americans are a bunch of racist bigots so they take it upon themselves to teach (groom) other people's children into their gender ideology. They use the public schools to do it in bulk.
Yet it is republicans banning books all over the country and legislating against history being taught
The books aren't banned, they are just removed from places children have access to them.

If democrats ran a blockbuster they would mix gay porn in with the kids section.
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Well, you saw it first in Russia, but I bet this would play well in Desantis far right wing state of Florida.
This is such bullshit, better be moved to the rubber room, or hell will be coming.....
Yet it is republicans banning books all over the country and legislating against history being taught
The fundies are going crazy as everyone has to walk their narrow line. They're truly showing themselves as our taliban. Always fight for freedom! Never give them an inch.
You must have missed the Drug War with both parties trying to re-educate the entire USA.
That is what happens everytime these pieces of trash try to control people. It fails!!! It makes it MORE POPULAR! Kids and young adults don't like to be controlled.
Fascist always throw anyone that doesn't tow the party line into reeducation camps and force everyone to kiss their ring. Sick bastards.
A polarizing over-generalizatiom.

I doubt the overt racism is part of the attempt to gut public education.

I'm curious to know what percentage of Americans want school vouchers because the school was 1) genuinely bad for their kids, 2) underfunded, or 3) not teaching their preferred religion

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