CDZ Florida reopens state's economy despite ongoing pandemic

Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

Funny about studies before this BS............they didn't really like them much......especially cloth ones that don't stop it from spreading............OUTSIDE......utter BS.

Even an N95 will not stop all of it.......If you are in a AC circulation enviro..........and wearing a mask......cloth.......will not do a dang thing......0.1`% microns.......

You want SCIENCE.......2003 ..
Let's take a look........yes it spreads by air.

6 foot rule really worked there.........LMAO.

Moved half a football field away and infected others in another apartment building.......AIRBORNE

This virus, when dry, is about 0.2 microns in size and can live for up to 12 hours in this state. Even an N-95 mask can not stop this virus in its dry state. Thankfully this virus is usually wet and thus the N-95 masks are able to stop it (N-95 is 0.5 micron filtration) as the virus wet, is generally 0.6-1.5 microns in size due to the water around it.

In its dry or almost totally dry state this virus can float 300+ yards or more depending on wind speed.

There is so much disinformation on this virus and its capabilities its scary... A cloth mask will not stop this virus and only slows the virus you expel. Dr's wearing N-95 masks, doing intubations, contracted the disease through their masks as it was arrosolized and almost dry. All the masks do is slow it down a little depending on its physical state.
Yes, they are supposed to be wearing the N95 masks with CV patients. Actually, we all are as they filtered the particles. The cloth mask does not protect as well but can be used as general protection. They could ask anyone in healthcare and they would have known that.

The Cloth masks are BS...........don't stop anyting........just gets bacteria from getting wet which can make you sick........wearing them outside is utter nonsense.........

And yet here we are still having to do the crap because of people like you..........It's BS..

I BACKED MY OPINIONS UP..........counter them........with evidence.........SCIENCE........LOL

Hell is coming to dinner soon for New York and New Jersey for what they did there.........the families will not's coming. ENJOY

I don't understand your comment about hell coming to dinner. That is okay tho.
They ignored the fact Cuomo's signature was on the order that did this....
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

Our? Are you paid to post here?

There are actual Doctors who may disagree with, "Our fact check sources".

It's a direct quote from the article. It was claimed that it was merely an opinion piece. The article lists where it got its information from like the FDA, CDC etc.

Why would an admin ask me if I am paid to post here? I am getting the impression that people who disagree with right wing views are not wanted and welcomed on this site at all. Is this what's going on? I moved myself over to the civil area but alas there still seems to be a problem. I'd rather you guys say if that is the truth and I will move on to a forum that is actually looking for real conversation.
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

Our? Are you paid to post here?

There are actual Doctors who may disagree with, "Our fact check sources".

It's a direct quote from the article. It was claimed that it was merely an opinion piece. The article lists where it got its information from like the FDA, CDC etc.

Why would an admin ask me if I am paid to post here? I am getting the impression that people who disagree with right wing views are not wanted and welcomed on this site at all. Is this what's going on? I moved myself over to the civil area but alas there still seems to be a problem. I'd rather you guys say if that is the truth and I will move on to a forum that is actually looking for real conversation.

I'm only a moderator when I post in red on the open board, otherwise I'm a poster just like you.
It was an honest question and was curious as to "Our" comment
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

Our? Are you paid to post here?

There are actual Doctors who may disagree with, "Our fact check sources".

It's a direct quote from the article. It was claimed that it was merely an opinion piece. The article lists where it got its information from like the FDA, CDC etc.

Why would an admin ask me if I am paid to post here? I am getting the impression that people who disagree with right wing views are not wanted and welcomed on this site at all. Is this what's going on? I moved myself over to the civil area but alas there still seems to be a problem. I'd rather you guys say if that is the truth and I will move on to a forum that is actually looking for real conversation.

I'm only a moderator when I post in red on the open board, otherwise I'm a poster just like you.
It was an honest question and was curious as to "Our" comment

I answered. I do not get paid to post. I prolly should. I just love talking about what's going on and reading what other people have to say on the issues.
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

I will go with my doctors evaluation and evidence to support it... Tell me, What happens to a person who remains at or below 80% O2 saturation's for more than about 30 min? Its called METABOLIC ACIDOSIS and that causes heart attacks in those who have cardiac problems.

Even your links above warn of this... You failed to read them...
Last edited:
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

Speak for yourself only, please. I have a really hard time breathing with a mask on. Not to mention that the whole thing is a psyop, it’s all about control, you have been utterly brainwashed and duped.

The mask is a symbol of submission and silence, and it’s also about getting the public ready for what’s coming next (the vaccine, which they’re trying to get the whole world to take )and eventually their attempt to take control of all of our medical decisions. And that’s not even getting into the numerous other globalist agendas that are in the works, that are attached to this scam. So by going along with it you‘re outing yourself as a compliant sheep who doesn’t understand the bigger picture and what’s actually happening in this world.

I'm sorry but I disagree 100% and don't appreciate you calling me brainwashed etc. I will stand by science and not with the Q conspiracy theories. Hope we can agree to disagree and walk away.

Science......from the TDS crowd..............tell me about the HCL study in 2005 that Fauci endorsed........huh......proven then that it could stop SARs..........a preventative measure..........


Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
Keywords: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, chloroquine, inhibition, therapy

OH YEAH...........SCIENCE.......yawn

Remember that this is the Clean Debate Zone, if you have questions on proper protocol
for posting, please refer to the Rules and Guidelines for posting. Thanks in advance
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

Speak for yourself only, please. I have a really hard time breathing with a mask on. Not to mention that the whole thing is a psyop, it’s all about control, you have been utterly brainwashed and duped.

The mask is a symbol of submission and silence, and it’s also about getting the public ready for what’s coming next (the vaccine, which they’re trying to get the whole world to take )and eventually their attempt to take control of all of our medical decisions. And that’s not even getting into the numerous other globalist agendas that are in the works, that are attached to this scam. So by going along with it you‘re outing yourself as a compliant sheep who doesn’t understand the bigger picture and what’s actually happening in this world.

I'm sorry but I disagree 100% and don't appreciate you calling me brainwashed etc. I will stand by science and not with the Q conspiracy theories. Hope we can agree to disagree and walk away.

Science......from the TDS crowd..............tell me about the HCL study in 2005 that Fauci endorsed........huh......proven then that it could stop SARs..........a preventative measure..........


Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
Keywords: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, chloroquine, inhibition, therapy

OH YEAH...........SCIENCE.......yawn

I will go with actual science that shows HCL blocks the viruses ability to replicate by rendering the receptors inactive in this single strand RNA virus. We have known this for 18+

Last edited by a moderator:
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

I will go with my doctors evaluation and evidence to support it... Tell me, What happens to a person who remains at or below 80% O2 saturation's for more than about 30 min? Its called METABOLIC ACIDOSIS and that causes heart attacks in those who have cardiac problems.

Even your links above warn of this... You were to stupid to read them...

I almost passed out the one time I did wear a mask covering my mouth and nose. It was really embarrassing, it was at a grocery store while I was waiting in line, and I started blacking out and couldn't stand, so I had to find somewhere to sit down, and even then I was still blacking out and about to pass out completely, until I laid down for a few minutes. I was very close to needing an ambulance.

That's one of the reasons why these arrogant bootlicking fascists who demand others wear a mask to placate their idiotic baseless fear really piss me off.
Last edited:
I am getting the impression that people who disagree with right wing views are not wanted and welcomed on this site at all. Is this what's going on?

Don't try to make covid1984 into a left / right thing. It's not, it should be about truth and common sense. There are plenty of people who can see through the BS who are not "right wing" or Trump supporters or any of your other false stereotypes. Saying that just show a binary, partisan football mentality.
Cheeky took this thread seriously, and he kept his posts in compliance with the CDZ rules.
Why couldn't some of the posters on here do the same? I may not have agreed with him, but
I sure didn't want to see him leave over the treatment given to him in the CDZ. If you
can't comply with the rules of this particular forum....Don't post in it!
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

Speak for yourself only, please. I have a really hard time breathing with a mask on. Not to mention that the whole thing is a psyop, it’s all about control, you have been utterly brainwashed and duped.

The mask is a symbol of submission and silence, and it’s also about getting the public ready for what’s coming next (the vaccine, which they’re trying to get the whole world to take )and eventually their attempt to take control of all of our medical decisions. And that’s not even getting into the numerous other globalist agendas that are in the works, that are attached to this scam. So by going along with it you‘re outing yourself as a compliant sheep who doesn’t understand the bigger picture and what’s actually happening in this world.

I'm sorry but I disagree 100% and don't appreciate you calling me brainwashed etc. I will stand by science and not with the Q conspiracy theories. Hope we can agree to disagree and walk away.

that's in fact the only option you really have on this board..and there will be some that won't be civil and walk away..thus..the ignore function. Masking is a personal choice--most are aware of that. I don't mix my politics and my health.

This board is Q a lot of respects. The Tea Party retreads that try to run things here like a lot of the Q platform. In fact, this site..along with a few others...has helped shape and disseminate the Q narrative.
Last edited:
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

It's difficult for me to wear masks for a long period of time. I get nauseated and have to take it off. takes a couple of hours for
me to get back to normal. Dr. said that it CO2 poisoning. Sucks flying

Its even worse if you are exherting yourself while working. Wearing a mask drops my O2 sat's into the low 80's and gives me a massive headache..

Fact check: Wearing a face mask will not cause hypoxia, hypoxemia or hypercapnia

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


That is an OPINON PIECE and not science based.. Maybe you should talk to real doctors...

Did you read the article?
Our fact-check sources:

Our? Are you paid to post here?

There are actual Doctors who may disagree with, "Our fact check sources".

It's a direct quote from the article. It was claimed that it was merely an opinion piece. The article lists where it got its information from like the FDA, CDC etc.

Why would an admin ask me if I am paid to post here? I am getting the impression that people who disagree with right wing views are not wanted and welcomed on this site at all. Is this what's going on? I moved myself over to the civil area but alas there still seems to be a problem. I'd rather you guys say if that is the truth and I will move on to a forum that is actually looking for real conversation.

This site is for those who like to brangle..and it IS conservative dominated. You can get a good convo here..but the trolls are thick..and if they think you actually are bothered by them--they'll swarm ya. I'd advise a thick skin...or a better site..although I doubt one exists. You get pretty even-handed treatment here..most sites are partisan--and either ban you..or stick you in their echo chambers.
Florida reopens state's economy despite ongoing pandemic

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted all restrictions on restaurants and other businesses in Florida on Friday, and banned local fines against people who refuse to wear masks as he seeks to reopen the state's economy despite the spread of the coronavirus.

The Republican governor's order unleashed fresh debate in the politically divided state, where pandemic responses have become intertwined with the upcoming presidential election.

DeSantis, a major ally of President Donald Trump, acknowledged that the pandemic is far from over, but he said the threat has eased and the time has come to reopen for business after six months of "people twisting in the wind."

The governor's announcement Friday allows restaurants across the state to immediately reopen at full capacity -- and prevents cities and counties from ordering them to close or operate at less than half-capacity, unless they can justify a closure for economic or health reasons.

Read more: Florida reopens state’s economy despite ongoing pandemic


Hearing this news what do you guys think? Agree or disagree with this decision? My area is pretty shut down although many here are very mad about it. Please share your opinions in the comments.

Thank you

The ongoing pandemic that kills 2% at best and 0.01% if your healthy?

Let's face the media is only manipulating the numbers and supporting a lockdown because it helps Demorats!
Democrats are working hard to make the cure worse than the states cities and counties are turning tyrannical....

This situation: The school has a mask policy. The woman was asked to put one on or leave. She refused. She was asked a second time to please put one on and she refused. The police guard then tried to escort her out and she fought back. That is why she was tased.

The state has an exemption that she qualifies for....

I read she said she couldn't wear it because she has asthma. Why then was a mask in her back pocket?

"It is important to note, the female was not arrested for failing to wear a mask, she was asked to leave the premises for continually violating school policy. Once she refused to leave the premises, she was advised she was under arrest for criminal trespassing, she resisted the arrest, which led to the use of force," police said in a statement.

So you are thinking she is lying?...maybe she had a mask in her pocket for the store which takes a few minutes to enter and leave as opposed to an entire football game outdoors in nearly empty stands...

Where I live, in places where masks are required some people wear their mask only over their mouth and not their nose. Maybe that’s why she had one on her, if that’s true. I too cannot breathe with a mask on. I usually don’t go anywhere that requires a mask, but a couple times when I’ve had to, I only wear it over my mouth. Which just goes to show the whole thing is a total joke and people are only going through the motions because they feel forced to, not because of health or safety. What a joke.

I have attended in surgery. People can and do breathe just fine with a mask on. Those who don't wear it properly are causing more harm to themselves than anything.

Speak for yourself only, please. I have a really hard time breathing with a mask on. Not to mention that the whole thing is a psyop, it’s all about control, you have been utterly brainwashed and duped.

The mask is a symbol of submission and silence, and it’s also about getting the public ready for what’s coming next (the vaccine, which they’re trying to get the whole world to take )and eventually their attempt to take control of all of our medical decisions. And that’s not even getting into the numerous other globalist agendas that are in the works, that are attached to this scam. So by going along with it you‘re outing yourself as a compliant sheep who doesn’t understand the bigger picture and what’s actually happening in this world.

I'm sorry but I disagree 100% and don't appreciate you calling me brainwashed etc. I will stand by science and not with the Q conspiracy theories. Hope we can agree to disagree and walk away.

that's in fact the only option you really have on this board..and there will be some that won't be civil and walk away..thus..the ignore function. Masking is a personal choice--most are aware of that. I don't mix my politics and my health.

This board is Q a lot of respects. The Tea Party retreads that try to run things here like a lot of the Q platform. In fact, this site..along with a few others...has helped shape and disseminate the Q narrative.

Man are you right. I have seen conspiracy theories posted on here a couple weeks before they're all over the internet. Maybe Watkins runs the board.
Open up and encourage many to stay home if they don't want the virus. That helps businesses and people.

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