Florida Representative Ted Yoho Isn't Sure Obama Is American


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Birther Chris Matthews is at it again. This time he is hounding Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida about Obama's eligibility. What is astonishing is Yoho's reply to Matthews when he was asked if he accepted Obama was born a American. Yoho said "no comment". That sent a tingle up Chris Matthews leg. According to another website, Yoho recently was given documents of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation of Obama's birth certificate and Yoho has been caught on video at a town hall meeting telling his constituents that he is a co-sponsor to form a congressional committee with Rep. Steve Stockman to investigate Obama's documents using Sheriff Joe's evidence collected. Something in that evidence has made Yoho doubt Obama's background.


Birtherism, cont.: Florida Rep. Yoho isn?t sure Obama is American ? MSNBC
Obama: “My credibility is not on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America’s and Congress’s credibility is on the line.”
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Scumbag, lying, POS, traitor

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