Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through M
iami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman
When did white Southerners turn into such crybabies?

There are no white southerners in Miami Dade county

This is what happens when overtaxed unhinged liberals flee to infest another state.
They're like a virus!

It is the old story. THey flee the shithole they created, and then immediately start working to change their new home into the same.

Stupefying, but true.
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

So you want roads named after losers who were too lazy to work?

They were so lazy they had to enslave human beings to do their work for them. They wouldn't have known an honest day of work if their lives depended on it.

They are also traitors to the United States of America. They caused the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans and still can't get over getting their butts whipped.

Losers shouldn't get roads named after them or statues of them.

Only another loser would think that those losers should have a road named after them.
Hey Asswipe get your story straight:
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958. This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites. Just for the record the last Confederate veteran died in 1958. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. VETERAN.
Unless they served other than fighting for the confederacy, they were not U.S. veterans.
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

So you want roads named after losers who were too lazy to work?

They were so lazy they had to enslave human beings to do their work for them. They wouldn't have known an honest day of work if their lives depended on it.

They are also traitors to the United States of America. They caused the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans and still can't get over getting their butts whipped.

Losers shouldn't get roads named after them or statues of them.

Only another loser would think that those losers should have a road named after them.
Hey Asswipe get your story straight:
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958. This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites. Just for the record the last Confederate veteran died in 1958. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. VETERAN.
Unless they served other than fighting for the confederacy, they were not U.S. veterans.
That is not what the law states. What part of "Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958" do you not understand?
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman
When did white Southerners turn into such crybabies?
Removing inflammatory and adding inflammatory.
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman
When did white Southerners turn into such crybabies?
Quite a while, I would assume. Since the end of Jim Crow laws maybe?
But I've seen quite an uptic in the last decade.
I remember certain people (some from Dixie no doubt) being crybabies about "politically correct" language and ideas in the 80s and 90s.
I know, right?
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

So you want roads named after losers who were too lazy to work?

They were so lazy they had to enslave human beings to do their work for them. They wouldn't have known an honest day of work if their lives depended on it.

They are also traitors to the United States of America. They caused the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans and still can't get over getting their butts whipped.

Losers shouldn't get roads named after them or statues of them.

Only another loser would think that those losers should have a road named after them.
Hey Asswipe get your story straight:
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958. This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites. Just for the record the last Confederate veteran died in 1958. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. VETERAN.
Unless they served other than fighting for the confederacy, they were not U.S. veterans.
That is not what the law states. What part of "Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958" do you not understand?
That was a mistake....just like pardoning the leaders.
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

So you want roads named after losers who were too lazy to work?

They were so lazy they had to enslave human beings to do their work for them. They wouldn't have known an honest day of work if their lives depended on it.

They are also traitors to the United States of America. They caused the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans and still can't get over getting their butts whipped.

Losers shouldn't get roads named after them or statues of them.

Only another loser would think that those losers should have a road named after them.
Hey Asswipe get your story straight:
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958. This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites. Just for the record the last Confederate veteran died in 1958. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. VETERAN.
Unless they served other than fighting for the confederacy, they were not U.S. veterans.
That is not what the law states. What part of "Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958" do you not understand?

Great, let's see you quote the part of the '57 act and the '58 law you idiotically blindly accepted as gospel that designated Confederate soldiers are now considered U.S. veterans.......

I'll even spot you the links...

Public Law 85-56 of 1957

Public Law 85-425 Section 410, amendment of 1958

(I'm not holding my breath, btw)
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

So you want roads named after losers who were too lazy to work?

They were so lazy they had to enslave human beings to do their work for them. They wouldn't have known an honest day of work if their lives depended on it.

They are also traitors to the United States of America. They caused the deaths of over 600 thousand Americans and still can't get over getting their butts whipped.

Losers shouldn't get roads named after them or statues of them.

Only another loser would think that those losers should have a road named after them.
Hey Asswipe get your story straight:
Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958. This made all Confederate Army/ Navy/ Marine Veterans equal to U.S. Veterans. Additionally, under U.S. Public Law 810, Approved by the 17th Congress on 26 Feb 1929 the War Department was directed to erect headstones and recognize Confederate grave sites as U.S. War dead grave sites. Just for the record the last Confederate veteran died in 1958. So, in essence, when you remove a Confederate statue, monument or headstone, you are in fact, removing a statue, monument or head stone of a U.S. VETERAN.
Unless they served other than fighting for the confederacy, they were not U.S. veterans.
That is not what the law states. What part of "Confederate soldiers, sailors, and Marines that fought in the Civil war were made U.S. Veterans by an act of Congress in in 1957, U.S. Public Law 85-425, Sec 410, Approved 23 May, 1958" do you not understand?
That was a mistake....just like pardoning the leaders.
The mistake is not in the law. Thd law does not actually state what he claims it does. He read that on some moronic website and blindly accepted it as gospel.

Confederate soldiers are not U.S. veterans.

Now if you want a good laugh, what that idiot try spin those laws into something they don't say in order to defend his moronic claims.
It wasn't enough that statues were equated with the totality of historical record, now we're adding highway names? :lol:

Oh, you planning to stop after this?

Planning to stop what? What, exactly, do you think I'm doing that I need to stop? :lmao:

You refusal to answer the question, is noted as an admission. That you lib won't stop, till you fuck up the "totality of the historical record".

Just curious how does changing the name of a highway change historical record?
It wasn't enough that statues were equated with the totality of historical record, now we're adding highway names? :lol:

Oh, you planning to stop after this?

Planning to stop what? What, exactly, do you think I'm doing that I need to stop? :lmao:

You refusal to answer the question, is noted as an admission. That you lib won't stop, till you fuck up the "totality of the historical record".

I didn't refuse anything. I asked you to clarify the question. That you refuse to do so, is noted as an admission. :lol:

1. I am not a lib

2. I have neither taken down any statues, nor renamed any roads, nor done anything similar.

3. I have never considered road signage part of the historical record. If you do, I pity you. Not once in my life have I looked at a road sign and thought, "Oh, I've never heard of that person before. Thankfully I saw that road sign, now I know who they were and what their historical actions and achievements were!" If someone WERE to find out about an historical figure through the name of a road, it would involve them looking up information on that person in the actual historical record.

I'm sorry, but anyone who considers road signage to be an important aspect of the historical record is in desperate need of some books. Changing road names is "hiding history." :rofl:

Every time it is the same. Some element of traditional American culture or history, upsets some lib, and has to be suppressed or changed to something celebrating the progressive worldview.

Everytime, it is presented as just this one thing, that is bad, and how come you are making such a big deal out of it, and of course "racism".

YOur pretense otherwise, is not credible.

It’s the name of a road. Do you really consider it a particularly important part of traditional American culture and history?

Do you feel as offended when any road has its name changed?

I never said anything about racism. I never made any claims about the reasoning behind the name change. That is all you. I pointed out that road names are not part of the historical record and that changing the name of a road does not hide history from anyone, unless they get all of their historical knowledge from road signs. If you are arguing against anything other than those points you are arguing with yourself. ;)
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman
When did white Southerners turn into such crybabies?
Explain tome why Old Dixie Highway is so racist they had to change its' name?
In Hollywood Florida they are changing street names that honored confederates, Waiting for the whining liberals to bitch about Fort Hood being named after a Confederate General
Maybe Hollywood Florida should change its name to Jefferson Davis, Florida to own the libs

Plus why would you want to live in a place called Hollywood....its the same name as that evil lib city
The idiot lawmakers in Miami Dade County are trying to hide history again
This PC shit has got to stop, it is not right.

The highways flowing through Miami are swapping their Confederate identity with one that recognizes the iconic leader of the Underground Railroad.

Miami-Dade commissioners unanimously voted Wednesday to change the name of parts of the Old Dixie Highway to the Harriet Tubman Highway. The change was made to honor the abolitionist who led countless numbers of slaves to freedom.
Florida's Dixie Highways renamed in honor of Harriet Tubman

This the kind of stupid Taliban shit you get from Yankees and Negroes. Dispicable. Florida was a proud Southern state until all that Yankee shit moved in.

The sad thing is that the filthy obnoxious shitheads from "upnorth" move to Florida to escape all that the destruction done by Liberals but forget that when they get to Florida.
Oh, you planning to stop after this?

Planning to stop what? What, exactly, do you think I'm doing that I need to stop? :lmao:

You refusal to answer the question, is noted as an admission. That you lib won't stop, till you fuck up the "totality of the historical record".

I didn't refuse anything. I asked you to clarify the question. That you refuse to do so, is noted as an admission. :lol:

1. I am not a lib

2. I have neither taken down any statues, nor renamed any roads, nor done anything similar.

3. I have never considered road signage part of the historical record. If you do, I pity you. Not once in my life have I looked at a road sign and thought, "Oh, I've never heard of that person before. Thankfully I saw that road sign, now I know who they were and what their historical actions and achievements were!" If someone WERE to find out about an historical figure through the name of a road, it would involve them looking up information on that person in the actual historical record.

I'm sorry, but anyone who considers road signage to be an important aspect of the historical record is in desperate need of some books. Changing road names is "hiding history." :rofl:

Every time it is the same. Some element of traditional American culture or history, upsets some lib, and has to be suppressed or changed to something celebrating the progressive worldview.

Everytime, it is presented as just this one thing, that is bad, and how come you are making such a big deal out of it, and of course "racism".

YOur pretense otherwise, is not credible.

It’s the name of a road. Do you really consider it a particularly important part of traditional American culture and history?

Do you feel as offended when any road has its name changed?

I never said anything about racism. I never made any claims about the reasoning behind the name change. That is all you. I pointed out that road names are not part of the historical record and that changing the name of a road does not hide history from anyone, unless they get all of their historical knowledge from road signs. If you are arguing against anything other than those points you are arguing with yourself. ;)

The Negroes and White Guilt pukes want every road through their ghettos to be named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. In fact they would probably name every road, street and avenue in America after him if they could get away with it.

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