Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

In the past Masterpiece Cakes violated the Colorado PA law, now they don't offer weddings cakes as part of the service they offer (while the court case progresses), they are now complying with the law because they have chosen not to sell wedding cakes at all.


Allowing another business to open and take its place. Win/win.

Really that is an assumption without basis in fact. Discounting any major legal fines or damages, simply as part of a business model a bakery could operate without offering "wedding cakes" just fine.

There is a bakery that my wife and I go to that does nothing but cupcakes, muffins, and various other pastries.

Then take the Washington Florist (different business I know), Wedding's only accounted for about 3% of overall sales.


I never said that the bakery would go out of business...I was saying that their refusal to sell wedding cakes opens up an opportunity for someone who does. Wedding cakes can be big money.

My bad, I thought you meant that they would be required to close creating an opening for another business.


God does not operate flower shops. Making floral arraignments is not a sacrament, ritual, rite or Holy endeavor. Serving every customer without prejudice is the law.

Yeah, yeah,'re boring.
Sorry I bore you. I have a tendency to bore children too as they lack the intellect to keep up with complicated discussions.

And I'm right. What's more, you know I'm right.

You say something motormouth? Nothing pisses a homo progtard off more than to be ignored.
Ignore is for cowards....and those who know they can't keep up.

no, the ignore function is there so that sane people do not have to be continually bombarded with left wing bullshit from liars and frauds. You are my next candidate for my list. I do not choose to waste my time with fools and morons.

Then cover up your mirror.
A customer wanting beer or wine in a store that does not stock beer and wine is not suffering discrimination. A kosher butcher does not stock bacon, but anyone wanting bacon in his shop came to the wrong butcher.

But anyone in that kosher butcher shop can buy any of his goods and he cannot refuse their patronage, so long as they buy what he has to sell.

It seems a simple solution then. Christians merely post that their shop is a Christian shop and as such they are not allowed as a matter of faith to serve gay weddings (enable in any way shape or form the spread of a homosexual culture within the normal one. The hub of any culture being marriage, of course). "Good luck elsewhere" should be the closing sentiment to that sign.
More appropriately the sign should read:

"Due to our love and faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we refuse to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves."


"Because we believe in the message of Jesus Christ who said "This I now command you that you love your brother as yourself", we refuse to serve faggots."

SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
So.....that's all you've got now? Ignores and insults? Some case you've got there, Sweetie.
A customer wanting beer or wine in a store that does not stock beer and wine is not suffering discrimination. A kosher butcher does not stock bacon, but anyone wanting bacon in his shop came to the wrong butcher.

But anyone in that kosher butcher shop can buy any of his goods and he cannot refuse their patronage, so long as they buy what he has to sell.

It seems a simple solution then. Christians merely post that their shop is a Christian shop and as such they are not allowed as a matter of faith to serve gay weddings (enable in any way shape or form the spread of a homosexual culture within the normal one. The hub of any culture being marriage, of course). "Good luck elsewhere" should be the closing sentiment to that sign.
More appropriately the sign should read:

"Due to our love and faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we refuse to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves."


"Because we believe in the message of Jesus Christ who said "This I now command you that you love your brother as yourself", we refuse to serve faggots."

SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.

Did you read it carefully this time...catching the sarcasm? Hurry and unlike the post.
Too late, saw it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
It seems a simple solution then. Christians merely post that their shop is a Christian shop and as such they are not allowed as a matter of faith to serve gay weddings (enable in any way shape or form the spread of a homosexual culture within the normal one. The hub of any culture being marriage, of course). "Good luck elsewhere" should be the closing sentiment to that sign.
More appropriately the sign should read:

"Due to our love and faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we refuse to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves."


"Because we believe in the message of Jesus Christ who said "This I now command you that you love your brother as yourself", we refuse to serve faggots."

SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?
It seems a simple solution then. Christians merely post that their shop is a Christian shop and as such they are not allowed as a matter of faith to serve gay weddings (enable in any way shape or form the spread of a homosexual culture within the normal one. The hub of any culture being marriage, of course). "Good luck elsewhere" should be the closing sentiment to that sign.
More appropriately the sign should read:

"Due to our love and faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we refuse to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves."


"Because we believe in the message of Jesus Christ who said "This I now command you that you love your brother as yourself", we refuse to serve faggots."

SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.
"God"? He talks to you, does he? :lol:
SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.
God does not interfere with business practices. You can keep Homosexuals. Out of your congregation, but not your businesses.

God does as He pleases, now shut up
Well, looks like your god is on our side these days.....
More appropriately the sign should read:

"Due to our love and faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we refuse to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves."


"Because we believe in the message of Jesus Christ who said "This I now command you that you love your brother as yourself", we refuse to serve faggots."

SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Let me rephrase, God's word clearly states it's an abomination. Better?
No! The baker can choose not to supply such cake toppers.

then the gay couple could not insist that he get one for their cake? His refusal to buy and sell a cake topper with two women would not be discrimination in your mind?
No, because the baker does not sell them. If he or she did, and refused to sell them to a Christian, THAT would be discrimination.

wait a minute. He sells toppers with a man and a woman. Is he not discriminating by not selling toppers with two men or two women?

I am just trying to get everyone to think this through and understand where it will lead.
No, it isn't discriminating because he doesn't sell the toppers. He is free to choose the products he sells. He is not free to refuse to sell a product he sells to someone because he is a bigot against them.

The PA laws do not dictate what a business may sell.

But they mandate who he must sell to. Want to see real discrimination? Walk down a street in Dearborn Michigan wearing a yamaca and reciting jewish scripture, OR, walk down the same street wearing a large gold cross and reciting the psalms. You would likely be stoned, beaten up, or maybe killed.

there is not tolerance in islam. But yet, you libs insist that we give them tolerance in all things. hypocrisy, stupidity, ignorance? which is it?

You want to use that as the basis for our society? Look what assholes they are, so let's be assholes too.
God does not operate flower shops. Making floral arraignments is not a sacrament, ritual, rite or Holy endeavor. Serving every customer without prejudice is the law.

Yeah, yeah,'re boring.
Sorry I bore you. I have a tendency to bore children too as they lack the intellect to keep up with complicated discussions.

And I'm right. What's more, you know I'm right.

You say something motormouth? Nothing pisses a homo progtard off more than to be ignored.
Ignore is for cowards....and those who know they can't keep up.

no, the ignore function is there so that sane people do not have to be continually bombarded with left wing bullshit from liars and frauds. You are my next candidate for my list. I do not choose to waste my time with fools and morons.
Ignore is for cowards and for those who cannot keep up. Thanks for the affirmation.
SassyIrish liked this. Something makes me think perhaps she didn't read it very carefully. :lol:

It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Let me rephrase, God's word clearly states it's an abomination. Better?

No, it doesn't. And please don't bother quoting the Bible, that is not even vaguely God's word. I ask again, do you want my religious beliefs imposed upon you? If not, the why should others accept yours imposed upon them?
Yeah, yeah,'re boring.
Sorry I bore you. I have a tendency to bore children too as they lack the intellect to keep up with complicated discussions.

And I'm right. What's more, you know I'm right.

You say something motormouth? Nothing pisses a homo progtard off more than to be ignored.
Ignore is for cowards....and those who know they can't keep up.

no, the ignore function is there so that sane people do not have to be continually bombarded with left wing bullshit from liars and frauds. You are my next candidate for my list. I do not choose to waste my time with fools and morons.

Oh please ignore us all.....
The funny part is, we don't even know they have us on ignore..........unless they SCREAM for attention by announcing it. :lol:
I love ignore. It means I can discuss issues with normal people, and don't have to be distracted by lunatics, the mentally ill, and stalkers.

There was some lesbian who had a clown avatar, I forget the name, ugh she was annoying as hell and my first ignore.
As I said....SCREAMING for attention by announcing that you've got someone on Ignore. :lol:
It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Let me rephrase, God's word clearly states it's an abomination. Better?

No, it doesn't. And please don't bother quoting the Bible, that is not even vaguely God's word. I ask again, do you want my religious beliefs imposed upon you? If not, the why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Get outa here and NEVER tell me how to comment. Who the hell do you think you are, ya little nothing
So heterosexuality should not be a criteria for discrimination protection.
Even better yet, how bout we keep what happens in the bedroom out of everyone's freaking face?
That's an interesting point. Why is it that many people, then they look at gay people or talk about gay people AUTOMATICALLY default to thinking about what they do in bed? Is that normal? Am I missing out on something by not AUTOMATICALLY defaulting to think about what straight people do in bed when I meet them or talk about them?
Because they shove it in our faces. You still haven't answered the question of why what people do in the bedroom needs to be everyone's business vis a vis gay rights.
How exactly do we "shove it in your faces"? By admitting we exist? Why do you keep focusing on what we do in the bedroom? Do you do the same with every heterosexual you meet? Are you undressing them with your eyes all the time? Are you getting flustered thinking of what they do with their husband or wife when they are alone?

oh come on. The gay agenda is not about equality, rights, or freedom. Its about using government to force societal acceptance of your deviant lifestyle. You are so desperate to be called normal, but you are not, and never will be. the government can dictate whatever it chooses, but you cannot change mammalian biology.

No, it isn't. And they are normal, just as red heads are normal even though the majority of people aren't red heads.
It seems to have made the homos and progtard's head spin and explode...10,000 views?

You're a typical loudmouth homo....just flap your yap to flap. Nothing of substance, just yap flapping.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Let me rephrase, God's word clearly states it's an abomination. Better?

No, it doesn't. And please don't bother quoting the Bible, that is not even vaguely God's word. I ask again, do you want my religious beliefs imposed upon you? If not, the why should others accept yours imposed upon them?
Bravo! That's the thing, isn't it? They want to impose MORE of their religious beliefs on the rest of us.
Another sign these allegedly Christians could post might read:

"We run our business according to strict Biblical mandates. Therefore,as the Bible teaches us to 'Judge not lest YE be judged', we refuse to do business with the decadent, depraved and sinful Homosexual customer"

Do you get it now, Sassy?

Get what? God clearly states being a homo is an abomination.

You are free to believe that, but you are utterly wrong. God never said anything of the sort. Now, do you wish my religious beliefs to be imposed upon you? If not, then why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Let me rephrase, God's word clearly states it's an abomination. Better?

No, it doesn't. And please don't bother quoting the Bible, that is not even vaguely God's word. I ask again, do you want my religious beliefs imposed upon you? If not, the why should others accept yours imposed upon them?

Get outa here and NEVER tell me how to comment. Who the hell do you think you are, ya little nothing

So you don't want me to. So why should others accept yours imposed upon them? Try, just for a second, to consider that you are not the only person in existence.
No! The baker can choose not to supply such cake toppers.

then the gay couple could not insist that he get one for their cake? His refusal to buy and sell a cake topper with two women would not be discrimination in your mind?
No, because the baker does not sell them. If he or she did, and refused to sell them to a Christian, THAT would be discrimination.

wait a minute. He sells toppers with a man and a woman. Is he not discriminating by not selling toppers with two men or two women?

I am just trying to get everyone to think this through and understand where it will lead.
No, it isn't discriminating because he doesn't sell the toppers. He is free to choose the products he sells. He is not free to refuse to sell a product he sells to someone because he is a bigot against them.

The PA laws do not dictate what a business may sell.

But they mandate who he must sell to. Want to see real discrimination? Walk down a street in Dearborn Michigan wearing a yamaca and reciting jewish scripture, OR, walk down the same street wearing a large gold cross and reciting the psalms. You would likely be stoned, beaten up, or maybe killed.

there is not tolerance in islam. But yet, you libs insist that we give them tolerance in all things. hypocrisy, stupidity, ignorance? which is it?
Hello? What you've described is against the law (beating someone up, etc., because of their religion). So how is enforcing laws against Muslims beating people up giving them tolerance?

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