Flu deaths for March


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...

When people die of flu- whether its ordinary influenza or its the Chinese Kung Flu, its almost always due to pneumonia, and they usually don't do autopsies, nor do they test the corpuses. Unless someone got a flu test ,or a corona test, in advance, before they assumed room temperature, its just a guess as to what the cause of their demise is.

So the answer is "no". there aren't any good sources, just estimates
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...


Unfortunately they group pneumonia and influenza together. You can get a link to an Excel document with numbers from the Mortality Surveillance section. It says 10% of deaths for March were P&I, but only 0.7% were listed as influenza only. If you find the number of total deaths for that time period you can figure out how many were from flu, I didn't search that far.

If you take the total P&I deaths from the Excel document for weeks 9-13 (2382), you can estimate the flu deaths at 167 for March. (2382*10 to get total deaths because P&I is 10% of the total, then 0.7% of 23820 is 167). That number is probably not exact, but close. :dunno:
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
Dont they have a vaccine for the flu?

They do indeed. But not everyone gets it, and the vaccine isn't 100% effective. I took it around the first of October, and it made me a tad sick, a little bit of a fever for a day or so.
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
The CDC is your best source but it maybe to soon for March data.
According to the CDC, flu cases are down sharply over last few weeks which makes sense since the social distancing we are doing to reduce Covid 19 will reduce all other disease which are transmitted through the air from person to person and that includes the flu.
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
Whatever it is, remember that the one of the reasons that the China virus is so concerning is precisely because it is hitting the USA at the peak of the flu season when resources to fight infectious diseases are already stretched in the first place.

It's a double whammy.
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
Whatever it is, remember that the one of the reasons that the China virus is so concerning is precisely because it is hitting the USA at the peak of the flu season when resources to fight infectious diseases are already stretched in the first place.

It's a double whammy.
The Flu season peaks earlier than March, about January.
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
The CDC is your best source but it maybe to soon for March data.
According to the CDC, flu cases are down sharply over last few weeks which makes sense since the social distancing we are doing to reduce Covid 19 will reduce all other disease which are transmitted through the air from person to person and that includes the flu.
If the flu numbers are down and the covid numbers are up, the situation is self explanatory. One illness is being conflated with another. Notice how many lefties liked your post where you blame the math on social distancing? That's because lefties want lots of pandemic deaths, and they dont want to hear that flu deaths are being counted as covid deaths.
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
The CDC is your best source but it maybe to soon for March data.
According to the CDC, flu cases are down sharply over last few weeks which makes sense since the social distancing we are doing to reduce Covid 19 will reduce all other disease which are transmitted through the air from person to person and that includes the flu.
If the flu numbers are down and the covid numbers are up, the situation is self explanatory. One illness is being conflated with another. Notice how many lefties liked your post where you blame the math on social distancing? That's because lefties want lots of pandemic deaths, and they dont want to hear that flu deaths are being counted as covid deaths.
Both the flu and Covid 19 are spread from person to person through droplets in the air from an infected person coughing, sneezing or talking. If social distancing is responsible for lowering the rate of infection of Covid 19, it seems very likely to be responsible for lowering the rate of infections of the flu along with other viruses that spread in the same manner.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...
Whatever it is, remember that the one of the reasons that the China virus is so concerning is precisely because it is hitting the USA at the peak of the flu season when resources to fight infectious diseases are already stretched in the first place.

It's a double whammy.
Nobody will die from the "flu" in 2020. Or drowning, or car accidents or choking on a chicken bone or a stroke.
Everything will read / Covid-19 related.
Person at Taco Bell eating an enchilada(and practicing social distancing within recommended parameters) had a coughing fit and choked on said enchilada. The coroner suspects the coughing may have been C-19 related.
Cause of death : Covid-19
Does anybody know where I can find a flu death count for March? Many here have come up with sites that provide covid deaths for March, so I figure we should have some pretty good info sources for the flu as well...

Nope. All you need to know is that you need to go hide in your closet and pit duck tape over all the cracks and hide until further notice. Information is the LAST thing you need

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