Flu season. Wear a scarf!

I made sure to prepare for the flu season by having the flu early before the flu season......
so did global change cause this massive flu outbreak? Nancy Pelosi got the update,,she said that now, 500 Million Americans have the flu,,,this is bad!
It's more of a butt crack bug.....It's multiplies as fast as asses get cracked..
I thought this was going to be a diarrhea joke !!
is it actually possible for a butt to cough and sneeze?

Every one of your insipid mindless posts is a ready example.
I gave MrG a scarf and he wore it over his face when he went to the doc yesterday. We be too old to catch that shit. And I am not too worried about anyone thinking I am a muzzie here. None are. And it beats one of those ugly face masks like they wear in china. And it's a good thing I am a scarf collector! I have oodles of pashima shawls.
I am old too, and I survived the flu this year.

The main thing is go to bed, drink orange juice, eat noodle soup, and get a lot of sleep. That should work.

I have seen people who try to work sick and they have ended up at the hospital.
I just got an email from an online friend I have had for over 20 years. Her dad was in his 80's, just got a flu shot, and died 3 days later.
She swears it was the flu shot. Said he got the shot just prior to the stroke he had on NY Eve. He died on the 4th, funeral was today.
She swears it was the flu shot. Said he got the shot just prior to the stroke he had on NY Eve. He died on the 4th, funeral was today.

I'm not inclined to doubt it. I don't trust that stuff especially when they "sell" it.

I've never gotten a flu shot, ever. I figure the body's best defenses are built-in..
She swears it was the flu shot. Said he got the shot just prior to the stroke he had on NY Eve. He died on the 4th, funeral was today.
The flu does not cause strokes.

Strokes are caused when gunk inside arteries breaks loose and flows to the brain.

Just a coincidence in your friend's dad's case.

Stroke kills around 140 thousand Americans per year.

It was the end of his time.


Stroke Statistics | Internet Stroke Center

This is what I'm going to do from now on when I go out into the public..at least until this nasty flu season is over.

If you already have cold or flu symptoms, wear a mask if you absolutely have to go out, however, if at all possible, "STAY HOME" and thus you won't be giving it to those you come in contact with outside your home. Many colds and flus are caught by handling inanimate objects that those infected have handled (money, papers, pens, etc.).
I know. Which is why I have not gone anywhere and neither has MrGracie. We are not sick or have colds and I wanna keep it that way. My immune system is shot and so is his. But, I HAVE to go on Thursday to the doc for a mamm. Gotta. I hope nobody in there is sick. But just in case, I plan on going looking like a muslim, lol.
The shots are worthless this year. Yes, I got a flu shot, too.

The shots cover the strains they consider most likely to occur, not every strain can be covered. I got the flu shot, no flu.
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This is what I'm going to do from now on when I go out into the public..at least until this nasty flu season is over.

Maybe it's just me, but I'd advise strongly against going into any banks or jewelry stores with your hand in your purse. Just sayin'.
You have this town/environment confused with a big city.
The last thing to do is get a flu shot. Never had one. Never will. A relative had one and was paralyzed temporarily for a few weeks after. The key is to wash you hands with soap any time you go out. Most times I go shopping I usually wear gloves actually.

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