flu shots?

Emma's anything but an idiot..... But actually, the way vaccines work is they DO give you the targeted disease -- in a very minor form. This is so your body can build antibodies to that targeted virus or malady, without you suffering the symptoms in any noticeable way.

That's your opinion.
Based on, knowing her and interacting with her on the net for what, five years or more?
I understand the theory behind vaccinations, my point is, there are no guarantees. I have had the flu shot and that very year came down with the worst case of the flu in my life. Now it could have been coincidence, but the fact remains I was vaccinated against the flu and still came down with the flu. The bottom line is the vaccination did not protect me from the flu.
Nothing is 100%, that's true. As I said earlier, as soon as I was old enough to tell them "NO, thanks" I have done so.

Well I'm basing my opinion on the fact that she misread what I had written. Besides I like the word idiot and I probably do use it way too much. But it does tend to get people riled up and that's a plus. Oh and trust me I've been an idiot a time or two myself, just not lately. And I'm sure that's debatable as well.
In my experience, you're more likely to come down with it if you get the shot, than if you don't. I'm not using 2-3 people as an example, either. I'm using pretty much everyone I know, including my employees. One of my girls got the shot last year, and was down within 3 days. She's never missed a singe day of work in over 2 years of working for me.

And is that your professional opinion?

My sample size is 124 since Labor Day...no illnesses.

I believe I already clearly stated what my experience in the matter is; did I not?

I am not telling YOU not to get the flu shot, nor am I telling anyone else not to. *I* simply answered the question as asked, and stated why I gave the answer I did. So what's the problem?
ahhhhhhhhhh i just dont know...the guys refuse to take any flu shots....i work with the public....i take the pneumonia shot which is every 8 years or so....

i know a lot of it has to do with when you take the shot.....they do say around all saints eve is the best time.

Actually, the pneumonia shot is once prior to age 65 if you have some sort of chronic disease, and then once after age 65 for everyone.

So the max you should receive in your lifetime is 2. Any more than that is just overkill and a big waste of money (the cost for each shot is $30-50.)

No wonder our hospital tries to give it to anyone who hasn't had one in 5 years :lol:
will you take the regular flu shot....

will you take the swine flu shot....

will you give this shot to your kids....

why or why not.

If you live in my state and don't get it you can be quarantened in prison.

Welcome to the nanny state.

Bill s18 mandates:

(1) to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;
(2) to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated any building or facility, and to allow the reopening of the building or facility when the danger has ended;
(3) to decontaminate or cause to be decontaminated, or to destroy any material;
(4) to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;
(5) to require a health care facility to provide services or the use of its facility, or to transfer the management and supervision of the health care facility to the department or to a local public health authority;
(6) to control ingress to and egress from any stricken or threatened public area, and the movement of persons and materials within the area;
(7) to adopt and enforce measures to provide for the safe disposal of infectious waste and human remains, provided that religious, cultural, family, and individual beliefs of the deceased person shall be followed to the extent possible when disposing of human remains, whenever that may be done without endangering the public health;
(8) to procure, take immediate possession from any source, store, or distribute any anti-toxins, serums, vaccines, immunizing agents, antibiotics, and other pharmaceutical agents or medical supplies located within the commonwealth as may be necessary to respond to the emergency;
(9) to require in-state health care providers to assist in the performance of vaccination, treatment, examination, or testing of any individual as a condition of licensure, authorization, or the ability to continue to function as a health care provider in the commonwealth

Any person who knowingly violates an order of the commissioner or his or her designee, or of a local public health authority or its designee, given to effectuate the purposes of this subsection shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of note more than one thousand dollars, or both.

That is the same in any state if a public health emergency is declared.
That's your opinion.
Based on, knowing her and interacting with her on the net for what, five years or more?
I understand the theory behind vaccinations, my point is, there are no guarantees. I have had the flu shot and that very year came down with the worst case of the flu in my life. Now it could have been coincidence, but the fact remains I was vaccinated against the flu and still came down with the flu. The bottom line is the vaccination did not protect me from the flu.
Nothing is 100%, that's true. As I said earlier, as soon as I was old enough to tell them "NO, thanks" I have done so.

Well I'm basing my opinion on the fact that she misread what I had written. Besides I like the word idiot and I probably do use it way too much. But it does tend to get people riled up and that's a plus. Oh and trust me I've been an idiot a time or two myself, just not lately. And I'm sure that's debatable as well.

Apologies to you (and others on this thread). I don't like to name-call. I shouldn't have said that to you.
It has very little to do with the mind.
Therefore, the placebo effect is a myth? It's not, it's scientifically proven.

If you believe in the placebo effect, you also have to believe it works in the reverse, and it does.

Now, the placebo effect isn't 100% Nothing is. But instead of teaching kids to live in fear of disease, sickness, etc they should be teaching internal wellness.

Your mind DOES have the power to heal, and the power to ward off illness.

You are exactly right.

And in your case, your mind does have the power to prevent infection with the influenza virus, as long as your mind keeps you away from people that are infected with the influenza virus.
will you take the regular flu shot....

will you take the swine flu shot....

will you give this shot to your kids....

why or why not.

No. When I get the flu I may be bed ridden for a whole 8 hours, other than that I usually don't even notice it ... why? Because I let myself get sick enough that symptoms are often unnoticeable. I don't even notice colds anymore.
But actually, the way vaccines work is they DO give you the targeted disease -- in a very minor form.

Wrong, but nice try.

All they do is expose you to the proteins associated with the virus.

If you have any ill symptoms, it is only your immune system causing them.

But as for giving you the targeted disease - i.e. cells in your body becoming infected by and containing the genes of and resulting in replication of the virus - nope.
will you take the regular flu shot....

will you take the swine flu shot....

will you give this shot to your kids....

why or why not.

No. When I get the flu I may be bed ridden for a whole 8 hours, other than that I usually don't even notice it ... why? Because I let myself get sick enough that symptoms are often unnoticeable. I don't even notice colds anymore.

Thank you, typhoid mary...
will you take the regular flu shot....

will you take the swine flu shot....

will you give this shot to your kids....

why or why not.

No. When I get the flu I may be bed ridden for a whole 8 hours, other than that I usually don't even notice it ... why? Because I let myself get sick enough that symptoms are often unnoticeable. I don't even notice colds anymore.

That means that you were infected with a virus, not the influenza virus.
the ole saying "you can fool most of us most of the time" evidently is true i wonder how much richer the drug company will get out of (the big flu scare)? they're already saying children will have to get two shots (CHA-CHING).
will you take the regular flu shot.... NO

will you take the swine flu shot.... NO

will you give this shot to your kids.... NO

why or why not. My aunt, who has gotten the flu shots forever and is now in her mid-80's, always ends up getting sick with flu symptoms shortly after getting the shot. I'm not interested in the same. Hubs and I have only ever had the flu once, youngest had the flu about 6 years ago. We'll take our chances. I've got a thing about vaccines anyways.

will you take the regular flu shot....

will you take the swine flu shot....

will you give this shot to your kids....

why or why not.

No. When I get the flu I may be bed ridden for a whole 8 hours, other than that I usually don't even notice it ... why? Because I let myself get sick enough that symptoms are often unnoticeable. I don't even notice colds anymore.

That means that you were infected with a virus, not the influenza virus.

Um ... yeah, whatever, each time I got sick when I was younger the next time had a much lower impact, when I got older I noticed I don't get sick as often or nearly as bad as others who get vaccines all the time. Seriously, your body adapts, that's the awesome part of the immune system, it learns.
I have never been sick one day in my life. Not so much as a sniffle.

Have you considered that you might be IMMORTAL???
I know better than that. Even though I spent my teen years and young-mid adulthood racing cars, jumping motorcycles, jumping off tall buildings, catching purse snatchers, and a plethora of other really stupid things, apparently trying to find that out!
Are you one of those people who is "perfectly healthy...haven't been to the doctor in 30 years"?
Yup. Never even been ill.
Those people invariably have diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and early heart disease.
You are exactly right.

And in your case, your mind does have the power to prevent infection with the influenza virus, as long as your mind keeps you away from people that are infected with the influenza virus.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: You're a doctor. Of course you're going to deny the power of the mind in wellness. If everyone learned it at an early age, we wouldn't need near as many doctors, potions, pills, procedures, all that rot.
But actually, the way vaccines work is they DO give you the targeted disease -- in a very minor form.

Wrong, but nice try.

All they do is expose you to the proteins associated with the virus.

If you have any ill symptoms, it is only your immune system causing them.

But as for giving you the targeted disease - i.e. cells in your body becoming infected by and containing the genes of and resulting in replication of the virus - nope.
Thank you, I stand corrected and more informed!
the ole saying "you can fool most of us most of the time" evidently is true i wonder how much richer the drug company will get out of (the big flu scare)? they're already saying children will have to get two shots (CHA-CHING).

Children need it twice if it is their first exposure to the flu vaccination.

If you know anything about the human immune system, you will understand.
No. When I get the flu I may be bed ridden for a whole 8 hours, other than that I usually don't even notice it ... why? Because I let myself get sick enough that symptoms are often unnoticeable. I don't even notice colds anymore.

That means that you were infected with a virus, not the influenza virus.

Um ... yeah, whatever, each time I got sick when I was younger the next time had a much lower impact, when I got older I noticed I don't get sick as often or nearly as bad as others who get vaccines all the time. Seriously, your body adapts, that's the awesome part of the immune system, it learns.

You're right. The immune system is amazing.

But, I still doubt that you have had influenza A or B...unless you were tested and it was confirmed.
:lol: You're a doctor. Of course you're going to deny the power of the mind in wellness. If everyone learned it at an early age, we wouldn't need near as many doctors, potions, pills, procedures, all that rot.

On the contrary, I very much believe that the mind has a significant impact on wellness.

Anxious and depressed people oftentimes have far more illnesses than happy people. It's been proven over and over. (A specific example is in post-MI patients - those that are depressed have a significantly higher incidence of repeat heart attack. see: Post-Myocardial Infarction Depression: Structured Abstract)

However, I don't think one can will away an infection, if in fact you become infected.
the ole saying "you can fool most of us most of the time" evidently is true i wonder how much richer the drug company will get out of (the big flu scare)? they're already saying children will have to get two shots (CHA-CHING).

Children need it twice if it is their first exposure to the flu vaccination.

If you know anything about the human immune system, you will understand.

Yet ... that's not what they are telling parents. :eusa_whistle:
That means that you were infected with a virus, not the influenza virus.

Um ... yeah, whatever, each time I got sick when I was younger the next time had a much lower impact, when I got older I noticed I don't get sick as often or nearly as bad as others who get vaccines all the time. Seriously, your body adapts, that's the awesome part of the immune system, it learns.

You're right. The immune system is amazing.

But, I still doubt that you have had influenza A or B...unless you were tested and it was confirmed.

Meh, unless I can't stand the pain I don't go to the doctor, especially for something like a flu or cold, except my regular appointments.
the ole saying "you can fool most of us most of the time" evidently is true i wonder how much richer the drug company will get out of (the big flu scare)? they're already saying children will have to get two shots (CHA-CHING).

Children need it twice if it is their first exposure to the flu vaccination.

If you know anything about the human immune system, you will understand.

Yet ... that's not what they are telling parents. :eusa_whistle:

That's what the ped told my daughter.

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