Flyer reveals Barack Obama headlined socialist event in 1996

come on cons you are either willing to admoitt like Claudia that children bleeding to death with out care is fine with you or you have to admitt we have always and always will pay for others
We tried to warn people of how radical Obama was..

And he is now trying to shove his radical "visions" on us..

he needs to go folks

Why don't you tell us about just one 'Radical' policy that Obama has implemented.

why dont you tell me just one POSITIVE policy that barrack husien obama has implemented

Off the top of my head: the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the ACA, Financial reform, Student Loan reform. Of course, all of those got watered down thanks to the GOP; but the effort is there -- which is more than can be said of the party of NO.
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Obama is a goddamned Marxist!...has been for a while. That is why he will not let us read his college thesis. He is a goddamned Marxist!

The man hides too much of his past to be trusted.

Define Marxism and then give an example that shows Obama is a Marxist.

You idiots make it too easy to make you look like.....well, idiots.

yeah...I get it...

A person is an idiot if they express concern that a man who was elected President LIED to the American People as it pertained to his affiliation with a socialist organization.

And to bring it up now.....during the campaign for his second AND FINAL term is....well....racist!

A second term is a "free ride" for a prersident. Curious why you have no issue voting for a man to his FINAL term who was affiliated with a socialist organization....and dint want any oif us to know about it.
Don't marxists believe that fascism is the sign of a nation going socialist?

Fascism is a form of socialism, it places the means of production under the control of the state. But Fascism is a competing form to Marxism.

He's just following the holy scriptures and prophesies of marxists before him. How does it go "First Brown, Then Red"? Well, for Mussolini it was the opposite...but I'm sure you get my point.

Marxism doesn't work. Even Lenin adopted Fascism.
No, I want you to provide me with a link to what the solutions are. Getting government out of insurance doesn't mean anything in and of itself, what is the next step after that? You want government out of insurance but then your very next idea is tax credits...isn't that putting government right back in? Don't you see how your ideas are half baked at best? Just say you don't know the answer once and for all.

Gov't isn't directly involved with healthcare if it gives you a tax credit for your expenses. It's not forcing me to get insurance or driving up costs.

The solution is getting gov't out of healthcare, there is no part 2 to the solution needed. The more and more gov't gets involved in healthcare (like you admit, with Obamacare) the more costs go up, the more costs go up the more people who can't afford insurance, the less people who afford to buy insurance the worse the insurance market is, and on and on and on.

So your answer is....our system was perfect before Obamacare? Seems to me that's what you're saying.

Actually I'm saying the exact opposite. With or without Obamacare gov't is WAY too involved in healthcare. 50% of healthcare dollars are spent by gov't, that's madness.
and they slip into blind bubble mode.

They cant face that their desired policy would result in children bleeding to death in the street so they just pretend they dont see the facts anymore.
Don't marxists believe that fascism is the sign of a nation going socialist?

Fascism is a form of socialism, it places the means of production under the control of the state. But Fascism is a competing form to Marxism.

He's just following the holy scriptures and prophesies of marxists before him. How does it go "First Brown, Then Red"? Well, for Mussolini it was the opposite...but I'm sure you get my point.

Marxism doesn't work. Even Lenin adopted Fascism.

Uncensored, I agree Fascism is a form of socialism... I was just trying to keep it simple. Fascism in a nation is a stepping stone to it becoming part of the INTERNATIONAL socialist movement is what I should've said.

All commies became fascists, indeed.
If we dont jointly pay for some in society they will go without care.

that is a fact
so refusing to jointly pay for others means you are for children bleeding to death in the street for lack of ability to pay
Only because I have no choice you moron.

If I had that choice I wouldn't pay for anyones anything.

Again. Not my problem. Not my responsibility.

Claudette, do you have insurance now?

Yes I do RD.

I get it through my employer. My costs have gone up quite a bit since Obamacare came on the scene.

When I didn't get it through my employer I bought my own. Couldn't do that now as the price has gone up even more dramatically for those buying their own since Obamcare came on the scene.

I have no interest in paying for someone elses HC costs.

Ok, great. But you know you're paying for everyones healthcare through your insurance right? I mean, if you and I both have insurance and I get very are paying for my healthcare. I mean, costs for a serious illness will quickly outpace how much I (or anyone) has actually paid in to their insurance. So anytime someone gets sick, me, you or anyone else with insurance you are paying for their healthcare. That's how insurance works.
Claudette, do you have insurance now?

Yes I do RD.

I get it through my employer. My costs have gone up quite a bit since Obamacare came on the scene.

When I didn't get it through my employer I bought my own. Couldn't do that now as the price has gone up even more dramatically for those buying their own since Obamcare came on the scene.

I have no interest in paying for someone elses HC costs.

Ok, great. But you know you're paying for everyones healthcare through your insurance right? I mean, if you and I both have insurance and I get very are paying for my healthcare. I mean, costs for a serious illness will quickly outpace how much I (or anyone) has actually paid in to their insurance. So anytime someone gets sick, me, you or anyone else with insurance you are paying for their healthcare. That's how insurance works.


But now we are not only paying for others as you descirbed...but in many cases we will be paying the entire premium.

So, in a way, we are paying for others twice.
Obama is a goddamned Marxist!...has been for a while. That is why he will not let us read his college thesis. He is a goddamned Marxist!

The man hides too much of his past to be trusted.

Define Marxism and then give an example that shows Obama is a Marxist.

You idiots make it too easy to make you look like.....well, idiots.

yeah...I get it...

A person is an idiot if they express concern that a man who was elected President LIED to the American People as it pertained to his affiliation with a socialist organization.

And to bring it up now.....during the campaign for his second AND FINAL term is....well....racist!

A second term is a "free ride" for a prersident. Curious why you have no issue voting for a man to his FINAL term who was affiliated with a socialist organization....and dint want any oif us to know about it.

At least you get it.

Racist too! Good inclusion there.
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

What the Examiner brought up about Todd Palin was interesting, no? Seems many jumped on it at the time. Over and over again, I've said, 'what comes around, goes around.' Now is the go around time for Obama.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Health care in the United States is provided by many separate legal entities. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by the private sector. Health insurance is now primarily provided by the government in the public sector, with 60-65%[citation needed] of healthcare provision and spending coming from programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration.

So we want more gov't involvement in an industry they already run, which is exactly why costs are always going up at the rate they are.
Gov't isn't directly involved with healthcare if it gives you a tax credit for your expenses. It's not forcing me to get insurance or driving up costs.

The solution is getting gov't out of healthcare, there is no part 2 to the solution needed. The more and more gov't gets involved in healthcare (like you admit, with Obamacare) the more costs go up, the more costs go up the more people who can't afford insurance, the less people who afford to buy insurance the worse the insurance market is, and on and on and on.

So your answer is....our system was perfect before Obamacare? Seems to me that's what you're saying.

Actually I'm saying the exact opposite. With or without Obamacare gov't is WAY too involved in healthcare. 50% of healthcare dollars are spent by gov't, that's madness.

So if our system wasn't perfect before, what is the answer? Just spell it out for me. What do we do. Resist the urge to once again let me know what we shouldn't do.

And how much of that 50% that is spent is on seniors and the poor who can't afford the cost of private insurance. Under your plan what happens to those people?
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

What the Examiner brought up about Todd Palin was interesting, no? Seems many jumped on it at the time. Over and over again, I've said, 'what comes around, goes around.' Now is the go around time for Obama.

Who in the MSM has reported on the fact that the Obama campoaign lied when they denied Obamas affiliation with a socialist organization?
Heck...who in the MSM reported on his affiliation, period?

Some "go around time" for Obama.

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