Flyer reveals Barack Obama headlined socialist event in 1996

Yes, makes them pay, fascism or socialism, certainly isn't a pro-liberty or capitalistic stance.

It forces low cost insurance consumers (young people) to pay high insurance costs. Great idea during a recession where college grads can't find work and have student loan bills.

Always the complainer, never one to offer better solutions. I'll keep saying it until you offer a solution. And pretending like you offered something isn't the same as actually offering something.

If you like I can provide you a link to the other thread where I already offered solutions, with links to back them.

Make sure you link to the post where I point out that you advocate the government subsidizing your "solution".
How do you have "Obama" and "deficit reduction" in the same ad?

When you just make shit up with no regard for reality, like bittyboop does, then it easy...

Arggh! All bailout money returned??? If you dont count Fannie and Freddie and GM and Chrysler, then yeah, maybe

Chase, Goldman, BofA all paid back the loans - that's pretty much it.
You can not make it just children either and here is why.

some injuries are so bad you can not tell if the person it s child.

at what age would you allow someone to bleed to death in the street?

Sad that you have such a low opinion of american nurses and doctors. Thinking they're such scumbag people the only way they'll operate on a dying child is if Obama forces them to.

No you fucking asshole its NOT the Drs and nurses who are promoting this idea its you promoting it.

You want them to have to deside if they WILL PAY the cost of the patient out of their own pockets or refuse to treat them.

Hippocratic Oath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't say I want doctors paying out of pocket, the moment you stop lying is the moment you stop breating.
tell us how you all on the right are willing to allow children to bleed to death in the streets?
Sad that you have such a low opinion of american nurses and doctors. Thinking they're such scumbag people the only way they'll operate on a dying child is if Obama forces them to.

No you fucking asshole its NOT the Drs and nurses who are promoting this idea its you promoting it.

You want them to have to deside if they WILL PAY the cost of the patient out of their own pockets or refuse to treat them.

Hippocratic Oath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't say I want doctors paying out of pocket, the moment you stop lying is the moment you stop breating.

Dear Idiot, if they have no means of paying and the drs HAVE to treat them no matter what then who pays for their care?
Always the complainer, never one to offer better solutions. I'll keep saying it until you offer a solution. And pretending like you offered something isn't the same as actually offering something.

If you like I can provide you a link to the other thread where I already offered solutions, with links to back them.

Make sure you link to the post where I point out that you advocate the government subsidizing your "solution".

How many times would you like me to repeat there are other options out there, and that I don't support those options?

I can repeat as many times as you like, my cut and paste function works great!
Fair enough.

Now please list your disagreements with what the article presented.

How dense are you? Honestly? Why do you insist on bringing up points that I have said I don't disagree with? Is there something wrong with you that causes you to refuse to acknowledge what I am talking about and continue to harp on something that I told you I agreed with?

I apologize, I hadn't heard you agree that Obamacare causes healthcare costs to skyrocket.

Right, I said it does very little to contain costs and that's the part I didn't like about the legislation.
answer my question.

who is going to pay for the ambulance?

Why you are of course.

You seem to have no problem picking the tab. As for me. If I could I would pass. I have no interest in paying someone elses medical bills.

You however a seem to think its your duty to assume that burden. Assume away. No one will stop you.

So your version of an advanced, civilized society is one where the poor and struggling should just suffer from their diseases and injuries and the rich can see doctors for the care they need?

Their HC is their problem and their responsibility. Not mine.

However if you and like minded want to assume the burden for them then by all means assume away. No one will stop you.
You are refusing to face what you are backing.

If people can opt out then not everyone is paying.

Who will pay for this child to be treated?
Quitting smoking is a job accompishment?

I quit drinking caffeine last year, that's going right on my resume!!!

If your resume is as full of outright lies as that one, you could put that you created cold fusion.

"Support states rights on Marijuana laws?" Seriously?

{Agents in Oakland raid leader of medical marijuana movement
IRS and DEA officers seize files from Oaksterdam University, a marijuana trade school, and a dispensary run by Richard Lee, who helped put the Prop. 19 legalization measure on the ballot.
April 03, 2012|By Lee Romney, Joe Mozingo and John Hoeffel, Los Angeles Times

OAKLAND — Federal agents struck at the heart of California's medical marijuana movement, raiding the nation's first pot trade school and a popular dispensary, both run by one of the state's most prominent and provocative activists, Richard Lee.}

Agents in Oakland raid leader of medical marijuana movement - Los Angeles Times

You don't HAVE to be a fucking liar to be a democrat - oh wait, yes you do...
Why you are of course.

You seem to have no problem picking the tab. As for me. If I could I would pass. I have no interest in paying someone elses medical bills.

You however a seem to think its your duty to assume that burden. Assume away. No one will stop you.

So your version of an advanced, civilized society is one where the poor and struggling should just suffer from their diseases and injuries and the rich can see doctors for the care they need?

Their HC is their problem and their responsibility. Not mine.

However if you and like minded want to assume the burden for them then by all means assume away. No one will stop you.

You pay for them and always have you idiot
If you like I can provide you a link to the other thread where I already offered solutions, with links to back them.

Make sure you link to the post where I point out that you advocate the government subsidizing your "solution".

How many times would you like me to repeat there are other options out there, and that I don't support those options?

I can repeat as many times as you like, my cut and paste function works great!

Link me to what options you DO want to see implemented that will fix our healthcare mess. I want to hear your ideas or the ideas you like. And remember, I'm asking for solutions, not what you don't like with the current system. I know you had a hard time with this last time, so I figured I'd clarify for you before you get confused again.
No you fucking asshole its NOT the Drs and nurses who are promoting this idea its you promoting it.

You want them to have to deside if they WILL PAY the cost of the patient out of their own pockets or refuse to treat them.

Hippocratic Oath - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't say I want doctors paying out of pocket, the moment you stop lying is the moment you stop breating.

Dear Idiot, if they have no means of paying and the drs HAVE to treat them no matter what then who pays for their care?

Of course, their costs are passed on to other consumers, same as in every industry in capitalism.

If someone steals a shirt from a department store, they have to make the shirt I buy more expensive.
Why you are of course.

You seem to have no problem picking the tab. As for me. If I could I would pass. I have no interest in paying someone elses medical bills.

You however a seem to think its your duty to assume that burden. Assume away. No one will stop you.

So your version of an advanced, civilized society is one where the poor and struggling should just suffer from their diseases and injuries and the rich can see doctors for the care they need?

Their HC is their problem and their responsibility. Not mine.

However if you and like minded want to assume the burden for them then by all means assume away. No one will stop you.

So is that a yes? Do you have insurance?
Make sure you link to the post where I point out that you advocate the government subsidizing your "solution".

How many times would you like me to repeat there are other options out there, and that I don't support those options?

I can repeat as many times as you like, my cut and paste function works great!

Link me to what options you DO want to see implemented that will fix our healthcare mess. I want to hear your ideas or the ideas you like. And remember, I'm asking for solutions, not what you don't like with the current system. I know you had a hard time with this last time, so I figured I'd clarify for you before you get confused again.

So you WOULD like me to provide the link for our last conversation?

The convo where I talked about getting gov't out of insurance, tax credits, etc.
Note they wont touch the fact that they are promoting children bleed to death in the street so they can save money?
I'll give RDD a lot of credit. He's the only Obamacare supporter I've spoken with who's honest about Obamacare skyrocketing insurance costs and that big insurance/big drug/big pharma companies will benefit the most from it.

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