Flynn: "I was aware lying to the FBI is a crime."

Why does Trump hate Cohen but not Flynn?

They both flipped.

Because Flynn doesn't affect Trump.

But Cohen knows where the money went, who paid it, and what they got for it.
If 'you' have done nothing wrong, and someone in Cohen's or Flynn's position agrees to give false testimony against 'you' in order to get leniency, I can understand being mad at that person.

If you knew or did something you know you should not have, and the person in Cohen's and Flynn's position agreed to tell the truth, then - as disappointing as it may be that \'you' did not end up getting away with it - you have nothing to be mad about, no one to be mad at except 'yourself'.

It's called taking responsibility for one's own actions. The ability to do that comes from within, based on the commitment to one's own ethics, morals, conscience, strength of character, and faith. The ability to do that, as we repeatedly see on both sides of the aisle and throughout DC, is extremely rare.

The most immediate examples of that are - and I apologize to the Democrats on the board, but its the biggest public examples in decades - President Bill Clinton publicly stating, "I did not have sex with that women" and President Barak Obama publicly declaring, "The 'Red Line' was not MY 'Red Line' but was the WORLD'S 'Red Line'" after Syrian President Assad called his bluff, I am not picking on Democrats or trying to say only Democrats refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Refusing to do so knows no political boundaries.

When 'at the top' - President / Senator / Congressman, having gotten use to the perks, the money, the benefits, the publicity, the thought of losing it all because the public finds out you did something massively wrong or because of your fear that your opponents will spin the 'small' something into a huge thing causes people to lie / deny / justify...anything but be honest, come clean, and own it.

To make matters worse, the public display of this happening AND the person's pals / political party protecting them from accountability does not happen in a vacuum - it is seen nationally...sending / teaching / reinforcing the message to everyone, especially our kids, that THIS is how you handle things - not holding people accountable but 'Lie/deny/justify/ instead of ending such practices we teach and facilitate the spread of non-accountability.
For the hell this man has been thru, it wouldn't be surprising if Flynn admitted to being Dr. Mengele AND kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.
Destroying someone's life via the Judicial system is a different version of 'The Politics of Personal Destruction'.

Brett Kavanaugh was 'Herman Cain'ed - the Democrats sought to completely destroy him, his reputation, his life's work, his ability to ever get a job again, his wife, his children, his marriage, and his family ... publicly...outside of the Judicial Courtroom but instead in the 'Court Of Public Opinion'...because of political ideology, intolerance, and hate.

If an average American - or even a Famous General - is targeted by the 'right powerful people' and the full weight of the judicial power of the US govt is brought to bear on them they have no chance at all.

Guilt or innocence aside, look at what has happened in General Flynn's case...Evidence (Testimony / IG Report / etc...) shows:
- Flynn was 'ambushed' with an interview and his rights (the rights all American citizen have) were violated. He was told the 'chat' he was having was unofficial (a lie), was told he did not need a lawyer (a lie and violation of his Miranda Rights), was not read his Miranda Rights (warned that if he wanted a lawyer he could have one, that if he did the interview stops right then, and that anything he said could be used against him later)
- He was illegally spied upon.
- Based on the IG Report, the FBI had altered witness testimony after it was given, through it is not know if they did that to Flynn's testimony (doubtful).
- A 'Perjury Trap' was used / could be used.

As Mueller's past shows, unethical / immoral / criminal; prosecutors can even send innocent American citizens to jail by withholding or manufacturing evidence.

Once you are under siege from such an 'assault' by a 'legal juggernaut' like this, you lose EVERYTHING. Even if Flynn was completely innocent, he is financially ruined - broke, his family is in financial collapse - and most people can't afford the type of legal defense I am sure Flynn has. If they could afford it, I am sure at some point when they run out of money and the defense team packs up to leave you on your own, what do you do - as an average American.

EVEN IF COMPLETELY INNOCENT, if you piss off the wrong people, especially a prosecutor who has demonstrated a willingness to violate ethics and send innocent people to jail, even if you walk out of court a 'free man / woman', 'THEY' still WIN because you / your life is ruined.

Politics aside, this whole thing has exposed how the judicial system can be 'weaponized' against anyone, any American citizen.

** Consider what we have learned about the US government (Not any 1 political party) in the last decade or so:

The United States Government used the Internal Revenue Service to illegally target American Citizens - based on their personal political ideology and legal affiliation with certain legal groups - who legally opposed the election of a President and denied them of certain rights / benefits.

The United States Government illegally spied upon US citizens - collecting and storing information, illegally spied upon reporters, specific media groups / organizations, on United States Senators, and even USSC Justices...

...and now evidence has exposed that multiple agencies / agency directors / Cabinet members collaborated in attempting to sway the outcome of a US election.

Screw George Orwell - we are past that...and if that doesn't concern everyone it should! What can be done to one, what is allowed to be done to one, can be done to all.

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